Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 1167: Little girl who likes astrology

"Grandpa, what is that?" A little girl sat on the roof of the villa, looking at the sky.

"There, Orion."

"Sure enough, it looks like a hunter."


"This is the Vega Constellation."

"It turns out that this is Vega. Every galaxy has its own story. Grandpa, I like listening to the stories of the stars best."

"Okay, that grandpa will tell you a few. Let's find it first, look at this starry sky map, and find an interesting one."

After that, Grandpa took out a drawing. This drawing is very special. It is not ordinary plastic paper or high-quality coated paper, but a piece of sheepskin! On this sheepskin, there is a sphere-shaped outline, and there are countless galaxies connected on it, which is the most common star map, but it seems that these star maps, and the star maps in normal science classes, are slightly different.

"Grandpa, what is this?"

"Oh, this is a star map passed down by our family ancestors. Our family, which used to be transported before, will naturally have a star map."

Star map?

"So, what is the strange text on it?"

"This is for divination." Grandpa said.


"Yes, when humans have just entered the vast sky, they will encounter a lot of unknown dangers, which is funny. At that time, just like humans just entered the sea, they were full of fear of the unknown, so some people invented Divination. "

Fortune-telling should be considered a superstition. When human beings are full of unknown fears about the future, they want to avoid this kind of fear, and they will invent this strange astrology. The facts have proved that these are unreliable. .

As the technology becomes more and more advanced, especially with gravitational wave technology, mutations in space can be detected at any time, including making terrible black holes, so interstellar navigation becomes more and more safe, astrology, this oldest The means disappeared.

Now, Grandpa took out the ancestral sheepskin, and even had the feeling of showing off to his granddaughter, but He Xiao was serious.

"Astrology? So, can you teach me?"

"Of course, actually, this is a game of probability. Come on, I will teach you. First, you need to know some basic knowledge, for example, the twelve constellations."

People and heaven are connected. According to astrological point of view, the zodiac is closely related to the destiny of everyone. The most common way is to divide the zodiac evenly in the year, each person according to their birth date Can be classified into a certain constellation. In fact, this is already very popular. Everyone knows what kind of constellation they belong to, and then there are various knowledge to introduce what kind of personality each kind of constellation has. It is already the beginning of astrology.

However, in the future, everyone's constellation is just a sign, just like the name, age, gender, no one will use it to astrology.

Unless it is a small number of professionals, such as a family, this family with an ancient heritage has passed down astrology.

In fact, the constellations in the sky, the laws of operation are certain, and everyone sees the same, you see a supernova burst in Orion, I also saw it, you saw the Leo meteor shower, I also saw it, Everyone sees the same thing, even the broom star can be seen by people on the entire planet, so there is no unique one. This astrology can only be a superstitious activity.

However, He Xiao was very interested. She looked at her grandfather and said, "So, how do we use divination, do we use the astrolabe?"

"No, we don't need anything, just use our own naked eyes." Grandpa said: "Now, according to your own constellation, find where you are, and then, stare at it with your eyes, see its changes, feel it The light, then, capture the light that has spread out. "

The so-called astrology is actually looking at the stars. In ancient times, the old man looked at the sky at night, and found that the purple micro-stars were shining, indicating that there are stars and the like.

Now, it is still looking, but the way of looking is different.

He Xiao was observing with her own heart. When she looked at the starry sky carefully, she found that the starry sky above her head had changed. Those blinking stars actually moved. The stars changed from points to points in high-speed movement. After the bright line, then, from the bright line, combined into a painting.

Suddenly, He Xiao shouted and covered his eyes.

"Child, what did you see?"

"I saw ... Van Gogh's starry sky!" He Xiao said: "Yes, just like Van Gogh's starry sky, the stars are surging, the clouds and the night sky form a huge countless vortex, and something is Swallowed, some are spinning, full of restlessness and restlessness. Grandpa, I'm scared. "

"Don't be afraid, boy, what you see is your destiny."


what happened?

He Xiao wants to ask why Grandpa is there, but Grandpa has stood up, pointing to the starry sky above his head, what he wants to say, but he is empty, falling ...

When He Xiao quickly descended from the top of the building, Grandpa was gone, holding the sheepskin in his hand, He Xiao looked at the weird text on it, and finally, in a dictionary of ancient Chinese, found the translation, that Is an explanation of astrology.

According to the explanation, the starry sky she saw represented destruction, a huge vortex that would devour her family, but in the vortex, there was left a long line across the starry sky, indicating that there is hope inside…

As a result, it didn't take long for the entire family to be sent into exile.

From that time on, He Xiao was afraid of looking at the starry sky above her head, because, when she saw the starry sky, she would use astrology, and at the same time, it would be her irresistible fate.

After that, Xiao He arrived at the Death Star. When she saw all the stars above her head turned into thin lines, there was no difference in her eyes. From the starry sky, she could see a lot of things, astrology. The technique is giving her guidance, even including encountering methods.

"Is this astrology very effective?" Princess Jingxi made a loyal audience. In fact, this paragraph has no value at all. It seems that there is no clue in it. However, Princess Jingxi has kept a listener. 'S consciousness, until now, only issued this question.

"Yes, it is very effective, because the human brain has infinite potential." He Xiao said lightly: "In fact, the most important thing in this astrology is the brain's imagination."

Think of the starry sky as a line. In fact, the starry sky has not changed. It is dizzy, and then the brain thinks of it.



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