Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 113: Change course

When I think of this, the seven princes' eyes have burst into flames. Obviously, this plan is the most mature and efficient plan.

It takes so stupid to detonate your own fleet, and it is impossible to move the stars, but if you can detonate the other party's energy planet, the benefits are much greater.

The best thing is to let this planet collapse sharply, and finally form a black hole. Even if it cannot be formed, as long as the energy planet is exploded, all the terrible space fortresses on the opposite line of defense lose their energy sources. As long as their own energy consumption is clean, then they will lose their resistance!

In the current situation, the two sides are in a stalemate phase, then how to make a strange move, and finally break through the opposite line of defense, and hit the other party's energy supply, this is also a strange move.

It is a pity that there is no first-rate scientist under the seven princes, so it is unclear whether a black hole can be formed, but the life of the seven princes, besides women, also likes to gamble, and his gambling has never failed.

The Seventh Prince nodded: "I think this plan is good, Marshal Ankov. What do you think?"

Hearing the Seventh Prince ’s question, Ankov was irrefutable, but if he could not answer, then the Seventh Prince would definitely consume the rest of his patience, and Ankov did not seem to be better than this A better solution.

"We can give it a try, but the energy star used by the other party is in the deepest position of the other party's defensive formation. If we start the particle beam weapon directly from this direction, it will be too far away. We have to use it. All the fleets slammed into it, crossed the opponent's defense line, and reached the energy star of the opponent. We opened our particle beam weapons and bombarded them at close range. "Ankov began to discuss how to act:" However, this If we do, we will still suffer a lot of losses. After all, our previous offensives simply cannot surpass the opponent ’s outer defense. "

The key point now is how to cross the other party's defense line. It can be said that if you can completely cross the other party's defense line, then you can drill through the wormhole directly and pounce on the other party's capital Holy Star. Why do you need to attack again? The other party's energy star?

However, what I said to the seven princes now is useless. Ankov knows that the seven princes have already caught this plan, so he will be desperate. The seven princes, among all the princes, are still the most gambling favorite. However, no one knows that the Seventh Prince has not lost once in his decades of gambling career. This is luck, and it is an indispensable thing to become the supreme leader.

"In battle, where can there be no deaths." The Seventh Prince said: "We used to be limited to fighting and want to destroy their space fortress. This time, we changed tactics, the main goal is to rush past!"

Battleship starships can start the curvature-driven engine at any time to enter the speed of light. If they charge at the speed of light, the defense on the opposite side will also create a lot of loopholes.

"Yes, Your Highness, we immediately formulated a combat plan." Ankov said.

The Seventh Prince stood in front of the porthole of the bridge, looking through the porthole and looking at the dark and deep starry sky outside, the unbreakable Mackinaw line? Let you tremble in front of the empire's starship!

"The report, behind us, an enemy destroyer was found." Just when Ankov started to formulate a specific combat plan, a report came.

rear? Where is the direction of the Sagittarius cantilever colony, it seems, is the tentative of the colony fleet?

"Send a cruiser fleet to destroy it." Ankov said.

The Destroyer Diago is still sailing in the long space. The route it is flying is almost the same as when it came. It is said that this is the most remote area.

In front of it, 300,000 kilometers away, the breeze was flying quietly.

In addition to turning on the engine when accelerating and decelerating, you only need to rely on inertial flight. The Breeze is hidden in the dark universe. No one can find it, even the Diago behind it, knowing the Breeze Right in front, it can't find its trail at all.

Stealth technology is indeed a great invention of an imperial scientist!

On the Diego, Lieutenant Colonel Pierre was also looking at the dark and empty universe, and inexplicably sighed in his heart.

"Alarm, alert, found enemy cruiser!" At this moment, suddenly, the gravitational wave radar detected the terrible existence. At the moment of discovery, the entire starship's early warning system has shown a scarlet.


"One, two, three, four, a total of four!" Pierre looked at the bright spot of the projection on the holographic screen and also took a breath of breath. When he last came through, he was at most dealing with the opponent's destroyer. When they passed each other, they shot each other a few times, and all stopped contacting. As for some fighters, it could be easily killed.

But now, the other party came to four cruiser ships at once, these are the main battleships, the other party came to attack themselves, or did you find Her Royal Highness?

Their starship was originally to cross the line of fire to spy on the deployment of the opposing fleet. If you can hit it, you can hit it. If you can't, you can run.

But now, Pierre cannot run because the spaceship of Her Royal Highness is in front of them. What if they are found by those four cruisers?

"Her Royal Highness's spaceship, change course, sail to the left, and we will meet the enemy starship!" Pierre said.

According to the agreement, now the spaceship of Her Royal Highness Princess is on the left. They and the starship opposite form a triangle. With a starship entangled with each other's four cruiser starships, the spaceship of Her Royal Highness is easier to break away.

It's just that the future route requires Her Royal Highness to fly by herself!

"Qingfeng No. received." After receiving the notice from the rear, Qin Tian immediately pushed his own operation panel. With his push, Qinfeng began to steer skillfully. The small ion engine at the rear briefly ignited twice, and then The course of the spacecraft was accurately changed, and began to fly toward the starry sky on the left.

"What's the matter?" At this moment, Princess Jingxi, who had fallen asleep on the flight seat next to her, suddenly woke up. She was in space and was so sensitive to the change of the attitude of the spaceship!

"There is an opposing fleet intercepting, Diago has already intercepted, we are leaving the main battlefield." Qin Tian said.

Has the fleet intercepted?

Her Royal Highness stood up suddenly, and quickly walked to the back of the spaceship, looking out from the porthole there.

In the dark starry sky, there are flashes of light, and the terrible starship battle has already begun!

In order to attract these four cruisers, although Diago knew that he was incapable of enemy, he was still trying his best!



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