Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 1270: Qingjun side uaie.

"Master Uncle, what is this? The empire is not Qin Tian's. Let's not watch him come." After leaving the Chaotang, he returned to his residence, Uncle Cao's ear, already Someone spoke.

Empire Environment Minister Robert, he also came from the local star. Later, he got an errand here, and it seems to be very tall. It is an important empire of the Empire, but is the Environment Minister? Who cares about the environment in the current empire?

That's right, on Blue Star, environmental protection is doing quite well, but that is because of the early protection of the empire, and because it is the planet where Qin Tian is.

Up to now, the empire is preparing for the final war. If this war fails, the entire empire will be occupied by the enemy and the entire galaxy will be enslaved. At this time, the empire will care about the environment?

Take a look at the slow fog areas. This is the biggest damage to the galaxy environment. Robert thought of this, he felt out of breath.

Do you need to be so cruel?

"Especially, looking at Qin Tian ’s actions today, he did not put His Majesty in his eyes at all. Later, His Majesty did not say a word, and he did not turn to His Majesty to speak at all. He simply despised the authority of the Emperor! Robert continued: "Sir Uncle, this empire belongs to the Cagurilla family, not his Qin family. In doing so, he clearly wants to usurp!"

At this time, Uncle Cao's heart was quite contradictory. To say that Qin Tian wanted to usurp the throne, it was actually a bit overdone. After all, the empire has been almost entirely supported by Qin Tian in these years. He will only be in crisis. Suddenly shot to save the empire, but today, Qin Tian has done too much.

Ming Ming and others have agreed, Qin Tian still does not stop, until the end, detonated so much, now, the entire colony of the arm is shrouded in slow fog!

"Yes, Master Uncle, I have a way." Charles, the propaganda minister on the other side, continued to speak to Uncle Cao.

Charles, who was promoted by His Majesty the Deep Sea, is not Qin Tian ’s heir, but, looking at his official position, the Minister of Propaganda, what can he do? Therefore, after the arrival of Uncle Cao, Charles immediately turned to Uncle Cao. Anyway, he was not Qin Tian's heir. Only Uncle Cao could asylum them.

Now, his face is also full of anger: "Our three thousand second gap arm colony has fallen into the slow fog, where it is experiencing a great disturbance, we have to let us through various channels. The people, knowing this riot and knowing this culprit, is Qin Tian! In this way, Qin Tian can be scolded by thousands of people, and Qin Tian can be allowed to leave the power center in the condemnation of everyone. Your majesty, we are on the side of Qingjun! "

Clenching his teeth, Charles finally said this.

Who are all around your majesty? Qin Tian thought that he was very patient. He was simply overwhelming power and lawlessness. Without the consent of His Majesty, he directly destroyed a spiral arm. He was demonstrating to His Majesty.

Now, the authority of His Majesty has been greatly challenged. Therefore, we must help His Majesty to get rid of this situation, and we must clean up these power ministers around His Majesty!

When he heard Charles say this, Robert felt the shaking of his body. That was Qin Tian, ​​a famous general in the empire. As long as he knew the glorious battle of Qin Tian, ​​who would dare to challenge Qin Tian?

Charles wanted to bring down Qin Tian. If it didn't, Qin Tian didn't fall. They couldn't even get out of the gate.

Robert just thought about giving Qin Tian trouble, but he hadn't thought about Qingjun side, and he would be an enemy to Qin Tian. Thinking about it was enough to make him tremble.

However, Charles did not care, he continued: "Our Majesty the Deep Sea, was also the deputy commander of the Imperial Fleet, commanding the entire fleet, all calm, now it has become a vase in the greenhouse."

After he finished speaking, he felt wrong, and quickly patted his mouth: "Look at my stinky mouth, what is said. But today, everyone also sees, our majesty, there is no power, the power of the empire We are all in Qin Tian, ​​we must help His Majesty! "

He said, looking at the faces of the people, and finally, seeing their hearts moving, he continued: "And, we do n’t have to show up, we only push in secret, we let everyone in the entire empire know that we have entered the slow fog zone How terrible, and all this is caused by Qin Tian, ​​then everyone will oppose Qin Tian! "

"And that Qin Tian, ​​no matter how powerful he is, as long as everyone opposes him, he can't survive in this empire." Speaking of which, Charles's face had a sinister smile: "So, Your Majesty. You can really master the power, everyone, we are helping your majesty, we are fighting to protect the royal family of Kagolila! "

None of these were the ones that ultimately moved these people, Charles continued: "And, we don't have to show up now, we can just push in secret."

Without coming forward, where does Qin Tian know who did it? In short, there are reports everywhere, condemnations everywhere, that Qin Tian could not find them at all.

Putting yourself aside from things is the best. When Charles said this, the others finally agreed, even Uncle Cao swallowed a spit, thinking that in the court, Qin Tian covered the sky with one hand, and His Majesty except Wei Nuo promised that there were hardly any objections.

Qin Tian, ​​this is to threaten the emperor to order the princes. Although he did not personally be an emperor, he is almost the same as usurping power and seizing power, so he should help the deep sea stand firm.

"Okay, let's start now." Uncle Cao said.

Soon, the situation in the slow fog area was revealed.

In the world of slow fog, the speed of light decreases, and various advanced communication equipment cannot work properly. However, the empire has studied many technologies at low speeds of light over the years. In the colonial capital of the 3,000 second gap arm, it still passed these The device, the related video is transmitted.

That is a world full of death.

The frightened crowd was running around, all kinds of equipment stopped, some people were mining under the mine for thousands of kilometers, they were trapped and could not come up, some people were driving the transport plane, and as a result, the transport plane fell without warning, in the city All kinds of facilities are paralyzed, and people are helpless and panicked in the desperate eyes.

Just like the end of the world.

Suddenly, these videos spread on the Internet and spread throughout the galaxy.


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