Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 1186: tour group

"Uncle, why are you here?" When Your Majesty received the news, Uncle Cao had already boarded the spaceship, passed through several wormholes, and reached their galaxy.

Faced with this news, His Majesty the Deep Sea was naturally crying and laughing, did not expect that his uncle actually came over in person?

"Yeah, I heard that our empire has built the latest starship. I'm very curious. Come and see." Uncle Cao said: "You won't let your uncle return without success?"

His Majesty the Deep Sea shook his head: "Of course not, since Uncle wants to see it, then come. Do you come to Blue Star first?"

"No, I'll go to the moon first. Well, our empire finally has advanced warships." Uncle Cao said with exclamation.

When the communication was closed, he looked back, and heard that he was coming, these women, they actually followed, and, without saying hello in advance, they secretly got on his spaceship and waited until the spacecraft took off before running Out, so Uncle Cao had no other choice but to let these people follow him.

In this way, the spaceship became lively. It was enough to have a look at it by yourself. Now, it has become a tourist group, or a large group of women!

Now, these women are constantly expressing their views.

"This, this can also live? Look at this space, how many stars are there?"

"That is, as expected, the colony is the most desolate."

The further toward the center of the Milky Way, the denser the stars. This colony is located on the periphery of the Milky Way. The number of stars is scarce. You can even see the main body of the Milky Way in the distance, as if a bright band, standing in the distance In the middle, it is like a river.

Here, it is too desolate.

They have always been the group of people who will enjoy the most. Now following Uncle Cao, it is natural to talk about it. Hearing these people, Uncle Cao is also helpless. How can you treat a group of women? Can't fight, can't scold, and say a few heavy things, that's crying.

"Okay, don't be noisy, if you want to be noisy, then I won't take you in." Cao Guojiu said, nothing else works, only this one is good.

Sure enough, no one was talking behind.

When Cao Guoji's spacecraft gradually approached the moon, there were already **** fighters around. Several fighters protected the spacecraft and slowly landed on the moon base.

"Everyone is wearing an extravehicular spacesuit." Cao Guojiu said: "Hey, what are you doing? Don't wear makeup, powder will affect the respiratory system inside the helmet, do you want to be suffocated?"

These people!

Uncle Cao looked at these women helplessly, and waited until everyone was well-dressed and walked away. At this moment, a group of people also came across, and the leader was also a woman, who seemed familiar.

"Uncle," shouted the other side.

"Hey, Jing Xi, I haven't seen you for a long time, you are getting more and more beautiful." Uncle Cao said, and then salute: "The old minister paid a visit to Her Royal Highness."

"No need, no need." Princess Jing Xi waved her hand: "The gravity here is too small, you are afraid that it is not easy to move."

Princess Jing Xi said, there was a joke when there was a woman behind. She had to kneel down just now, but she jumped up when she was not careful. This jump was seven or eight meters high.

There is no air on the surface of the moon. The woman yelled in horror. The sound from the phone made people shudder, but after all, she could n’t fly out, she would fall again. It hit the surface of the moon and made a scream.

"Who are they?" Princess Jingxi was curious.

"It is the family of some martyrs, who want to come over and have a look." Uncle Cao was also embarrassed.

"Okay, very welcome." Princess Jingxi was very kind, pulling the woman's gloves: "What's your name, sister?"

"My name is Pan Lianlian."

"Sister Lianlian, you have to be careful." Princess Jingxi said: "Let everyone land here to see our engine here first."

In fact, the base is so large that a passage has been opened. Although it is not enough to allow this large tourist spacecraft to directly enter the interior of the base, it landed next to the waiting passage. After landing, the passage can be directly extended to the hatch of the spacecraft. When it's docked, the air pressure and oxygen are suitable, and you can walk in directly without using anything.

However, since these people are here to visit, of course, they should be allowed to look outside. Princess Jing Xi specially arranged to come here to experience it first. In fact, it is tossing them.

These people want to dig the corners of the empire, but the loopholes are blocked, and they still do n’t want to rely on their labor to get a contribution point. It ’s not okay to continue to eat the old books, but the empire ca n’t do anything with these people. The posture, just like the privileged class, simply toss about it.

The engine has been built long ago, and the nozzle of the engine is like a hill. Now, these people are standing beside the hill, don't know what they are thinking.

We are here, not to see these! Zhou Jinling whispered softly in her heart, but it was useless. At this moment, Princess Jingxi said again: "Here, gravity is very small, so, we are here, there is often an entertainment activity, that is, climbing the game, the engine The spout is a hill. Everyone competes with each other to see who can climb up first. Do you want to try it? "

Climbing the mountain? Are you full? No, they could n’t get enough food. The spacecraft ’s food supply did n’t even beat them. On the spacecraft, they almost came hungry. We ’re here, please invite us to eat good food!

They both pouted, but it did n’t work. After all, they could n’t see it through the helmet, but when they followed, they heard a word that made them speechless: "After we climbed up, there was an elevator passage over there, which reached the interior. We Go up first, then you can go in. "

Hello, we don't want to climb!

The call was made in their hearts, but it was useless, because Princess Jing Xi had used both hands and feet, and the first one climbed up, her figure flickering, like a flexible monkey.

No, do you really have to climb up to get in?

"Master Uncle, go up," said a soldier next to Cao Guoji. He pulled Cao Guojiu and began to climb up. So, this group of women remained.

is there any method? Climb it! Some people already regret it. Isn't this just asking for it?

What about soldiers? Come help me!



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