Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 1028: He Xiao's brain

Where is it?

He Xiao slowly opened her eyes. To be precise, she did n’t open her eyes, just the visual part of her brain, which was connected to external signals. She saw soft lights around her, and then a row In the row of machines, she wanted to bow her head, but she couldn't bow her head at all, because she had no such thing as a head.

She didn't see her body, it seemed that her body had disappeared, and then, suddenly, her cerebral cortex jumped for a while, as if she saw the most terrible thing.

It was a vessel with a brain in it, soaked in a solution. At this time, many pipes, wires, and one of the cables were connected to the eyes.

She had a feeling of wanting to twitch, but she didn't do it because she didn't have a body. She tried to calm herself down, thinking about what happened recently.

She was deceived and deceived by many people. The Elt, who must have passed by the imperialists, broke into their interior. The mechanical wolf has also loyal to each other. At the end, the mechanical wolf skillfully Attacked her, leaving her unprepared.

Then, her brain was cut off, soaked in the solution, and studied by the other party, just like on the death star, she treated many men by herself.

She can't do anything, even suicide, because the brain can only think and can't do anything but thinking. Now, she is in deep fear.

At this moment, the outside door opened, and she saw several people walk in. The first thing she saw was Princess Jing Xi and General Qin Tian. At this time, the faces of the two were filled with smiles belonging to the winner. Next to the two, there was also a scientist, Professor Coro.

"Are you awake?" Qin Tian said, and then, as if he had thought of something, he said to Corot: "Give her a hearing and speaking system, or how to communicate with her?"

"Okay, in fact, it can be connected to the head cap," Coro said.

"Koror, I didn't expect that even you betrayed me!" He Xiao began to growl just after he came in, but the sound of this small speaker was a little monotonous, which could not fully reflect the anger of He Xiao at this time, but instead Some are shriveled and weak.

All this is a trap, killing Princess Jingxi and General Qin Tian, ​​let He Xiao relax a lot, and then was attacked, now looking at these two people standing in front of the eyes, obviously obviously the last time I died It ’s someone else. There must be a substitute for someone like them, but it ’s a pity that I did n’t think so much.

I thought the Skynet system was foolproof. Unfortunately, Skynet is not a panacea. Especially in the early days, it could not monitor too many places.

"Betrayal? When you used everyone around me as an adult brain computer, my heart was already dead. After living for so many years, I was waiting for this day." Corot said: "When your brain is The same treatment, fortunately, I waited. Your brain was cut and soaked in by myself, and kept intact without any damage. "

Coro was the first to betray He Xiao. Although he knew he could never go out on the Death Star, he still retained human instincts after all, but He Xiao destroyed all this, and He Xiao was like a demon, in order to accelerate Promoting scientific research on the Death Star, a large number of human brains have been made into parallel computers, and the speed of calculation has been accelerated. Most theories about four-dimensional space began at that time, and human brain computers cannot do No, but this kind of scene makes Coro never be relieved. This is against humanity, this is the most inhumane, especially, even the people around Coro have become part of the human brain computer!

Afterwards, he was so muddled that he could only listen to He Xiao's instructions. Until now, He Xiao was finally in trouble, and only his brain was left, so Professor Coro finally had the opportunity to take revenge.

Now, he has a pleasure, just like He Xiao said when he revenge on Princess Jingxi and General Qin Tian when he said his family's origins.

"Okay, our time is precious. The current situation is quite unfavorable. He Xiao, we hope you can tell what you know, for example, the secret of the four-dimensional space, where is the magic, and where is the Star Warship. "

Hearing this, He Xiao immediately understood: "It seems that not everyone has chosen to allegiance to you, or someone has feelings for the alliance. These secrets, you will never know!"

The four-dimensional space was created by the scientists of He Xiao's men. Since the other party didn't know, it means that there were not many scientists who rebelled. Corot is one, and the others may still insist on it.

Fazi, Star Wars, these are naturally confidential.

Fortunately, if Fazi escaped, he would have the opportunity to avenge himself! In fact, He Xiao was able to develop to this step, and the law played a key role in it. Without the law, there would be no present.

He Xiao is unwavering.

"Since you don't want to say that, we have to use another means." Princess Jingxi turned to look at Professor Kro and said to him: "Then, the rest will be yours."

Coro nodded: "I will not be soft, everything in her memory will be completely extracted. Now, I will first use electrical stimulation to restore her memory. Perhaps, she will all Say it. "

The only thing left is the brain, which is the most terrifying. When tortured by the other party, as long as the brain is stimulated with electric current, it is like being attacked by the soul, and the tortured party is extremely painful, but cannot shout or groan, The body cannot be twisted, it can only be accepted passively.

Over the years, Coro ’s psychology has been distorted. In the face of He Xiao ’s brain, Coro will never be merciless. Let her try these invented methods!

In ancient times, there was a tyrannical king. His craftsmen and his craftsmen did their best. They made a metal cow, shut the prisoner in, lit a bonfire underneath, and the prisoner ran to the head to breathe. , The cow will make a moo sound, and when it is done, they present the gift to the king. As a result, these craftsmen were banished by the king, and they became the first victims of this torture tool, and the king was listening. When the voice of the cow croaked, he applauded and praised the craftsmanship of these craftsmen!

Don't hurt others, otherwise, you will always receive the same retribution.



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