Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 1147: Self-entertainment

After several twists and turns, He Xiao's brain was saved in a special cabin inside the moon battleship.

By deliberately forgetting, even if it uses various techniques for detecting the brain, it is impossible to obtain useful information from her brain. It is also in this way that He Xiaocai finally got rid of the fate of being interrogated, relying on various culture media. , The brain continues to survive.

For her, everything is dead. In the second half of her life, she is in a state of emptiness. According to the existing technology, a single brain can be preserved for hundreds of years without problems.

However, on this day, her calm and leisurely life was broken.

She only has a brain and no peripherals, so she has no sense organs, no ears to listen to sound, no eyes to see all this, and no mouth to talk, so for her world, she is now Know nothing.

She didn't find a group of people coming in, even her former subordinates.

"Professor Koror, you are one of the few core members who knows about this event, so now we must get something from her mouth, otherwise, all life in the entire galaxy will have to die, I hope you can remember at this point."

In the past few years, Professor Koror is still engaged in his original work. For a scientist like him, it is only a moment to turn to Qin Tian. As long as he thinks of the treatment he received under He Xiao, he almost changes himself. When it became a human brain computer, he wished to give He Xiao a hundredfold reward.

However, later he failed, no matter what he did, He Xiao would not speak, unless he destroyed He Xiao's brain, unless he ignored the complete damage of this brain.

Now, at this day, if she can't pry her mouth open and tell the secrets she knows, then her brain has no reserved value. Since you have this big premise, what are you afraid of?

Do it yourself, it doesn't matter if it's broken!

Besides, there are now new means.

"Yes, General Qin Tian, ​​our technological methods in recent years are also improving. In particular, we have started to study the quantum level of the brain." Coro said: "Now, we still have a way to find her brain. The secret, now, let's get started! "

No cables are connected, just outside the brain, covered with a special brain cap, connected to the supercomputer, and then you can get the image of the other party's brain.

Now, the other party is wandering in his own world. This is a castle-like building. It should be the residence of He Xiao when he was a child. Numerous servants come and go, and this He Xiao is standing on the open space in front of the castle. Holding a bow and arrow from the primitive period in the distance, the arrow pointed to a distant servant, a servant with an apple on top of his head.

In the past few years, the technology has progressed even more. With the research on the quantum level of the brain, the pictures formed in the other party ’s brain can be transmitted and synthesized for display. After seeing this image, Qin Tian ’s heart is angry. .

This is the difference in class, even if Qin Tian is now the emperor's concubine, he is still born in the lower class, and the servant with the apple on his head is the class he used to be.

The arrows are very sharp. If the shot is missed, it will be dead. Even in this era of superb medical skills, no rich man will spend too much medical expenses on his servants.

This is to make the servant risk his life.

"Stop, don't move!" He Xiao's voice was severe. Then, when his hand was loose, the arrow shot out, and the servant panicked. He instantly bowed his head, fearing that the arrow would hit his head, and the arrow would wipe His scalp passed through the apple. If he does not bow his head, his head must have been penetrated.

The servant shivered, and under the pants, there was a special liquid flowing out, and He Xiao stood there, laughing.

"Idiot, who made you bow your head? You owe!" He Xiao said, and the leather whip of one hand suddenly waved and waved towards the servant, with a barb on the leather whip. The blood of the servants was flowing, and in the eyes of He Xiao, these servants were not humans at all.

She doesn't have any hands-on ability now, only a brain is left, so, just immerse yourself in her own world, YY comes out of these pictures for fun? But even these pictures are annoying enough.

Why don't you imagine yourself being a big hero and saving the world? Imagine yourself as a tormented young master? It makes people look angry.

"Do it!" Qin Tian said.

Coro nodded immediately and started the program quickly. Then, his head emitted a lot of quantum fluctuations, which accurately entered some cortex of the brain. So, the world inside He Xiao ’s brain suddenly changed. .

The scream of the servant stopped. The servant suddenly seemed to be a different person. As soon as his body rolled, he escaped the range of the whip, and then, just at the position of the arrow, he picked up the arrow. He threw it towards He Xiao.

He Xiao never thought that this servant dared to resist, but when the arrow shot, he still instinctively hid back, and the servant rushed over bravely, rushing to her and hitting hard, He Xiao leaned back to the ground.

He Xiao was extremely angry, you dog minion, dare to resist?

However, the servant's movements continued, he actually rode onto He Xiao's body, raised his fist, and hit He Xiao's head heavily.

Let you beat me, let you bully me!

In a few moments, He Xiao ’s head became a pig ’s head. At this time, He Xiaocai reacted and shouted loudly, "Who, who, who entered my world?"

How can YY be beaten by his own brain YY? The program designed by the brain is not like this. Now, the script has been modified to show that the brain has been invaded.

He Xiao shouted loudly towards the sky. I do n’t know how long I have been playing such a game. Now, the spoilers are finally out. Or, let ’s play with the foreign spoilers!

As soon as He Xiao's words fell, the clear sky above him became clouded. Daytime quickly turned into night, and the starlight above his head also became like an arrow, directly stuck in the sky.

That is the scene formed by the light through the slow fog interface.

The surrounding scenes changed rapidly, the servants were gone, the castle was gone, and the surroundings were dark.

This is the world of the former Death Star.



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