Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 1103: Emperor's New Clothes

"Hey, what about us?" With the encouragement of the law, Michael had already packed up, and when he was going to see His Majesty, several other people were in a hurry.

We do n’t want to be in the void all the time. We also want to show our own existence in this world. You ’re good now, and you are happy to play. Why do n’t you care about us?

Evelyn is the most anxious, and now it really becomes this kind of person is not a ghost or a ghost. If you want to do nothing, take a cup and drink? The cup went straight through in his hand.

"Don't worry, you need opportunities. You must feel the world with your heart and try to interact with this world." Fazi said to Evelyn.

These words are the communication between quantum ghosts and will not be heard by Michael. Now, Michael is walking out of this cave with confidence.

Feel the world with your heart?

Both Evelyn and Admiral Hughes are closely following the method, while Elt and Merlin slowly fall behind. At this moment, Elt sees Merlin making a few gestures. So, Alte suddenly realized.

In fact, this method does not trust them completely. It must have used special means to make Michael pay attention to her, and then let her collapse down to interact with the world, but the method does not teach them. In other words, they can only act as bystanders now, so what does Fazi want to do?

She wants to build an army of quantum ghosts, she wants to be the commander of this army of quantum ghosts, and then sweep the entire universe? When thinking about this level, even Alte can't believe his judgment.

The terrible thing about quantum ghosts is that they can appear in any corner of the whole world at any time in accordance with the principle of uncertainty, that is, any corner of the entire universe. Now Elt dare not try it, but in theory, this is completely It is feasible, that is to say, if a quantum army is formed, it will almost sweep the rhythm of the entire universe.

While the other side is still fighting for power within the galaxy, the other side already wants to occupy the entire universe?

Of course, this ideal is actually not very big. If, according to the knowledge just discovered, in this world, there are countless parallel universes that occupy this universe, that is also the first step of the Long March, and when it arrives, it may also occupy other Parallel universe?

In contrast, what is the president of his own alliance, and what is the overlord of the galaxy, the Amene Empire? People are the real beginning of hegemony.

However, this method of the other party must have a lot of weaknesses, otherwise, it will not be so far, only the last quantum ghost like her, and the newly born ones are not counted.

The other party will definitely use some means to completely control his own party, or let his own party collapse. When this happens, will he teach him how to interact with this world?

If this is the case, then the other party must not be allowed to achieve its purpose, because, if she wants to destroy the world, it will destroy the existing order of the galaxy, and will also destroy the Sagittarius spiral arm. It ’s not easy to walk your celebrity to the present step by step. You must not let the other party destroy it so much!

Why didn't she turn Mr. Alpha's man into a quantum ghost? Shouldn't there be a way at that time?

Now, how do you destroy her actions?

Elt thought secretly in his heart.

If it is not stopped now, the first war provoked by the other party is probably the war between His Majesty the Empire and Princess Jingxi, the deep sea prince?

At this time, Michael in front of him had already walked to the cave where His Majesty was located. There were two guards outside guarding, but the expression on his face was obviously overshadowed.

"Master Michael, what's the matter?" An **** asked.

"I want to ask your majesty to report something important," Michael said. "Your Majesty has rested, tomorrow."

"The tiresome report is about how to leave here." Michael continued.

How to leave here? A guard showed a ridiculous look. In the past, this kind of thing would never happen, but now, because everyone can't get out anyway, many rules don't need to be followed.

"Leave here? How do you leave? Master Michael, use your brain to leave?" The guard said: "Go, go, your majesty is asleep, if you noisy and wake up your majesty, you can't afford the responsibility . "

you! Michael suddenly burst into flames, little person, a guard, dare to laugh at himself like this? What I said is true!

Just then, there was a voice inside: "Let him come in."

His majesty did not sleep.

In fact, since he came here, His Majesty Edward has been insomnia. No matter how calm he is in front of outsiders, he still can't hide the inner wandering.

Really can't get out, are you going to die here?

As an empire of his empire, Edward the Great had perseverance. It was with this perseverance that he walked through the most difficult period of that time, conserving food, building a fleet, and finally defeating the Fibre Empire.

And now, he wants to persevere with this perseverance, but finds that this perseverance is disappearing little by little, there was hope in the past, and now, this hope is gradually disintegrating, they will not wait for the rescue to come, they will Sleepy here.

Now, although Michael is not reliable, but since there is a way, he has to listen.

Jackie sat on the bedside, and Edward the Emperor looked at Michael, who came in, and said, "What is the best policy for Ai Qing?"

"Your Majesty, I brought a person who has a way to travel through the universe. Slow Mist has no effect on her, she can take us away." Michael said.

What can someone do?

Edward the Great suddenly became excited: "Who is it and where?"

"Just next to Weichen." Michael pointed to the method around him.

However, in the eyes of Edward the Great, there was a blank. Where is Michael's side?

"Did you mean here?" Edward the Great pointed to the air around Michael.

"Yes, yes, that is, she came to save us out." Michael was very happy.

"Well, I can't hold you accountable." Edward the Great said: "Whether you are planning to make me the emperor's new outfit, or you have lost your mind recently, you can go now!"

I ’m not so easy to deceive. You have nothing at all. Have you hallucinated yourself?



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