Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 1132: Weird turn

The carrier aircraft pilot Leo's eyes showed a firm light.

Even if the joined Starship Forces put their heads on their belts and become a carrier aircraft pilot, that is even more so. In every battle, the casualty rate of the pilots of the carrier aircraft unit will always be It is the highest. Of course, if the starship is exploded, it is sure that all the soldiers of the entire starship are killed. However, the soldiers of the starship do not have to face the terrible death attack after all. Many people are in other In the post, you can't see the terrible beam of death coming. Death is only a momentary thing, without any pain.

What about carrier-based pilots? However, they have to face death. They can even say that they are actively seeking death. Under the illumination of the laser beam, they are like dancers on the tip of the knife, looking for the only possible breakthrough opportunity.

Of course, their safety is now much better than their previous counterparts, because the carrier aircraft pilots can control several carrier aircraft by themselves, and when critical, they can control those remotely controlled carrier aircraft. As a shield, as a stand-in in exchange for your own safety.

When they pounced on the enemy, they found a strange scene.

The starship of the other party, the huge beam of light, just destroyed the starship behind them. Facing these small carrier aircraft, the other party did not seem to have any close anti-aircraft to attack them.

Therefore, they still have a chance, even if the starship opposite is super powerful!

As they got closer, they were able to see the huge outline of the opposing starship. It was indeed a planet-sized starship, even if it made it appear to be relatively small because of its distance, but it had been sailing in the universe and had seen countless The planet will naturally judge its size, it is estimated to be about the size of a medium planet, how terrible weapons will such a super battleship have?

No one dares to imagine that if there is a liquid hydrogen and helium ocean inside, such a starship can have unlimited endurance even if it depends on the nuclear fusion power system.

Can you kill each other?

This is not clear. The antimatter bombs carried on their starships can normally destroy a battleship starship one by one, but that must be before the other party ’s shield energy is exhausted. Now, the other party ’s They do n’t know what the shield looks like. It ’s unclear whether their anti-matter bomb will work, but it does n’t affect their determination. The starships behind them are exploding one by one. It is already charged with the determination to die!

"The distance is 100,000 kilometers, and the size of the planet is medium."

"At a distance of 30,000 kilometers, its surface is white."

"Three thousand kilometers away, see clearly. The white ones are huge ice cubes!"

If these carrier-based aircraft are not close, just relying on the starship to attack each other at a long distance, then it will never be possible to know the true state of the other party. What is seen through the detector is definitely not as intuitive as what people directly see .

No one would think that they would use this primitive way as a shield, but if you think about it, it is understandable. If it is the size of a battleship, you can also use titanium alloy to build the shell, and then build an energy shield. Powerful energy is a big burden, so instead of starting to build an energy shield, it is better to solve it in the simplest way. In the universe, water is a very common resource. Of course, liquid water It ’s not common. There are still a lot of solid ones. After all, the conditions required for the liquid state of water are too harsh, but there are still many ways to build an energy shield. In the universe, there will be special planets composed of pure water. On such a planet, directly approaching it and attracting gravity will become a whole, and this water will flood the surface.

Planets composed of pure water are generally not very big.

Now, instead of thinking about how to get ice cubes, it is quite close at 3,000 kilometers. Now, they are almost in the final attack stage. They are not expecting to survive this attack. So, when the final After a report, Leo shouted loudly in the phone: "Long live the Empire!"

The entire surface of the starship is a huge ice layer. Can his antimatter bomb explode the entire ice layer? He was not sure, but he could only try it. He also controlled several remote-controlled carrier-based aircraft. Now, let those remote-controlled carrier-based aircraft fly down and try!

However, at this time, he discovered his trajectory and made an error.

According to the plan, he wanted to have intimate contact with the target, that is, hit it directly, and hit the other party ’s huge ice shield. His several carrier-based aircraft smashed one by one, behind One, tearing the big hole that exploded in front, so that it went all the way into it!

Therefore, he shouted the slogan of Long live the Empire. His carrier-based aircraft was the last one to fly up. He looked forward to the explosion of his aircraft when he was able to explode the shield of the other party and explode inside the other party. !

In fact, this is also no choice. During the attack, if the opposite is a destroyer or the like, throw a bomb and leave, the process is relatively simple, but if it is a battleship, fly over and throw a bomb, throw After you leave, you may not be able to get out of the explosion. So every attack is a decisive attack. Now throw a bomb at a planet, even if you throw away and go away, can you avoid it?

It will definitely be hit by the force of the explosion. It is impossible to avoid it, so it is better to be glorious once, as a human bomb, rush up and blow up the other ’s starship.

However, his own flight path was curving, and his trajectory changed. Although this change was not very big, the final result brought by him was that he would change from confrontation to pass by.

How could this be?

Leo pushed the joystick and wanted to change the direction of his fighter and correct the error, but he found that he could not operate the fighter at all.

There seems to be an invisible force, preventing him from approaching.

"The target starship seems to have some special force field protection and cannot be approached!" Leo shouted loudly in the intercom: "I will choose to detonate at the nearest location!"

As an experienced carrier-based aircraft pilot, he made his own judgment. There is special force field protection near the other party's planet, so that the carrier-based aircraft, such a small-quality aircraft, cannot be approached at all!



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