Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 1136: Target consciousness

Laser cannons, ion cannons, electromagnetic cannons, and various star cannons are firing violently.

Borne is also carefully analyzing. At the time of the duel, the two sides used beam cannons to bombard each other, but now, it seems that the other party's attack methods are still diverse and still maintain this more primitive. Shooting method.

In addition to the laser cannon, the other, whether it is an electromagnetic cannon or an ion cannon, requires shells. One is a hard projectile, which is attacked by strong kinetic energy, and the other is an ion beam to attack. These methods have been early. It ’s outdated and does n’t have much effect at all, so it ’s been eliminated in their weapon system.

Now, the opponent is in a duel, and watching the opponent's battle is a new one.

Lin Xiangqian was very annoyed.

Although the order to start the chase was issued by Sima Qing, Lin Qianqian did not personally think that chasing was a good choice. However, after the start, they used all their power. The seven princes of the Fibre Empire led the final A few of the starships are the remnant forces of the Fibre Empire. As long as these forces are wiped out, it means that the Milky Way is completely under the control of the Armenian Empire, and there will be no more harm.

I have been chasing, but I can't find the other party. Now, when the other party takes the initiative to show up, my own side is the weakest period.

In the Star Wars, it is necessary to consider the factors of luck. Until now, Lin Qianxing ’s starship still shuttles in the terrible beam. It has escaped the opponent ’s attack several times and has not been hit. Now, Upon discovering that Yakov ’s fleet joined the battle, Lin Qianqian immediately issued a new order: "Middle Road Fleet, attack the other side of the port, destroy the remaining enemies!"

The huge Star Warship, they have no ability to confront, they are not a level at all, now, since Yakov's power has already appeared, then, in the last time, they wiped out Yakov's power Well, this is considered to have completed the task.

Lin Qiang was originally in the middle road fleet. He commanded attack tactics in three directions. The middle road is mainly to lure the enemy, but even if it is to lure the enemy, he has to do it because this is his mission. The commander of the fleet is of course in the Chinese army.

As the commander of the fleet, he wanted to attack the enemy head-on, but now, when the fleet of the Seventh Prince Yakov appeared, he immediately changed his tactics. Anyway, this Star Warship looks too terrible, and it ca n’t be beaten. The established combat missions killed the fleet of the seven princes.

Although he is still maneuvering irregularly to avoid the other party's attack, the mid-lane fleet has already begun to move towards the other side of the port. When he saw this scene, Hades was still quite satisfied.

"Order the starship and turn to the right to wipe out the fleet on the right." Hades gave the order.

Although the battle is one-sided, it is still difficult to wipe out the opponent completely. After all, the opponent's starship is too many. Although the quality is not good, too many will be troublesome.

It's like a large group of mosquitoes. If you shoot mosquitoes with both hands, you will still be attacked by more mosquitoes because you can't take care of yourself.

This is now the case. Their Star Warships are very powerful, and the beam cannons are also very powerful. However, there are too many opponents and they ca n’t be beaten.

Therefore, they can only fight separately.

When someone came to surrender, Hades immediately agreed. On the one hand, he wanted to see what kind of organization the bugs have. On the other hand, of course, they let them attract each other's firepower.

The other party was divided into two parts, one to find the trouble of the seven prince Yakov, and the other part was the fleet on their right, so concentrate their firepower and explode all the starships on the right.

This is like a firecracker, every concentrated firepower shot will burst a beautiful dazzling fireball in space, that is a scene of a starship being blown up, this scene makes people **** Everyone who is serving on a starship will slowly fall in love with this feeling, especially the captain.

Yakov was stupid.

I originally felt that the other party was strong, so I wanted to surrender to the other party and have a strong aid, but now, things are beyond expectation. His appearance has instead attracted the firepower of the starship of the Armenian Empire, and the biggest reinforcement Well, turn around and hit the other side.

This situation left Yakov in a daze. Originally thought to be the icing on the cake, it has now become a target for attracting firepower, and the number of starships rushing to him is increasing.

Since a large number of carrier-based aircraft have been lost, neither side has delivered the carrier-based aircraft, which becomes a starship battle in space.

How to do?

Yakov looked nervously at Qin Hai on the side. Yakov was more of a political means. To say that he lacked military command ability, he relied on his generals. Now, he still depends on Qin Hai.

"Qin Hai, what should I do?" Yakov asked loudly: "We will be surrounded soon!"

Seeing that there are so many starships coming up, can you withstand it?

Two fists are hard to beat four hands.

During the talk, a round of electromagnetic cannonballs came over. Although they had evaded at high speed, some of them hit the shield. The shield made a buzzing sound, and the inner cavity was amplified, just like the death came. .

Yakov, who was always calm, panicked this time.

How to do? Qin Hai looked at the present scene, and his face was also serious, not easy to fight. If he continued to rush forward, he would definitely be surrounded by the other party, the energy shield's energy was exhausted, and finally they bloomed beautiful flowers in space Too.

It is dead to rush past, and not to retreat. It is necessary to plan the route from forward to retreat. They cannot avoid those starships.

Therefore, there is only one way.

"Close to that star warship." Qin Hai said: "We can run as fast as we can."

Of course, they were looking for strong aid. They couldn't resist such a strong blow, they could only seek support in the past.

Your own party has passed, and this large group of fleets has just passed. Now it is just the tail of the Star Wars. You can even see the flames from the nozzle of the terrible super engine of the Star Wars. This opportunity is rare. The other party's tail creates an opportunity for the starship of the Armenian Empire. What if the Star Wars can be killed?

When Qin Hai said this, the Seventh Prince understood: "Turn right, the fleet turns right, and move closer to the Star Wars."



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