Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 1261: The territory cannot be divided.

The Fibre Empire, which once occupied half of the galaxy, was negotiated by the other party to ask for half of the galaxy's territory. Can this be promised to them?

Of course not!

Qin Tian looked at the holographic projection opposite, the tone was cold: "Do you want half of our land?"

"Compared to destroying you completely, this is already a very reasonable plan. Anyway, those territories were originally not yours." Sisyphus said that in his eyes, this negotiation was already fair.

Of course, when negotiating, the lion must first speak up, and then slowly bargain. Anyway, it is to delay the time. Now say so, then the other party is angry and rebutted, and the time can be delayed.

This is Sisyphus's idea.

Qin Tian glanced at each other with a firm tone of voice: "This point, without our majesty, I can answer you, want our country, no way!"

Although His Majesty is by his side, Qin Tian knows that this kind of thing does not need to report to His Majesty at all, and he can make his own decision.

"Our territories are all our warriors, obtained with our own blood and life." Qin Tian said: "We have paid a lot of sacrifices to achieve the unity of the entire galaxy. You come and ask us directly Half of the country, even if I agreed, our entire galaxy will not agree! There is no possibility of negotiations on the territory, if so, then please go back. "

Qin Tian said there was a sound of throwing the ground, but it made the other party stunned.

I ’m asking for half. You can bargain. Half ca n’t. It ’s always OK to give a colony, right? Who would have thought that the other party had refused directly and wanted territory, that was absolutely impossible! There is no need to talk about territorial issues!

He just wanted to delay the time, talk about it, feel too much, and give it less. Who would have thought that if the other party stopped talking, he would just lift the table, which made Sisyphus speechless, His face couldn't help but become serious.

"If you disagree, there will be only one dead end. When our fleet arrives, all the civilized worlds on all your planets will be destroyed. You have to think about it!"

When Sisyphus said this, his tone was already cold. I don't know what life or death is. Give it a shameless face. Then just use the threat of war.

"Come on, we've been ready for a long time!" Qin Tian turned to the other party and didn't lose the opponent at all, even if his own side now faced an absolute disadvantage, even if the other party had a strong fleet, Qin Tian still threw a loud voice. Of: "We will not cede our land, even if all of us are honorably sacrificed for it, we will not use our land in exchange for short-term peace, without freedom, or death, we will never give up, We want to keep our country intact, and let no one rule us above our heads and give us orders! "

Qin Tian's attitude was firm. When the opponent's powerful fleet was approaching the city, there was still no concession, which embarrassed Sisyphus: "So, what do you plan to do?"

"Please ask your fleet to leave the galaxy immediately!" Qin Tian said: "In this way, you can avoid the destruction of your own fleet, and in the future, do not want to covet our galaxy!"

"Haha, hahaha." Sisyphus couldn't help laughing when he heard Qin Tian's words: "Only you, you bugs? You really don't know what to do, you don't know life or death, our fleet will be in a day or two, Come to your galaxy, and wait for the moment when our fleet arrives, when all of you are destroyed, you are called Qin Tian, ​​right? Yes, in the first few times, you turned the tide, but this time, you cannot save In the galaxy, your toughness can only destroy the entire galaxy. "

"Okay, then you come here." Qin Tian said: "You come here, let's see if you can grow up in our galaxy! If you are fully sure, how will you come? Are we negotiating? You must have come directly! "

Qin Tiansi did not give in. In the entire hall, many people's hearts were up and down. The other party was too strong, and his own side could not deal with it. And General Qin Tian ’s card was to let the entire galaxy enter a slow speed of light. In this world, Qin Tian negotiates with the other party in an aggressive manner. Although he is very weak, he does not lose to the other party.

Moreover, it is now a prelude to the collapse of talks, if you are fully sure, will you still negotiate? You are afraid when you make it clear!

"You are afraid." Qin Tian said: "You are afraid of our slow fog world, and we are afraid that we will turn the whole place into a world of slow light speed, so you want to negotiate with us, please tell your command Officer, we would rather destroy this world than leave it to you! Well, now, you can go, and we have to continue our plan. "

Sisyphus's face was extremely ugly. These bugs were really difficult to deal with. The other party's attitude was firm. He rushed him several times, clearly not wanting to give him time. As long as the negotiation was over, the other party should detonate those slow fog The bomb is gone, and then it is useless to them!

"Hello, your attitude is quite dissatisfying to me." Sisyphus said: "We are negotiating, we take a step back, can we? We don't want you half of the galaxy, we just have a spiral arm, this is always OK. Right? We have enough resources for a spiral arm. "

Did the other party regress? The ministers who had just been uneasy in their hearts were stunned at this time. The other party was fierce, asking for half of the galaxy, and even some people were thinking, just give him the calculation. Anyway, that half was not ours.

This kind of thinking is of course irresponsible. The Milky Way is destined to be unified. If you give the other half first, and wait until the other side has a firm foothold, then your own half will definitely be the other side. Half of the country will not last long. of.

Now, the other party has stepped back, from half the galaxy, into a spiral arm, and it has shrunk a lot at once, is this always okay?

Forget it to them, just a swing arm.

"I think you still haven't understood what I said." Qin Tian said: "There is no possibility of negotiation on the issue of territory. We will not cede our territory to you. Are you listening? If your IQ is not enough, please talk to another person! "


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