Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 1043: Technological development

The two are good friends. They came out of the colony together, and now they are together. They are still serving on a starship. It is definitely a rare fate. However, men, when they are together, they will always be stronger.

Trust is very direct, I am better than you!

"Well, that's because I rushed to the front. If I were to hide behind you like me, how could I be shot down?" Arslan said disappointedly. "You are a tortoise."

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel again, Kud, the captain of the aircraft carrier said, "Okay, don't quarrel anymore, and then you will be grounded. Now, we will all go to the conference room for post-war to sum up."

Since entering the battlefield, they are still looking forward to successive battles. As a result, until now, it is just the end of the first battle, so it is very important to summarize the combat experience.

All the carrier plane pilots were heading towards the meeting room. When they walked in, they found a girl inside who was waiting for them with a smile.

"Hello everyone, I'm Yana, first of all congratulations on your triumphant come." Yana said: "Now, please talk about the battle, how to fight each other."

This was only the first contact. Then, the starship did not immediately pursue it, but stopped at the periphery of the wormhole, and waited for the starships behind to come over one after another to form a large formation before they would continue to attack. Therefore, Ya Na also had a period of time temporarily, and during this time, she came here to ask everyone about the situation.

After all, this is the first contact with the other party, one hundred years later, and the main force of the other party again. What is the flight skills of the other party's fighter unit? Is it a good pilot or a rookie?

She is very concerned, and now, looking forward to finding something useful in the mouths of these pilots.

"The other party's technology is really terrible." Hearing Yana's opening, Alslan immediately opened the conversation box: "My fighter was the first to fly over. The other party was at a long distance, um, about one The attack was launched at a light-second distance. At such a long distance, I couldn't get a shot at all. I skillfully avoided it, and directly cut into the other party's fleet, and started a scuffle with the other party inside the fleet. "

As Arslan was talking, the holographic projections also showed the trajectory road map of their battle at that time. Looking at these maneuvering routes, Yana's face slowly became serious.

"The battlefield video installation, broadcast the video at that time." Yana said.

In a fierce battle, the time can be calculated in microseconds. The pilot certainly has no time to record. This comes from the automatic recording device carried on the fighter. Because the speed is too fast, it is like some of the time when the camera is used. Like the lens, the light began to stretch, and a shadow came out.

The original image can only appear through the computer's automatic restoration. Now, Yana is here, staring at the system restoration carefully until a clear image of the other's fighter plane appears.

For a hundred years, the fighter technology of the Fibre Empire seems to have made no progress, and it is still using the Tianguang class fighter. This fighter is an X-shaped wing, four wings are inserted outside the fuselage, and the cockpit is in the middle position. This way of layout makes the design of the landing gear difficult, but what about But it is the easiest to arrange weapons. Each wing has a laser cannon on its wingtips, and its firepower is quite fierce.

The shape is still the original shape, but if you look closely, you can find some clues. The cockpit in the middle, the cockpit cover is dark, and nothing can be seen clearly. This is very strange for the carrier aircraft. Yes, after all, in the battlefield, in order to prevent the influence of the laser beam and starlight, the cockpit cover may increase the blackness, but it will definitely not be so dark.

There is only one possibility for such an operation, that is, there is no one inside, and it is completely intelligently controlled?

"Is there no pilot in there?" Arslan also reacted. In the fierce battle, it changed rapidly. Of course, he couldn't observe the opposite carefully. Until now, he only saw a clear enlarged cockpit pattern. He suddenly It came back.

Unless there is no pilot inside, the cockpit is definitely not in this shape.

"Impossible, artificial intelligence is not so advanced. In a fierce battlefield, only talents can have this kind of reaction ability." Just then, Trust said: "I remember very clearly, just when I suddenly attacked another fighter. At that time, the fighter made a beautiful right-angle turn, I do n’t believe the program can do it, it is completely the sixth sense to avoid. "

With the advancement of computers, artificial intelligence is becoming more and more developed. So, are war opportunities replaced by computers?

This is impossible. It has been confirmed by history. I have experienced the era of drones. Because there are no people in it, there can be a high overload and there is no need to worry about the loss of personnel. It seems to be a good choice, but in fact, drones When fighting against a manned fighter, the exchange ratio is terrifying. Twenty drones can't beat a manned fighter.

The computer can only judge according to the program. It calculates all the actions that may be performed in the next second to see which one is most suitable, and then choose which action. The fighters controlled by humans rely more on human experience and instincts. , And the sixth sense brought by repeated training.

This cannot be replaced by a computer. It is like a computer that can calculate so much data. However, it is still the human brain that is the most intelligent, like a chess master who cannot win a chess game.

Now, qualified carrier-based aircraft pilots are not easy to find, so the Empire is also trying its best to come up with a new plan. This is multiple controls. One person controls four or five fighters. This is already the limit, and I never thought about it. If you want to use completely unmanned fighters to fight, in that case, it is almost useless except for consuming almost infinite laser guns.

The other party doesn't have a cockpit, but it doesn't seem to be controlled by a computer. So how did the other party do it?

Is it only the brain inside?

The idea flashed in Yana ’s mind, and she immediately felt like she had fallen into an ice cellar. She remembered the last Galactic War. The Fibre Empire used a large number of clones as carrier aircraft pilots, but those clones People's qualities are uneven, and in the end they have not played a role in reversing the universe.

Could it be that the other party went a step further, without cloning the human body, only the brain, and then linking the data with the brain to control the fighter?



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