Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 1051: Brutal battle

Marshal Ankov, still sprinting.

This is also his usual style. After all, he is not a noble, but climbed up a little bit from a small person. He has no personal connections, and he relies on his style.

At this time, Marshal Ankov was commanding his fleet, firing violently towards the other party, and he was not going anyway anyway, then let us use real strength to fight!

Marshal Ankov stood on the bridge and looked at the starry sky opposite, where there were continuous artillery shells flying and beams coming in. In a vacuum, the laser beam and particle beam hardly attenuated or bent Therefore, even if flying for millions of kilometers, it can maintain its original power, hitting on his shield, panning the ripples at the starting point.

At this moment, the light flashed continuously, shining on Marshal Ankov's face, and his face seemed extremely arrogant, especially the scar, which was full of grimness under the light.

"Rush, rush me up, we use our own guns to kill them, just like we did before!" Ankov shouted loudly.

"Alarm, alarm, the other party ejected a large number of carrier aircraft!" Just then, a sound came from the early warning system.

"Damn, why do they still have a carrier-based aircraft?" Ankov looked at the carrier-based aircraft in another starry sky still fighting in full swing, and thought that the other party had ejected all the carrier-based aircraft.

The carrier planes here are all catapulted out. After all, they plan to attack by jump, they do n’t need the carrier planes to dispatch at all. Their carrier planes are meant to lure the other carrier planes, but now, The other party actually keeps his back?

Finally it's our turn again!

When he heard the sound of the catapult carrier aircraft, Lieutenant Arslan was very happy. For a soldier, fighting bravely on the battlefield is their mission. There is no fear in their hearts!

Arslan's broken gong vocal sounded in the intercom.

"Whether facing dust or meteorite,

Stellar still smiles at us;

Fiery day,

Cold night,

But we enjoy this kind of fun. " This is a song that everyone can sing. They usually sing songs in peacetime, especially when they are at a party. Sometimes they even have a meal and a song before a meal. This kind of song, but now, hearing his voice, Lieutenant Trust immediately shouted: "Hey, you took the wrong medicine? Keep the talker silent!"

At this time, if you still want to sing, then the voice is all in the intercom. How can they make contact and coordinate tactics? Although there is a data link system that can transfer information between each other, and even allow the highest fleet commander to command a carrier aircraft on the front line, everyone still likes to use a telephone to communicate with each other. Now Lieutenant Alslan The practice of occupying communication channels is quite disgusting.

"Everyone pay attention, they will soon reach the air defense firepower of the other party, pay attention to maneuver to avoid, I wish you good luck!"

There are two main combat methods for carrier-based aircraft. One is to fight against the opposing carrier-based aircraft. The battle between carrier-based aircraft is the most exciting, and every pilot is relished, although he will also die. , But this feeling is always unsatisfactory, this is the battle of the brave.

As for the other, it is cruel. This is an attack on the enemy ’s starship. The carrier-based aircraft can carry an anti-matter torpedo. As long as it is thrown up, it can bring a lot of pressure to the other ’s starship shield, especially Yes, if thrown into the weak part of the starship, even one can destroy the other starship!

Long-range naval artillery attacks cannot, after all, be accurate to every inch of the target's surface. At this time, the carrier-based aircraft's maneuvering advantages are exerted. The carrier-based aircraft can be brought close to the opposing fleet and thrown at close range. Bombs, just like dive bombers in ancient times, can throw out the precision of precision-guided weapons in the information age in the mechanical age, and even throw them down the ventilation tube.

If the carrier-based aircraft attacks the enemy ’s starship, it will have to pay a lot of casualties, because the other ’s starship is the space fortress, and the dense and close anti-aircraft guns will bring great threats to the carrier-based aircraft. In addition to the skillful maneuver to get rid of the movement, the element of luck is also required.

However, no one will be afraid. As carrier-based aircraft pilots, they all know the battles of their predecessors and their glory and pride, especially General Qin Tian!

Although he did not advertise General Qin Tian deliberately, the people below knew that General Qin Tian, ​​who was born as a pilot of a carrier aircraft, had carried out countless attacks and even threw bombs close to the surface of the enemy starship!

At that time, General Qin Tian ’s battle videos were always circulating in the fleet, even as public information on the training of carrier-based aircraft pilots. Of course, General Qin Tian ’s own information was concealed, only that an outstanding pilot in the fleet was in Excellent performance in the last galaxy war.

Of course, in fact, everyone knows that it is General Qin Tian. At the same time, they also use General Qin Tian as an example. As a carrier aircraft pilot, they cannot fear death!

Now, it ’s time to test them. In the past, they were only seen in training. On the simulator, even if they were hit by a laser beam, they were only judged to have failed by the system, but now, as long as Being hit, their lives will end!

A carrier-based aircraft rushed towards the opponent's fleet. At this time, the laser beam had already flew over the opponent's starship!

Serpentine maneuver! Lieutenant Arslan pushed the joystick to quickly avoid the first beam. In the last battle, he lost a remote control fighter, and now there are three left. At this time, three fighters are flying in front of him. The distance is only 20 meters, forming a diamond formation, and his movements are uniform.

Just like the two-aircraft formation tactics in ancient times, the long aircraft attacked in front, the wingman covered the tail of the long aircraft, and maneuvered with the long aircraft at the same time, so as long as the long aircraft could get rid of the other party's attack, the wingman could naturally.

The current formation is the same consideration, as long as the fighters of the controller can get rid of, those fighters that are remotely controlled can also get rid of with the same maneuver, and at the critical time, if they ca n’t get rid of it, they can also block the opposite plane. Attack and act as a substitute for the dead ghost.



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