Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 1158: Plan ahead

One spaceship after another landed on the Star Wars. More than two months have passed since the last test. The Star Wars was slowly moving away from the unstable areas of space. At the same time, calculating The work is also almost completed. First, as long as some ice cubes are regularly distributed on the surface of the Star Wars, the volatile water can play a role in stabilizing the space.

Qin Tian's conjecture has been confirmed by theory, but the actual effect depends on the next experimental verification.

This is also risky. In fact, even the transportation of cargo ships is dangerous, but for the empire, they do not care.

"No matter what the task is, as long as it is handed over to us, we will resolutely complete it." The head of the cargo fleet is Lao Ma. Although he is already a senior decision maker for the empire, he is still on the front line, now, outside On the spaceship, together with Qin Tian, ​​Lao Ma said: "After all, this is for the destiny of our empire."

After Qin Tian went to Shangxing back then, he formed a friendship with Lao Ma. This friendship will last for a long time and will never change.

The old horse admired Qin Tian, ​​and regarded Qin Tian as the boss. Now, Qin Tian and her princess are together to help Qin Tian, ​​that is to help her princess. You know, her princess is admired by millions of people. Yes, prestige has already surpassed that of His Majesty the Deep Sea.

Now, watching these cargo ships continue to transport ice cubes, Qin Tian also deeply sighed: "Yeah, now it is the power of the whole nation. What is the financial situation of the empire now?"

Xiao Dongzi is in charge of the financial situation. Old Ma knows a little, but his face flashes helplessly: "The situation is not optimistic, but it can still be tolerated. After our contribution point system is down, at least the gap between the classes A lot has been reduced, the people at the bottom are still satisfied, but those middle-level people are afraid of fluctuations. "

Lao Ma is from the bottom, but after so many years of business, the situation of the empire has been known for a long time. It is the middle level, and the middle level's support for His Majesty is the most important. What is the use of the untouchables at the bottom? Those noble families and those gentry classes are the backbone of a country. Now, if your majesty engages in this way, their interests will be damaged.

Now, although the contribution points of those people are higher than those of ordinary people, it is impossible to maintain their luxurious life. Therefore, it is impossible to say that there are no complaints.

In fact, when Edward the Great faced this situation, did the empire lack money? The head tax is levied when it is lacking. However, those middle classes, who have a lot of wealth, cannot use it for the empire. Therefore, the people who will only be engaged in the end will not make a living, and the uprising will be everywhere.

Now, Your Majesty is actually equivalent to taking the middle class.

After all, for any empire, it is impossible for His Majesty to manage every citizen ’s head, only through the middle layer. For example, in ancient times, it was the rank of a bureaucrat, and now, the management class on almost every planet, It is certain that the status of these people has seriously declined, and their dissatisfaction can be imagined.

"Yeah, the pressure of His Majesty the Deep Sea is great." Qin Tian said: "However, this is also inevitable, and he had long expected it, otherwise, why did he establish the power center on the Blue Star? " Every move to the empire has a great significance. Moving the capital was because the power of the imperial capital was complicated at that time, and His Majesty already felt that he could not control the situation, so he simply moved to the capital and moved the capital. After that, you can reshuffle all the forces of the empire.

It was like the last time that Edward the Emperor set the capital on the native star. As a result, the power of the native star was the most exposed and almost controlled the dynasty. Now, His Majesty the Deep Sea is bound to be in the Sagittarius colony. The biggest gainer, natural It ’s the Sagittarius colony.

Fortunately, the empire made it very clear that Blue Star is an administrative center, and other functions do not assume any functions. Therefore, various agencies would like to set up offices in Blue Star.

Of course, His Majesty the Deep Sea knows that his sister likes to be quiet. If a large number of people suddenly flow into the Blue Star and the spaceships come and go every day, it will definitely disturb the sister ’s quiet.

Although the blue star is very stable, but on other planets in that galaxy, it is already a lot of money, many people are planning to invest there, looking forward to appreciation, and now, this contribution point system, for those people The blow is also quite large, because all the wealth is allocated according to the contribution points, sitting in the mansion, appreciation and making money? Sorry, such contribution points are too low, almost negligible, without contribution points, then you have nothing.

These people were attacked, then the empire is actually hiding a crisis, but His Majesty the Deep Sea has undertaken it, concentrated all the resources here, and cannot build an advanced warship, then you cannot win this. A war.

Lao Ma is also one of the few people who knows the inside story.

Now, it is actually a reshuffle of the empire. This is good. Such a wealth distribution plan is better than the previous one. Only by contributing to the empire can you live. The kind of sitting on wealth wants to have no worries for life. Sorry, the empire does not support idlers.

In fact, this system is also very cruel, because some people's wealth is also accumulated through diligence, but now, there is no choice, because the law of this cold universe is weak meat and strong food.

"Lao Ma, when you are transporting, you should also take a closer look at the inside of the empire. Those places are unstable, and I will increase supervision." Qin Tian said.

Will everyone accept this status quo? Qin Tianke is not so optimistic. It ’s just like the silence before the big storm. There is news of a strong foreigner preparing to invade, which will eventually leak out, because there is no airtight wall in the world, then, will there be rebellion? appear?

Prevent it in advance. The Skynet system can be supervised in advance. Of course, because the entire empire is too large, it is impossible to supervise it all. Lao Ma ’s cargo spaceship has almost relocated the entire empire in order to transport materials. It's enough to keep an eye on it.

"Understood," said the old horse.



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