Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 1229: Asymmetric battle

"Damn, how did he do it?"

At this time, the first wave of attacks was over. One interception stopped almost all of the carrier-based aircraft. However, who could have imagined that there was a fighter that escaped from the killing interception .

This is simply unbelievable. This low-level attack can actually pass through your own interception?

Leonidas's face was shocked. After all, this thing is too incredible. This low-level attack has not appeared in the Large Magellanic Cloud for hundreds of years. As far as starships are concerned, this kind of attack has no lethality. Of course, this kind of technology is retained, and it is not only for intercepting those flying aircraft, but also for star warships. At that time, once faced with a large number of meteorite flying, they had to adopt a way to open the way.

The mass of the Star Wars is too large, so when flying into the meteorite area, there will be a large number of meteorites flying towards it under the action of gravity, in this case, it can only open a way to move nearby The meteorite all evaporated.

Of course, this is only available for Class B starships. C-class starships like Hades do not have this ability. This is also their unique defense method, but I did not expect this kind of airtightness in my own side. In his defense, he was actually breached by the opponent.

However, a small carrier-based aircraft, really because of a powerful attack? Don't joke, if your own Star Wars can be hit hard by a carrier-based aircraft, it's too easy to fight.

There is no possibility at all. Even if they only rely on the ice shield, they can block the bomb that the other party is still coming over. In their hands, only the anti-matter bomb is something. It doesn't matter at all.

However, during the battle, Poseidon will never underestimate his opponent. Anyone who despise his opponent's behavior may pay a painful price. Therefore, although Poseidon disagreed, he said to Leonidas: " Activate force field protection. "

Use a strong force field to build an airtight protective system around it, which is equivalent to the protective shield on the battleship, but it covers a larger area and the performance is more powerful. Now, when it is found that the other party has passed through Immediately after protection, he gave orders to increase protection.

Almost at the same time, a violent attack began on the opposite starship.

Fifty battleship starships, all long-range firepower, firing together, laser gun, ion gun, electromagnetic gun, carrying interplanetary torpedoes, in short, it is completely in a state of stunned when it came up, and found the other party annihilated After the first batch of carrier-based aircraft that rushed past, the starship unit here, without any hesitation, immediately put out the biggest battle.

They knew that they did n’t have much time, and maybe they would be easily destroyed by the opponent ’s beam cannon at the next moment. After all, their pursuit of a squadron was completely destroyed under the opponent ’s Star Warship. For the purpose of history, they have no other choice, and they have no retreat, because behind them is their capital.

"These **** bugs are really abominable." Poseidon said.

If you want to stay and deal with these starships, it is naturally very easy, but this is different from Poseidon ’s strategy, playing snakes and hitting seven inches, catching thieves and catching the king first, they come here, the only threat to them is that That Galaxy, therefore, the flagship of the Three Fleet came to be eliminated, that is, the Galaxy, did not want to waste time here, even if it was only a few minutes.

They had to rush to deal with the Galaxy, and these rumors rushed up instead, as if a tank was in a charge, and then a group of cavalrymen began to shoot arrows at the tank with arrows.

"Don't ignore them, we rushed over." Poseidon said. Innumerable laser beams were shot at the Star Wars, countless ion beams, impacted up, and the projectiles of the electromagnetic guns followed, and came over ping-pong, but there was no Hitting the ice shield of the Star Wars, on the periphery of the ice shield, it was like something hit, and then was rebounded.

During these blows, Arslan continued to move forward. At this time, he was ready to throw anti-matter bombs, but he was stunned again.

Outside the opponent, there is a dense force field shield? I can't get through anything! It's like tickling the other party, it's useless!

So, what if you drop an antimatter bomb yourself?

Definitely the same result! Arslan knows that if it is thrown over, the bomb will be ejected. Even if it exploded at the time, it will not cause any damage to the other party!

This kind of attack is often desperate. The civilized world of advanced technology wants to slaughter a civilized world of backward technology. It is almost a matter of moving your fingers.

How to do?

Arslan turned his head and glanced towards the rear. At this time, the beam of the first wave of the other party's attack had just disappeared, and he came with him. There are only about 500 pilots of 5,000 fighters. Currently, there are only left. He is the next one!

Revenge for them!

At this moment, Arslan made a choice. He adjusted his posture, drove the engine to its maximum speed, and bravely hit the other's Star Warship!

At this time, the Star Wars also began to accelerate, it did not intend to entangle here, intending to rush directly into the strong protection, and then kill the Galaxy, and now, just like moths fighting fire, an ordinary galaxy Ami Ni Ni's carrier-based aircraft pilot, operating his fighter plane, made the final decisive attack.

At this moment, General Qin Tian's figure came to Alslan's mind again. If General Qin Tian was here, he would certainly do the same, he would definitely do it! General Qin Tian is such a person!

In battle, one cannot spare one's own life. Victory is exchanged for the blood of countless people!

If this starship is not killed, then the entire civilized world of the galaxy will be destroyed! So, now you have no choice!

"What is he going to do? Are these bugs all such mentally handicapped?" This carrier-based aircraft passed through the beam cone they must kill, and the commander inside had paid attention to it. Now, he found that the other party did not lose The bomb went away, but instead he swooped in, and Poseidon frowned.

The bugs have brought Poseidon's shock again and again, and now he has a problem.



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