Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 1295: Start self-destructing uaie.

The Star Warship is quite huge, with strong protection, which is impossible for ordinary starships to have. Its shell has the thickest titanium alloy shell in addition to the huge ice shield.

In the hands of Mr. Alpha at the time, this was to find the planet that was originally the core of the titanium alloy, and then create a volcanic eruption, erupting the hot titanium alloy magma inside, flowing to the surface of the planet, and finally creating a most rugged In this process, the surface of the entire planet will be completely transformed into a world of hell. The hot magma will melt everything and any life will disappear.

When finally formed, the mouths of the volcanic eruptions have become a channel for internal and external communication, which is just a multi-purpose.

As for whether the current Star Wars of the Large Magellanic Cloud Nebula is built in this way, then I do n’t know. In short, their channel is similar to a huge crater.

The volcano is very large, and the mouth is flush with the surface of the ice shield. Then, above the mouth, there is a huge hatch, which is hundreds of meters thick. It needs special hydraulic equipment inside to put This hatch covers up, and if foreign enemies invade, just opening this hatch requires a lot of power.

Now, under the influence of the virus, the system control of the Star Wars is obtained, and then the hatch is opened by itself.

The hatch slowly rises and rises, and when the entire hatch is lifted up, below is a huge elevator.

If there are armed forces underneath at this time, you can wait under the passage and wait for the final battle.

Although the strength of the attack above is strong, but because the passageway is narrow, it is impossible to go down for more people at one time. Therefore, this fueling tactic can only be used, just like the ancient attack on the enemy city, although it is surrounded There are a lot of troops, but you ca n’t go to the city walls. You can only build a cloud ladder and step on the ladder. In this way, the advantages of crowding will not be shown. The ladder can only be used one by one. All the people waiting were killed with a knife, and the gun was stabbed to death.

It is the same now. This passage is like a ladder used for ancient siege. It is a one-off, not many people can go down, even mech units, under the attack of the autobots inside the opposing star battleship, it is estimated that it is not Will survive, it will be a tug of war with huge casualties.

But now, it's different, because almost everyone below is dead.

Under the attack of infrasonic weapons, no life can survive, as for vacuuming? As long as you see the air that quickly escaped to the outside when the cabin door was opened, because you lost the protection of the force field, you know that there is no vacuum at all.

Therefore, the following is already a Shura hell, for them, now is the best time.

"I'll come first!" A large Abrams mech, first rushed up, did not take up the space of the elevator, but jumped directly, as a flying mech, there is this This kind of advantage, they also have to use this advantage to provide cover for their troops. After all, what is the following situation, I do n’t know, it is still dangerous to go first.

The angel wings on the back unfolded, and the mech drove in, and the others accelerated their speed and jumped into the large elevator. Then, the first batch of vanguards rushed in.

When they went down, they only saw the corpses everywhere, and saw the terrible sight. As a determined warrior, they had ignored them for a long time. If they occupied the galaxy, the life of the galaxy would also be treated like this. Even worse, death will be even worse. War is just such a cruel and ruthless. Kulu Literature.ku6 When the hatch was opened, there was a dull sound, the airflow began to leak out, and the other party is now well aware of the Star Wars, so the cabin door that comes down is the same as the bridge On the lower deck, the thief captures the king first. They must first control the bridge of the Star Warship, and then they can operate this Star Warship to fight.

A large mecha first flew in. After coming in, he did not immediately choose to charge, but stopped and waited for the subsequent mecha to enter until the first batch of mechas jumped from the elevator. After coming down, this Abrams mech left the original position and rushed towards the bridge.

Grim saw the mech rushing in, he felt the vibration of the ground, he watched the huge mechs jumping forward on the ground, saw the mechs flying in the sky, and came rapidly, this moment The afterglow of death appeared before his eyes.

His hands were trembling. Although the life support system of the space suit was still working, he could not feel the warmth, but he felt cold all over. His Star Warship was over.

What should I do next?


The commanders of every Star Warship are almost out of the **** sea of ​​corpses. At the same time, these commanders also cherish their lives even more. Therefore, when they are unable to fight the enemy, it is not shameful to surrender.

Grimm's heart is hesitating, do you want to surrender? At this time, a line of words suddenly appeared on his retina.

Destroy the bridge and manually detonate it!

Super battleships such as Star Warships are generally destroyed by the enemy during combat, but they are rarely captured by the enemy. After all, the cost of captives far exceeds the cost of destroying each other. For higher civilizations, it is not Will cherish these Star Warships.

Only civilizations like the Milky Way will rack their brains and want to capture these warships for their own use.

In any case, in order to prevent the Star Wars ship from falling into the hands of the enemy, or to prevent the Star Wars ship captain from rebelling, there is a self-destruction procedure on the Star Wars ship.

The final order Marshal Lan gave was to destroy the Star Wars!

If you do n’t do it anymore, the enemy will get the Star Wars, and he will turn the muzzle and fire at himself. Now, he must destroy it as soon as possible!

Destroy the starship? Grimm's hand trembled tremblingly to find the self-destructive mechanism. Originally there was an automatic program, but under the destruction of the virus, all the programs failed and could only be controlled manually.

At this time, his heart was still fiercely fighting with the heaven and earth. As a soldier's glory, he wanted to destroy the Star Warship and avoid being obtained by the other party. hesitate.


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