Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 1082: Gamble

In the past, such a short distance was absolutely not allowed to fly at the speed of light, because in the speed of light flight, the time will become slower, the distance becomes shorter, the navigation system of the spacecraft does not have particularly high accuracy, just entered the speed of light, and then come out , It is already a thousand miles away.

However, as the war progressed, the technicians continuously revised the navigation system, so even if the distance was not very far, the navigation route could be accurately determined and a perfect navigation could be carried out.

Since they want to do it, they must be quick. Before the other party has detonated the star, they will tear open the space and drill into another air space!

This is Margaret's tactics, because he knows that this starry sky is already full of killers!

Now, with the help of the prince of the deep sea, Margaret easily gave orders. On the native Star Bisex starship they were riding on, the huge hull began to rotate, and the head was pointed to the right, and then the space at the tail The curvature engine has also started. In the distortion of space, it has entered the speed of light. In the view of other starships, it is a swish and disappeared!

In the process of communicating the order, the flagship first acted. Therefore, all the starships of the deep-sea prince ’s direct fleet did not hesitate to follow the flagship into the speed of light and sail in the direction indicated.

Exiting just after entering the speed of light, this requires the full power operation of the ship's navigation system, there can be no mistakes, after jumping, the gaseous planet here is almost in sight.

Then, start artificial wormhole equipment and use the energy of this gaseous planet to construct a wormhole!

Target, Alpha Star!

Margaret's fingers continued to knock on the keyboard. She was quite familiar with these systems. Without any cumbersome redundancy, the commands were passed on one by one.

The entire starship was operating at full power to make the wormhole. At this time, in the wormhole on the other side, the flagship of Edward the Great finally came.

"Three thousand seconds gap arm colony, we are finally here!" Edward the Great said: "Everyone here, tremble! Let you know that betraying my end is death!"

"Report!" At this moment, a communications officer suddenly ran in panic: "Your Majesty, the deep sea prince led the immediate fleet, and suddenly left our array, whereabouts."

The deep sea left? What did he do? There was a cold expression in Edward's eyes: "Is he going to slaughter the rebellion?"

The order he gave was that the deep sea prince could kill all the traitors on nearby planets. This is also a dismountable power, so now, is he going to perform this task?

"A new wormhole has been generated nearby!" At this moment, the movement of the wormhole created vibration of the gravitational waves in the whole space, igniting a gaseous planet, which is now the maximum energy available to humans in the Milky Way , The energy fluctuation caused by it spreads all around.

A wormhole is formed! "What is he going to do?" Edward the Great asked. At this moment, a thought came to my mind, the deep sea actually rebelled against himself, and actually violated his own plan, in order to rebel. Still planning to run away?

Will you betray yourself in the deep sea?

In the war to conquer the Fibre Empire, the princes of the deep sea always fought at the forefront, but now it is different. Now it is a peaceful rebellion. The deep sea has always complained about this. Should n’t it be a deserter now?

"No, they have to escape!" At this time, under the watch of the Skynet system, General Hughes also found that the situation was not good. The opposing fleet suddenly flew at the speed of light and reached the only gaseous state nearby. Next to the planet, and then torn open the wormhole, I do not know where to jump!

"Yes, you can't let them escape, quickly, detonate the stars!" Evelyn said, if these fleets come over, it will bring unimaginable disaster to the entire alliance. They were still showing strength in the airspace, neatly arranged, Why did it suddenly become so rapid? It's unimaginable!

"No, we haven't completed the calculation yet," said the housekeeper Pu'er, detonating the star and producing a supernova explosion, which requires careful calculation. Now, they have not completed the calculation, and there have been changes.

"It's too late to gamble!" At this time, Elt also made a final decision, just like a gambler, pressing the button that eventually detonated.

The slow fog device there was also just in place. After the detonation button was fired, countless slow fog devices began to release a large amount of slow fog around the star. The star was quickly squeezed under the slow fog. In the inner core, a more intense thermonuclear reaction occurred, whether it was a red giant star or a white dwarf star. At this moment, it became extremely bright, and the entire universe seemed to be illuminated even brighter!

"No, a supernova is about to burst. Hurry, we will leave here soon!" A scientific officer said with a trembling tone next to Edward the Great.

The last time our own fleet encountered this situation, it resulted in heavy losses for the entire fleet. Now, they actually fall into this trap again, especially, His Majesty also fell into it.

No wonder when the deep sea prince was about to escape, he must have known that this trap was coming?

So why didn't he notify other fleets? Just run away? In particular, it also puts His Majesty in danger?

At this moment, Edward the Great also panicked inexplicably, saying that he was not afraid of death, it was a fake. Although he was a driver, it was also because the winning ticket was in hand. Now, when the surrounding galaxies are found to move, he Inexplicably scared.

In fact, if the surrounding light is directly observed, their response will not be so fast. After all, the nearby stars are a few light years away from them. The brightened light will fly over, which will take several years. Time, but after entering the starry sky, of course, they must have a monitoring system to monitor the situation around them. By quantum communication, they can pass the truth.

At this time, there was a starship passing through behind. This starship had just walked halfway through the wormhole, and it was found that the space channel in front of the distortion was suddenly collapsed! Originally still an unobstructed passage, the inner wall began to collapse rapidly, and the turbulent flow of space quickly cut into their starship. In the next second, the starship was cut into countless small pieces, and then quickly became Elementary particles, sailing in a wormhole, are so dangerous!

The wormhole collapsed!



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