Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 1032: Cogito ergo sum

"What way?" Qin Tian asked.

"When she doesn't exist." He Xiao said: "As long as all sensory organs are closed and she is not aware of her existence, then she is non-existent, not only herself, but also all the equipment of the spacecraft, any camera, Do n’t pay attention to her, then she ca n’t interact with this real world. This is her biggest flaw. ”

If you do n’t observe, then she is in the form of a quantum cloud, and she cannot collapse into a specific person. It ’s that simple! This is the magic of the quantum world.

In the microcosm, the basic structure of matter is in eternal and irregular motion, and the trajectory of motion is enough to spread throughout the universe, and it cannot be solved by Newtonian motion laws. It can only be described by probability, and the quantum cloud presented .

However, when there were outside observers, the quantum cloud collapsed and became an actual particle with a definite orbit.

Quantum ghost, since it is a quantized person, is a special form of life produced after being hit by a macro atom, there will also be this external manifestation. When you observe her, she exists because Her quantum cloud is collapsed, and when you do not observe her, then she does not exist.

Of course, this is not just one person not observing, but asking everyone not to notice her existence, but also including all kinds of instruments, any kind of instrument, can't find her, or even try to search for her, As long as she pays attention to her, she collapses and can play a role in this world.

The previous method has always collapsed, because she appeared as a person, and everyone is watching her. Now, as long as everyone does not pay attention to her, when she does not exist, then she is really Does not exist.

It's crazy to think like this, too sci-fi.

"How do we know if you are lying to us?" Qin Tian asked.

This is taking your own life to take risks. It ’s like having a killer holding a knife and chopping at yourself, but you have to close your eyes, do n’t look at the other party, and you ca n’t listen to the sound of the other party ’s cutting. Could it be something to say: "He does not exist, he does not exist."

This is too dangerous, it is simply a neuropathy that will do it.

Moreover, this seems to be a philosophical idea. It ’s like I think, so I ’m here, because I think, so I exist. If I do n’t think, I do n’t exist. Now, I think he is there, Because I look at him, he exists. If I don't look at him, he doesn't exist?

"Believe it or not." He Xiao said: "Anyway, she left this time just because the energy is not strong enough. After another hour, she will come back again. At that time, her strength will be quite strong and the force field will be protected. The hood is invalid, and the mechanical wolf is also invalid. She can kill everyone in the entire spaceship. "

"Then where is she now?"

"It must be hiding somewhere in the spaceship, waiting for the time to come." He Xiao said.

When will it be another hour? It is related to the tidal forces in the universe!

When the four-dimensional space was opened, the tidal force was superimposed to the strongest. At this time, the energy in the space is the largest. This energy can be used to forcibly pull the fourth dimension from the micro world to the macro world. A fast shuttle in the universe.

It can be opened without using this tidal force, but the four-dimensional space opened is very small and can only be used in a certain part of the planet, just like it was done on the Alpha star before.

Well, it seems that the power of Fazi is also related to the energy of the vacuum in the universe, but it is not when the vibration is strengthened to the strongest, but when the fluctuations in the vacuum are superimposed to the minimum!

Wave crest and wave crest, wave trough and wave trough, this superposition is to increase the energy, but if the wave crest and the wave trough are superimposed, it will be weakened.

This is like a large square. Two speakers are placed on both sides of the podium. These two speakers are vibrating. Sound waves are spreading in the air. Walking around the edge of the square, you will find that the sound is high and low. That is, the sound waves are superimposed, and the places where the intensity is high and the places where the intensity is low are spaced from each other. This is called wave interference.

Now, the universe has a similar situation. It is no wonder that when he came last time, Fazi didn't use quantum ghosts to kill himself, because at that time, it should be when his quantum ghosts were the most difficult to form, and they were mostly used to escape.

In other words, her quantum ghost is exactly contradictory to the four-dimensional space. You can only choose one of them. Fortunately, it can only be one of them. If both are occupied, then she is really invincible.

So, is He Xiao's four-dimensional space technology also inspired by the research of this quantum ghost?

"How does four-dimensional space come into being? Skynet technology, what's going on?" Qin Tian continued to ask He Xiao.

He Xiao stopped talking.

"Do you believe it or not, I'll smash your head now!" Qin Tianfa is ruthless, to see if you are afraid of death!

"I'm afraid of death, but you are my enemies." He Xiao finally spoke again: "Want to get more secrets from my mouth, don't dream, I tell you the shortcomings of Fazi just because Fazi wants To kill me, there is no other idea, and I will not cooperate with you. "

He Xiao is principled. After all, the He family was destroyed under the hands of Princess Jingxi. As the only descendant of the He family, He Xiao was filled with bitter hatred. Princess cooperation.

It was precisely because of hatred that she was so sane, and she was not complacent because of Princess Jingxi ’s death. It was not like Princess Jingxi ’s style, so it must be fake.

Now, there is only one hour left. How to grasp precious time? There will be no result in continuing to interrogate He Xiao's brain. After all, He Xiao has already made it very clear. What they need now is to quickly discuss ways to deal with the method. That method is the most terrible.

If after an hour, when the tidal force in the universe is weakest, the universe will not interfere with her quantum state, it is clear that everyone present is not an opponent.

After leaving He Xiao ’s brain, Qin Tian walked back to the shielded room, where Princess Jingxi also frowned, giving up a stand-in and coaxing away the trick, that was only temporary. How to do?



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