Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 1251: Temporarily postponed

In the past, Qin Tian and Princess Jingxi and others were able to do whatever they wanted in battle, just because they no longer have to play in person, just use avatars.

When using avatars, they do n’t have to worry about this, they are behind, they are quite safe, and even if they go into the unknown parallel spacetime, they have been tested and there will be no accidents. Still able to maintain this remote control.

Now, if you want to form a quantum ghost army, why not use this method? Create a avatar. By creating a avatar, you can reduce the problems you are facing now. Isn't anyone thinking of such a simple reason?

However, after Qin Hai finished speaking, all the people present were silent, so Qin Hai couldn't help but looked at Qin Tian and wanted to hear what was going on.

Qin Tian had a bitter smile on his face: "First of all, there is the problem of resources."

If you can use all avatars, of course, it is appropriate, but it is very different to build an avatar for a few people, and create an army with hundreds or thousands of avatars. Such an avatar, It takes a lot of resources, enough to bring down the entire empire.

After all, the empire is now concentrating all its forces to build Star Warships. The construction of those Star Warships is now at its most critical time, and it is absolutely impossible to give up halfway, so that the resources that can be allocated to the ghost fleet are very few Yes, it can be said that everyone used to become a quantum ghost in the past, and they did not consume much resources. However, if they all use avatars, it would be massive.

So, can several of your own commanders use avatars to allow a large number of grassroots fighters to use themselves?

In theory, this is of course no problem, but this will lead to more complicated moral issues.

This is even quite mean. He took his subordinates to death. As a result, he used an undead body. What would his subordinates think?

The avatar cannot be controlled forever. You have to rest here and you ca n’t sleep. Moreover, it ’s a quantum ghost, you ca n’t come and go without a trace, even if it ’s the shielded room here, there is no obstruction for the quantum ghost. Yes, if they came in and saw that the avatars were being manipulated, the whole army would be rebelled.

Therefore, either use all avatars or use real bodies, otherwise, there will definitely be a mess.

Besides, even if the resources are sufficient, using all avatars will cause problems. I do n’t know when this avatar will give birth to its own ideas. In case it is found to be controlled, how to solve it?

Some of these are moral issues, some are resource issues, and some are precautionary concerns. In short, this method is undesirable at all, and it will cause trouble.

If it is possible, then there is no need for such disputes.

Qin Hai heard Qin Tian ’s words, and the expression on his face gradually became more serious. Originally, he felt that these people could not have thought of using a stand-in to control. It must be because there are other problems. Now, this problem is already in place. In front of everyone.

It is impossible to use all avatars. At this time, it is necessary to use a real sword. At the same time, there are actually other concerns. Qin Tian did n’t say it, just like using vacuum energy to open the Pandora ’s box. In order to kill a method, Qin Tian almost let Qin Tian I have exhausted all my strength. Now, if a ghost fleet is created, then if the loyalty of this fleet is in trouble, there may be endless troubles. This fleet may even replace the rule of the empire. Control the entire galaxy.

If you think about it from this angle, the most suitable person to control this fleet is actually His Majesty. Only His Majesty himself controls this most powerful fleet.

When thinking of this aspect, Qin Hai frowned again. Your majesty, you must not take this risk. After all, after quantization, some people may disappear forever.

Qin Hai asked questions and Qin Tian replied. After the answers, there was a brief cold scene on the scene, and everyone began to have their own thoughts.

They have this ability, but how to use it is the most difficult choice.

Qin Hai is hesitating, everyone is hesitating, and finally, Qin Tian finally said: "Now, it is not the worst time, we still select the most loyal soldiers and organize candidates for this fleet, but, really The candidates for the commander and the quantization of macroatoms for them, let ’s talk about it next. "

The matter is too important. This first negotiation is doomed to have no results. Everyone wants to fight forward and sacrifice everything for the sake of the empire. However, choosing whom is a problem.

As for avatars, it is acceptable to use avatars in a small area, but if it is used on a large area, it is impossible. Unfortunately, this was originally the most appropriate way.

Therefore, Qin Tian finally made a final decision. Pick the manpower first, and the rest, and then talk about it, maybe, the situation will not be so bad?

After all, there is no news of any enemy attack yet. At this time, I was terrified, and I came up with a large army of quantum ghosts. It was still early. If the enemy attack did not come, this army appeared. What happened to the accident?

Therefore, now Qin Tian can only make this choice. I will delay it for a while and wait for a while.

In fact, although according to the hunch, this kind of thing will eventually happen, it really seems a bit hasty to organize such an army at that time, but now, if we immediately start to form such a corps, we can't determine the candidate.

Qin Tian glanced at Princess Jingxi, and Princess Jingxi nodded: "So then, we continue to focus on the construction of the starship. At the same time, the most loyal warriors selected by Anna also introduce some quantum to them. The ghost thing, we, wait for a while to talk about it. "

Qin Hai looked at Qin Tian, ​​then looked at Pete again, and said, "Captain Pete, I want to talk to you separately to discuss the training of the Star Wars."

Both are captains of Star Warships, so it is normal to exchange these in private.

Pete glanced at him and nodded.



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