Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 1092: Klein bottle

The Klein bottle is a strange bottle with a hole at the bottom, extending the neck of the bottle, and twisting into the bottle, and then connected to the hole at the bottom. This constitutes an extremely special The curved surface, the special feature of this curved surface, is that there is no "edge" and its surface will not end.

If there is a bee, you can follow the curved surface and fly directly from the inside of the bottle to the outside of the bottle without crossing the surface.

In the abstract definition, it is a curved surface with no edges, closed like a sphere, but only one surface. In the eyes of mathematicians, the Klein bottle refers to a non-directional plane.

However, this device only appears in the minds of scientists or drawings, and it really cannot be done, because its bottleneck and bottle body intersect, in fact, some points on the bottleneck and the bottle wall Some points on the occupies the same position in three-dimensional space, so in three-dimensional space, this device can not be done, it must be in four-dimensional space to truly show the curved surface, that is to say this The bottleneck of the special Klein bottle first passes through the fourth dimension space and then is connected to the bottom circle of the bottle, and does not pass through the bottle wall.

At that time, Evelyn had interviewed scientists and conducted exclusive interviews, so I learned these things. Now, when I see the special shape that suddenly flashed out in the universe, I suddenly thought it was a Clayton bottle, at least it looks very image.

In the vast universe, space is illusory and cannot be seen by the naked eye. The knowledge in the scientific pictorials is for science popularization, so the lines artificially drawn, just like magnetic lines, do not actually exist.

And now, Evelyn can see the complete shape, because there is a spaceship inside at this time, with the conventional nuclear fusion engine on, and slowly shuttles out from the inside. The flame of the engine illuminates the space where it is located. , Just like the position of the bottleneck of the Klein bottle.

If in the past, it was absolutely invisible, only from the perspective of four-dimensional space, you can cross the boundary of the wormhole and enter the wormhole to view it. You can see that the spaceship is passing through the wormhole. The scene is so peculiar. At the same time, it is precisely because of the flame of the engine at the rear that it illuminates the nearby space and can show the image of the wormhole that wraps it.

It really looks like a Klein bottle.

However, if passing through a wormhole, just like passing through a Klein bottle, is just going from one curved surface to another curved surface, in fact, those spaces, what does that mean?

The terrifying secret, is this three-dimensional universe where you are located, like an infinitely nested structure, in fact, the space is not large?

Elt is not an astronomer. He could not imagine this happening. This is just the first time to see the wormhole from the perspective of four-dimensional space. If it is Princess Jingxi here, it may be more touching.

When the wormhole saw it, it means that it has arrived at its destination, that is, at the edge of the wormhole, the spaceship is a starship of the other party that is passing through!

"Quick, start the slow fog device." Admiral Hughes shouted, and then opened the valve switch.

The space behind him became strange, and there was a huge baking pan at the entrance of the wormhole. Slow mist spread along the baking pan, forming a barrier.

At this moment, the starship had already arrived, and at the moment of passing, the front end of the starship suddenly shattered, just like an egg fell to the ground, falling apart!

Numerous fragments spread at the mouth of the wormhole and flew around, and the hull of the starship behind was still striking at a huge speed, like a piece of bread, which was quickly flattened.

"Finally blocked them, I hope they will not tear the space indefinitely and create wormholes." Admiral Hughes murmured.

Blocking the wormhole here, the other party ’s reinforcements will not be able to come temporarily, but this does not mean that once and for all, if the other party moves fast enough, then you can create a second, third wormhole, your own By the way, there is no way to make a new wormhole like this again.

However, making wormholes is not easy. Creating wormholes that can bring starships over requires at least the energy of the entire energy star. Therefore, it is not easy for them to find other energy stars in a short time.

Now, blocking the opponent's backup, the remaining task is **** battle!

"Soldiers, brave soldiers." At the next moment, Elt's speech began: "I am the president of the alliance, Elt. Now, I am driving the spaceship personally, blocking their reinforcement wormhole, let Let ’s fight to the last moment for the Alliance. Even if we all died in battle, let ’s not hesitate. We have no way back. Behind us is the Alliance ’s capital, the most sacred Alpha Star. Here, we lift up Under the banner of freedom and democracy, we drove away the original old forces. We have created this alliance with one hand, let us write loyalty to the alliance with blood and life! "

The President of the Union is here!

The wormhole behind is blocked!

The news spread rapidly throughout the fleet, and the morale was instantly boosted.

The presidents of the alliance have come to the front line, what other reason do they have to back down? They are for the protection of the Alliance, and now they cannot be afraid of death!

Originally in front of the empire's huge fleet, they couldn't even hold on to the front, and they all began to want to retreat, but now, with such encouragement from the president, the morale was instantly stimulated and the greatest fighting power broke out!

Nima, this is my line! General Hughes was a little angry on the side. Originally, he planned to be famous. As a fleet commander and as the defense minister of the coalition, he took the lead. As a result, the president of the coalition snatched the line. The opened bottle switch is made and plugs the wormhole. I am the first to do it!

As a result, President Elt snatched the line, what's going on?

"Now, let's dive into the slow fog!" At this moment, Elt closed his speech and began to speak to Merlin who was driving the spaceship.

what happened?

The slow fog barrier separates the wormhole. Now, Alter actually wants their spaceship to enter the wormhole? There are a lot of debris there, but that is quite dangerous.

And almost at the next moment, you can see with your naked eyes that there are more than a dozen carrier-based planes rushing towards them!

Yes, only there, can they stop the killing of these people and declare their identity, which will be more dangerous.



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