Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 1119: End

The explosion of the anti-matter fuel tank is on schedule. The anti-matter can't come into contact with the normal substance. As long as it is in contact, it will be annihilated. The pipeline is in contact with the outside world.

Usually, the inside is in a vacuum state, and only the quantum ghost such as Merlin can carry out maintenance work in it, and he dragged the method into **** during his work.

The explosion in the low-light-speed world is quite strong. The fuel tank of the Imperial Victory ignited a fireball and spread out in an instant, but the flame with debris was easily reached in the process of flying outwards. The speed of light, then hit the wall at the moment of reaching the speed of light, and turned into more terrible debris. This is like a big fireball being controlled in a certain area, so it can only burn more violently. Everything in this second eruption was completely reduced to ashes.

No one will exist in this explosion, even the quantum ghost, it is too late to leave. In the explosion, the quantum state is distorted, the entire human body diffuses out, is scattered throughout the world, and can no longer be combined, because The original state has been completely broken by high temperature and high pressure.

This fireball is still spreading outwards. According to the speed of light in this world, it diffuses towards the outside world. While it continues to spread, it begins to squeeze the space. A force of space is transmitted to the outside. Then, a ship The out of control starship was crushed.

There were no starships in the entire slow fog area, and half of the Empire's fleet was annihilated inside.

Is Merlin doing something wrong? Of course not. If it were n’t for him, it would have even more terrible consequences. If half of the fleet of the empire became a terrifying existence like a quantum ghost, then all the empire would become each other ’s puppets, and they would all become slaves. .

War is about dying. For the peace of the universe, someone always has to pay.

The speed of light in the slow fog area is very slow, and it is never possible to fly out of the slow fog area, so no one is destined to see the internal scene unless the skynet system is used for observation.

At this time, the deep sea prince, Margaret, stood in front of the terminal image of the Skynet system. Behind them, Pete had not appeared for a long time. Pete successfully obtained control of the Skynet system. Then, after turning on the video, it was already the final moment.

Pete knew these results, because before leaving control of Merlin, these procedures were pre-made for Merlin. If Merlin had not killed the law, then the law would definitely come here to find the trouble of the deep sea prince. By the time, Pete It will be done in the same way without hesitation, and would rather sacrifice the entire spaceship to blow up the method.

According to his calculations, it is impossible for Fazi to be resurrected this time. The quantum state of every particle that constitutes the body of Fazi has been completely changed, and it has become a complete chaos.

The war is over. At the moment of the explosion, the close-up of Fa-zi's face, the desperate expression, seemed to explain everything.

The deep-sea prince's face was pale and his eyes were full of tears. When he closed his eyes, two lines of tears ran down his face and fell to the floor.

Your majesty finally left, with half the fleet, and finally left.

In this brutal galactic war, there is no winner, the war is so cruel.

The expression on Margaret's face was also very complicated. At this time, Princess Jingxi, who was controlling behind her, was also a sigh of sighs. It seemed that there was a scene of a child in front of her. Since childhood, the elder brother determined to be an empire. The emperor, who managed this country well, did the elder brother do it?

Under the rule of Edward the Great, the lives of the people did not improve at all, but they regressed a lot. In order to build an imperial fleet, Edward the Great used almost all the resources. In the end, even the exploitation of the people to the head tax began to be levied. Even if it provokes the resistance of the colony, it will not hesitate.

Is he wrong?

From his point of view, the only goal is to concentrate the resources of the empire and defeat the enemy. He has been achieving this goal, and then paid the price of his life for his more than 100 years of ruling career , At least one great achievement has been left, and the Galaxy is unified.

what's next?

Who will rule this huge empire?

"Margaret, are you willing to stay with me for a lifetime?" Suddenly, the deep sea prince asked the girl beside him. This question was already equivalent to a proposal.

"If you are by my side, then, I am willing to give up everything. In this life, it is enough for the two of us to spend together. This empire is still handed over to my sister, Princess Jingxi, to take care of it. Actually, one A hundred years ago, my sister should take over the empire, and if she was there, it would never be like this. "

"No, no, no!" Margaret said a few words without a word. Such a decisive blow shocked the deep sea prince. What was she refusing?

Don't marry yourself?

Only Pete understood all this, and there was a wry smile on his face.

Because Margaret, it was originally controlled by Princess Jingxi. Margaret is just a substitute, married to the deep sea prince? On the wedding night, do you want to start the program or continue to control? What's next?

It's enough to think about it.

Besides, this is not the most critical thing. The big thing is to make Margaret a vegetative for a lifetime. The most crucial thing is the back words. If you are good, go away and give this empire to Princess Jingxi?

Princess Jingxi's ideal, but it was on the garbage star, and Qin Tianshou spent his whole life. Now, the war is finally over, the entire galaxy has calmed down, and should we push Princess Jingxi to that position? How can she agree?

However, how can all this Margaret stand-up explain to the deep sea prince?

"Why?" Sure enough, seeing Margaret so decisive, the deep sea prince froze: "Don't you like me?"

"No, no, of course not, you are me ..." You are my twin brother, grew up together, how can I not like you? The problem is, I can't like you like men and women.

"In short, it is up to you to take the throne of this empire," Margaret said.

The deep sea prince's face was a bit cold: "Do you want to be a queen?"

Isn't this woman who has been staying by her side have another picture? Has she thought of her so well all the time? She is actually the one who is most involved in calculations?

"Of course not, I didn't say I want to marry you!" In commanding battle, he was calm and organized. Now that Margaret is finally schizophrenic, how can he persuade the other party to become an emperor and not marry himself?



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