Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 1078: Temporary grinder

In fact, this is a truth, which has been done almost all the time since ancient times.

They may let go of the enemy, because the enemy ’s position is originally opposed, but they will never let go of the traitor. As soldiers, officials, and even civilians who loyal to the empire, they will eventually rebel. Naturally, for such people, There is no pardon for killing, especially for guilty.

No matter how gentle the emperor is, in dealing with such things, he will never be soft-hearted. If all the betrayals have been forgiven this time, then next time? Someone may come out to rebel next time, and they must kill them with chills, knowing that once the rebellion will usher in such a terrible ending, no one will have the heart.

Now, Your Majesty has unified the Milky Way. It is the most proud time. Of course, someone must come to sacrifice the flag, so that all subjects know the end of the betrayal. In this way, those citizens who have newly entrusted to the Empire will also treat Only those who are truly afraid will dare to rebel.

Starship A, the central hall.

Everyone's face is quite ugly. At this time, everyone is in front of the Skynet system, looking at each other's leading troops. The vast scale has already made people feel a sense of fear, even if it is a planet. Warships, under the attack of these huge starships, are estimated to be difficult to survive, the number of opponents is too large.

What's even more chilling is the conversations I see.

There is no compromise and no room for retreat in the alliance. Once these fleets come over, the entire alliance will be bloodbathed. If a planet is still resisting, the entire planet will be killed without hesitation.

Evelyn is even paler. She knows that she is absolutely impossible to survive. Even her entire family will be subjected to bloodbath. Once the other party rules here, it will create a tragic world. Cleaned.

"We absolutely can't surrender, we have no way out!" Admiral Hughes's tone was also cold. As a former imperial soldier, he naturally knew that the empire would not let him go. A leader like him, even if he wanted to To rebel, it is impossible to lead the fleet back, because the former fleet commander died in his hands.

Now, they have no retreat.

"Yeah, we have no retreat." Elter said: "Now, we want to announce this news to let everyone in the league know that the empire will not let us go, the empire intends to use cold Massacre, use white terror to deal with us, we can only continue to fight, is the only way out. "

"Now, they have crossed the slow fog barrier and have reached our alliance." Pu'er butler said: "How do we fight? Unfortunately, if the Sagittarius spiral arm colony, give us ore earlier."

They secretly cooperated with the Sagittarius spiral-arm colony, and finally it turned out to be effective. The other party had promised to give the ore, and promised to cheat and release water during the confrontation, but the imperial fleet came from the other direction, disrupting their previous plan.

"Yeah, so we can't hide any more secrets. Mr. Pu'er, what we need now is to create slow fog on a large scale to surround their entire fleet. Don't be stingy if we need this technology." Only Mr. Alpha knows the real slow fog technology. Now that Mr. Alpha has left and cannot be contacted for the time being, then there is Pu'er, the butler. Let him give himself the technology. .

Although the colony has already begun to study, but from the theoretical research to the practical application, there is still a period of time to go. It is still not enough to have only those cosmic formulas and so on. Elt ’s current identity is special. It ’s the right time to apply technology.

"It is certainly not enough for us to release the slow fog. Now, the most direct way for us is to use the Grumman star as the center to detonate all 14 stars within a distance of four light-years. A huge slow fog trap, enveloping all the opposing fleets! "

A small area of ​​slow fog can be released with a spaceship, but if you want to wrap up the entire enemy fleet, the slow fog trap required is quite large. It is not possible to create a single star explosion. You must detonate all the stars around. In this case, the slow fog spreads out, and the other party can no longer pass through the slow fog area!

"To completely bury the other's entire fleet?" Elt sneered: "This is a good idea, what are you waiting for, hurry up!"

"However, I can't do it. After all, detonating stars, getting supernova explosions, and forming slow fog, this is just one of the extremely rare cases. It needs to have enough control over the energy fluctuations in space." Puer said: "Only Alpha Only sir can do it. "

It seems easy, but in fact, it is not simple. You must be precise in grasping the timing.

"Then you don't say that early!" Elt said. Other people were looking at him with the same eyes. They are all up to now. Everyone is a grasshopper on a rope, and no one can escape.

When I saw the other party coming over, I also used the slow fog trap to negotiate, but the result is now at this point, do you say you ca n’t control it?

"What are you waiting for, quickly find our scientific staff, and quickly calculate." Elt said: "Although we have lost a lot of scientists, but there are still many here, hurry, our time is not More, their speed will be very fast! "

The other party ’s current plan should be to occupy all the inhabited planets as they did in the Fibre Empire. They have just come out and have not spread out. When they jump back and forth along their own wormholes, they are really Can't control it.

"There are also some excellent engineers who can't let go." Elt continued: "Call them all out, we have to create this slow fog trap before the opponent's striker reaches the first wormhole, Otherwise, we will fail! "

Merlin is so good that he can certainly join in the research, so that the technology can be directly mastered by him. Last time, as an exchange person, Merlin had already gone to the fleet of the Sagittarius spiral arm colony, and it was very easy to restore control.

"It's time to grind the gun, it's unpleasant and light." Elter said: "Now, we have to take the courage to break the wreck, at least we have to delay the time, and finally our star warship is really built before we can compete with each other.



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