Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 1022: Final showdown

The basic composition of any solid planet is almost the same. It is divided into the crust, the mantle and the core. The more you go inside, the greater the pressure and the higher the temperature. Almost in the mantle, there is already a hot magma By the time it reached the core of the earth, it was all made of magma.

Volcano eruptions are generally magma in the mantle part. If the magma inside the core is ejected, the magma ejected under high pressure is enough to propel the entire planet and change the planet ’s orbit. This kind of power is quite strong. of.

Elt didn't know how the other side did it, but after the elevator went down, he already understood it roughly.

The entire core is almost hollow, and even most of the mantle has become hollow. Therefore, the internal space is extremely vast. These spaces are divided into layers according to different latitudes. The cabin is very similar to the starship.

The plane right at the location of the equator belongs to the most luxurious part of the entire planet. It has a large area. It can be seen that gardens, villas, and even swimming pools are built here. It should be the most comfortable part of life.

Elt glanced at Fazi and found Fazi's expression calm, not surprised, it seemed that Fazi came here often.

Entering the villa, the furnishings here are almost the same as the layout over there. He Xiao returned to the large and comfortable seat, and the whole person was sunken, looking a little tired.

"Skynet, low-dimensional expansion." He Xiao gave the order.

Elt looked at all this in surprise. After the Skynet was put away, it became an invisible microscopic particle. Now, it is unfolding layer by layer, its dimension gradually decreases, its volume gradually becomes larger, and finally It becomes the original dim three-dimensional projection.

"Now, let us see what they are doing." He Xiao said.

The captured scientists are He Xiao ’s most precious asset. Now, the shadows of those people first appeared in the Skynet system. They have abandoned the slow-moving cargo ship and boarded the starship. From the starship It is returning home at high speed. Now, it has jumped a few wormholes, left the starry sky here, and entered the realm of the Sagittarius cantilever colony.

"Their movements are really fast." He Xiao said: "We have never been succeeded by others. This time, we want them to return even more profitably!"

"So, what are we going to do?" Elt asked.

"Princess Jingxi of the Amine Empire is in the colony fleet. I have seen her many times, and we have captured her too!" He Xiao gritted his teeth and said: "Now, wait another five hours, next time. Open the four-dimensional space, we will act! "

"Yes." Alte's current identity has been reversed. The other party issued an order, and Alte immediately obeyed, because the opposite He Xiao was already convinced that it was Mr. Alpha.

Sure enough, the four-dimensional space cannot be opened arbitrarily, especially the passage of this huge four-dimensional space across the galaxy, which needs to be separated by six hours, so now, of course, we must go back as soon as possible to inform others of this news.

Between the preparations for action, Elt found an opportunity to end control briefly. When Qin Tian came down from the seat, his face was full of worry.

"That is to say, we are about to be attacked by them? And, or is it a dimension attack?" Several people gathered together, and after hearing Alter's words, their faces were extremely dignified.

The mystery is about to be unveiled, but this mystery is unbearable for everyone. The advanced technology possessed by the other party has surpassed everyone's imagination. Such a force is simply invincible!

You need to use the starship to move back and forth, but the other party can directly cross the space through the fourth dimension, they do n’t have any power to stop the other party. It can be said that a solid spaceship is impossible. Blocking the other party's attack.

Not to mention the super star battleship that the other party is about to build, everyone has a sense of powerlessness.

"I suggest that we hide immediately and prevent the other party from finding it. In this way, there may be a chance." Elter said.

Now, even Alte, who has always been advancing bravely, is now backing down. There is no way. Who can make the technology that people have so powerful? For everyone, people are gods.

"They have high-tech, we also have. Don't forget, we still have a technology that they don't understand." Princess Jing Xi said.

"What?" Elt asked.

"Avatar." Princess Jingxi said: "We can be sure that until now, our shielding room is working. They have never discovered the existence of our avatar, so we can use this method to give them Lay traps, wipe them out in one fell swoop, and catch Mr. Alpha! Well, Miss Alpha. "

Elt now brings back another big secret. The so-called Mr. Alpha is actually a woman, that is, He Xiao. This woman, hidden so deeply, absolutely deceived everyone.

Elt also shined right now, yes, this is already the biggest card, but the avatar takes time, and I want to create the avatars of the scientists to be rescued in a short time. Is it easy?

"We try our best, brother, you have to be careful." Princess Jing Xi said.

That woman is so cunning. If you let that woman notice something, it might be very dangerous. If you are not careful, you will jump into the trap set by the other party.

Qin Tian did not dare to come back for too long, otherwise the avatar would run automatically there, and he was not allowed to encounter any problems. After consultation, Qin Tian immediately returned to the control system. He looked forward to this is the ultimate battle, arrest Mr. Alpha, it is best to restore peace here, and bring out all his secrets.

Is there such a big difference between men and women? Elt knows that in various civilized worlds, there have been cases of posing as women, and even some of them are proud of women's wear, and they have also undergone surgery to truly achieve gender conversion.

Although Mr. Alpha looks like a woman in appearance, but it is really a man or a woman, I am afraid it is not easy to say, after grasping it, I will know it by verifying my body.

Since his awakening, he has been threatened by Mr. Alpha. Now, this nightmare can finally be ended.



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