Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 1045: Clone Renegade

This is a Samsung system, three stars, under the action of gravity, doing a strange movement.

Civilized worlds living in single galaxies or double galaxies are relatively fortunate, because their world is very regular, with periodic changes and alternating back and forth, but the Samsung system is different. There are no rules in this galaxy. It is simply a nightmare in the universe. Although they may have some combination in a stable state, many times, they will become irregular again due to various disturbances.

At this time, behind a star, with the help of the star's occlusion, a large fleet was hidden.

"General Qin Hai, is this your tactic?" At this time, on one of the starships, a fat old man was talking to a middle-aged man.

General Ankov, one of whom is famous for being rude, now he has been promoted to marshal of the empire, but he is not happy, because a young man, a traitor, a clone, is better than his majesty. .

Now, he is facing Qin Hai's troubles. He has always sneered at Qin Hai's tactics, and this time will certainly not be an exception.

Qin Hai hopes that those carrier-based aircraft will be able to disperse the other party ’s huge fleet. When they are chasing in a line formation, they are suddenly cut off from the middle and divided and eaten, but now, this tactic has not worked, and they attacked the carrier. The plane had returned, but on the other side, it was on the side of the wormhole. It kept on forming and formed a huge fleet.

Seeing that Qin Hai's tactics did not work, Field Marshal Ankov seemed very happy and could finally attack him. It seemed that Ankov had forgotten that in this fierce battle for imperial power, the seventh prince Yakov and him , And was once beaten with a helmet and abandoned armor, he almost couldn't hold on, but Qin Hai was ingenious, constantly saving the precarious battle situation, using the contradictions between several princes to provoke, and finally divide the other side Breaking through, the current seven princes finally stepped into the throne.

What about this? Even if he still knew all this, Ankov was still full of complaints, because, under the advice of Qin Hai, he gradually gave up the realm of the empire. As a result, now, half of them have become the Armenian empire.

Reminiscent of Qin Hai's identity, it is easy to make people think that he is a spy sent by the Armenian Empire, and now he deliberately gave the empire a mouthful to eat.

"During the battle, we will encounter all kinds of unexpected problems. Since the other party did not fall into our pockets, then we have to change tactics." Qin Hai did not get angry with Ankov, and kept his That kind of special intellect is precisely this intellect that annoys Ankov. Why? Why does His Majesty completely trust an outsider like him, he is the veteran who follows His Majesty!

Ankov began his allegiance to the Seventh Prince in his early years. Later in that galaxy war, he had always been the cronies of the Seventh Prince. They chose the most stupid way. Later, Ankov realized that the Seventh Prince had been waiting for the emperor. After the crash, that is to retain strength.

Ordinarily, Ankov should be the emperor's number one general, but now, the emperor has always listened to Qin Hai. "So, General Qin Hai, what are you going to do next?" Ankov asked.

The only thing that made Ankov feel satisfied was probably the rank. He was already a marshal, but Qin Hai was a general, and he was still a major general. However, when you think about a marshal who is not as good as a major general, she always feels that it is not a taste.

"Continue to retreat." Qin Hai said: "Retreat into the next galaxy, preparing for the opportunity to counterattack."

"Counterattack?" Hearing Qin Hai's words, Marshal Ankov sneered: "General Qinhai, do you really intend to counterattack? You have given half of our land to the enemy, the rest Half, are you continuing to give away? I see, you do n’t plan to counterattack at all, you are vowing to unify the galaxy, but instead of helping the master of our Fibre Empire, we are helping the Armenian Empire? You are from beginning to end. A clone traitor! "

Hearing a few words about the clone, Qin Hai's eyes were a bit hot. He wished to rush up and beat the guy fiercely, but he resisted. He stared at each other and said one word at a time: "Our The strength has been reduced to the lowest point. If we fight hard with the opponent, even if we have won again and again, our strength will continue to be consumed. Therefore, we continue to give up the country in advance and let the opponent spread the troops to stay. Looking for the other party ’s opportunity to eat the other party, this is my pre-designed tactics, and the tactics that His Majesty has endorsed. Now, if you doubt my tactics, it is to doubt His Majesty ’s wise decision. "

Qin Hai lifted out His Majesty. Up to now, he is still trusted by His Majesty. After all, he once helped His Majesty and made plans, and finally let His Majesty defeat the other princes, and finally stepped on the throne of the Empire.

Even the eldest four defected and handed over the imperial seal to the other party, which was his strategy, but now it seems that there is no other effect than letting the other party occupy a large area of ​​his own country.

"Your Majesty, Qin Hai retreated blindly. This is not the way. We have retreated to the present and cannot retreat anymore. Even if the other party is ready to form a fleet, we do not have to be afraid. We can still implement the predetermined tactics. Stop their transport ship and win in the head-to-head battle. Let ’s start now. This will be the beginning of our counterattack. From here, the Tula Samsung team, start the horn of our counterattack! If you continue, The power that has been recovered by us, I am afraid, will also have two hearts! "

Marshal Ankov said to His Majesty, at this moment, His Majesty began to meditate.

The seven princes at that time seemed to be a cynical appearance, and they had no talents at all, but he only concealed his talents. The war of imperial power in these years has allowed him to grow up quickly. Although he is still very Weak, but sitting there, there is already a kind of emperor who is not angry.

After listening to Marshal Ankov, he turned to look at Qin Hai again: "Qin Hai, what do you think?"

"Your Majesty, the other party did not follow up, indicating that they already have preparedness, and the opposite is not a fleet of light enemies. Our plan must be more complete. I personally think that it is not suitable for this hard-to-fight battle." Qin Hai said: "After all, we don't have the ability to build starships. In the war, our factories have been destroyed. The power we have cannot be consumed in this kind of confrontation. Think twice, Your Majesty."



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