Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 1190: bluff

The development of technology is definitely not achieved overnight. In many cases, it is accumulating slowly and accumulating, and after accumulating to a certain degree, it will achieve a breakthrough.

See if they are the same, from the starship outside, to the current Star Wars, it has been used for a thousand years! It took so long to finally figure out the true meaning of the universe. Of course, it also carries a lot of luck. However, the progress of civilization also faces other problems, such as damage to the environment. They did not transition to a cosmic civilization, so the Large Magellanic Cloud is still a suitable galaxy for survival, and they do not need to take risks to find a new world.

Yes, they are still at risk. Even for a civilization of their level, they may encounter a stronger civilization. As for what this civilization is, they do n’t know for themselves. The universe is very big. Anything can happen, maybe someone can destroy a galaxy directly.

Taking back my thoughts, at least from the current point of view, it is impossible for the other party's Star Warship to achieve a breakthrough in the past few years.

"Well, they are really bluffing. They are trying their best to promote the power of this Star Warship, and they are trying to fool their people, but now, they must be very anxious inside. Now, let us look at their Capital city. "

Observing the particles leaving the moon and heading towards the blue star, it was a very beautiful planet. From the space, I saw the blue world, and Hades ’s eyes had a special expression: "Well, there is such a thing The beautiful world, it seems, I must destroy it. "

Anything beautiful will cause Hades to be jealous, and he wants to destroy everything here.

Now, in Hades's eyes, there is a murderous.

Observing the particles, the blue planet grew larger and larger, eventually occupying the entire field of view, and then entered the atmosphere. When the image became clear again, it had entered the other party's palace.

Although it was the first time in the past, it was easy to find the location of the palace. The architectural style there was too unique, and there were not many human gathering areas on the planet. As long as you sweep over, you will naturally know.

At this time, in the royal palace, there really was a group of people gathering. The man in the gorgeous dress sitting on it must be His Majesty the Empire. Well, it looks very young. This country is very strange. How is such a young person? Is it the emperor's position to rebel by seizing power?

No matter, listen to what they are saying.

"Your Majesty, according to our speculation, the enemy may have arrived in recent months." A minister said: "But now, our Star Wars can't start at all."

"That's right, we conducted three more experiments last time, but the engine never started. We suspect that the so-called vacuum energy is simply nonsense."

"Yes, those of the Imperial Academy of Sciences are just sensational. We are now too late to switch to our antimatter engine."

"Although we now announce to the outside world that this starship has been successfully developed, it seems that it is still far away. If we don't have this type of warship, we can't confront the enemy at all."

it is as expected!

Listening to these people, you speak, I speak in a word, Hades understands that the last battle against the fleet, or let the other party send back the message, but that is useless, so that only the other party can be scared. Spend the last few years among them.

If you do n’t know anything, all of a sudden the disaster will come, and a more powerful civilization will come over and take them all here, even if it is, and now, they know and work hard, but, in the end, it ’s not helpful at all. At that time, these guys must be very desperate in their hearts?

Hades looked at these people's expressions, somewhat pleasing.

These are also consistent with their observations. They saw that the Star Wars ship was continuously announced to the outside world, showing their strength. In fact, it was basically a semi-finished product.

Vacuum engines are not so easy, especially when starting, and require quite sophisticated technology when starting.

However, they are fortunate that they did not start successfully. If the start is successful, the changes in the surrounding space may cause their Blue Star to be crushed directly.

These idiots, understand nothing, just a bunch of bugs!

"Your Majesty, Wei Chen is courageous, please ask His Majesty to retreat immediately." At this moment, someone shouted suddenly.

what? Are they going to retreat? These people are really fun. They want to run. Where do they want to go?

The entire galaxy will become its own. They can only leave the galaxy. However, the nearest Large Magellanic Cloud is originally its own base. If they go there, they will only be more desperate.

"Retreat?" His majesty looked bleak: "Impossible, the universe is huge, and there is no place for us. We simply have no way to retreat. If the other party really comes, then I will lead the main fleet. And fight against each other, even if the final fleet is completely annihilated, I have no complaints! The God of the Galaxy will bless his people. "

When he heard this, Hades almost laughed. This emperor, too, is too stiff?

If it is to exchange positions, Hades estimates that this is the only way to escape. Although the entire galaxy will be occupied, after all, there are still a few galaxies that cannot be taken care of, even after entering the starship civilization, then after all Can live too.

Now that they already know that their starship is in front of their star battleship, they don't have any combat power, but they can still call out to fight against death, without complaint or regret?

He wanted to die vigorously, but unfortunately, is it useful? A group of bugs is not worthy of pity.

"It seems that they have no possibility of any counterattack, but we still have to make preparations first, find a place that can replenish the water source, and add the ice shield, we will go directly to the challenge." Hades Finally rest assured.

"Captain, shall we find those people to screen?" Borne said to Hades.

Although they saw it, they did not know these people. They still brought in the rebels of Yakov and asked them to look at these people, identify them, and check the truth of the information.

As an intelligence officer, Borne is very competent.



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