Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 1020: New base

Elt also began to wear space suits. Thanks to the development of technology, the current space suits are already very simple. They are definitely not the kind of behemoths before. This space suit is just like an ordinary outerwear. Thermal insulation can also resist the impact of micrometeorite in outer space and maintain the airtightness inside.

If it is not wearing a helmet, it is the same as ordinary clothes. Of course, you need to carry a small backpack on the back. After all, you need oxygen, power and other supplies. Elt quickly completed all this and then watch He Xiao walked towards the terminal of the Skynet system.

Mr. Alpha has many secrets, and this Skynet system is one of them.

Now, what is the structure of the terminal of this Skynet system? Elt was watching the opponent's control.

"Skynet, collapsed to eleven dimensions." He Xiao issued an order to the skynet system.

Collapse, to eleven dimensions?

I thought that the other party only mastered the technology of four-dimensional space. Now, when hearing this command, Elter felt that his world view was being broken. I saw the Skynet system in front of him, and after receiving the command, he quickly returned. Shrinking, each time it shrinks back, it means that one dimension is retracted into the microscopic field. This is like a piece of bread in a three-dimensional world. It is first pressed into a two-dimensional flat piece, and then pinched into one-dimensional The same as a strip.

How many dimensions did this Skynet have before? Elt didn't know, but I saw the Skynet system, shrinking back quickly, then the speed visible to the naked eye became smaller, smaller, and finally, disappeared.

Elt knows that the other party will not disappear, but after a few contractions, the size has changed from macro to micro, he can't see it with his naked eyes, and finally contracted, I am afraid that it is only one elementary particle size?

Elter was surprised. The secret of this Skynet system was hidden deeper. How much advanced technology did Mr. Alpha master, and how did the other party master it?

Own research and development? In a space like Death Star, self-development is absolutely impossible.

Is it related to this method?

Who knows, now, let Pete do the research, he is not a professional in this area.

and many more! When thinking of Pete, Elt thought of a terrible situation. The entire universe, for them, is shuttled casually. The Milky Way in the three-dimensional world is extremely vast, but in the fourth dimension, it says It's just a walk away.

Well, they can reach where they want to go throughout the galaxy, which means that the entire galaxy is unsafe.

The scientists taken by the other side are for the purpose of cracking the other party ’s secret, but as long as the other side needs them, they can rescue the scientists at any time and rescue them in the fourth dimension. It ’s too simple, only those people around Can do it.

Unless, sending them into the shielding room, it is like own party controlling these avatars. Until now, the other party has not found himself to be Qin Tian. The operation planned in the shielding room was also quite successful, indicating that the other party There is no peeping into the interior of the shield room.

Follow them first, move to a new planet, and then go back again! Elt made up his mind.

Time is up, the space is fluctuating. In the universe, the strings in the vacuum are fluctuating. At this time, all the strings are superimposed with the same ripple, the amplitude is getting larger and larger, and finally reaches the maximum value. At this moment, the energy of these vibrations in the vacuum is pumped away, and these energies are rapidly converging. Under the invisible control force, they are constricted to the fourth dimension in the micro world and are released!

The door to the new universe opened again. Elt felt this magnificence, and he was very emotional. Anyway, it is worth respecting and sighing to be able to create this technology?

The world becomes transparent again, and everything shows infinite details. Everything here, the internal structure, is flattened out by Ou Ping, and you can see clearly.

"Come on, let's go to the new base." Mr. Alpha said, the first to go up.

Butler Pu'er followed, the second went up, and the method followed the third.

After these people had gone up, Elt followed, and they embarked on a special road to the sky. Then, in a few steps, they saw the stars in the sky.

When entering the space, the sense of grandeur gradually disappears, and the huge infinite details are gone. After all, the universe is empty, and the three-dimensional and thinking of the vacuum cannot see the difference.

The new base, sure enough, they not only have Alpha Star, but also other bases, Alpha Star, just like their alliance president, is on the surface, cunning rabbit three caves, they certainly have more old nests, these years, Alpha Mr. ’s arrangement is very proper.

How long have you walked in the universe? About three minutes, then, the feeling of weightlessness disappeared and returned to the planetary world from the universe.

When the fourth dimension disappeared, standing on the ground, Elt looked at this new world.

The specific position is not known by Elt, but it must be in a colony with a gap of 3,000 seconds. After all, this is a desert zone in the entire universe. No force can patrol the entire world. There are a lot of deserted people. It is easy to find a planet as a base.

Now, what did Alt see?

The surface of the planet is shimmering with metal. It can be found that the entire surface is made of a layer of metal. Elt knows that this should be titanium alloy, the most suitable material for building spacecraft.

Their location should be where the planet ’s equator is located. At this time, the star ’s light is shining and it is warm. At the same time, it also projects the shadow of a huge building. From this direction, it seems to be A building is average, but as long as you have served in the fleet, you should know that there is a super cannon.

In contrast, Alpha Star is like an undefended city, what about here? It looks like it has been armed into a hedgehog. If not unexpectedly, should this be Mr. Alpha's real nest?

If the entire planet is made of this titanium alloy to make the shell, there is no doubt that this will be an astronomical consumption, and the entire Imperial Fleet may not have such luxury.

what is this? Elter is very curious.

"Welcome everyone to our" A "Star Warship." He Xiao didn't have the anger at the beginning. Now, she has become proud again: "What you see is the biggest card of our alliance. One."



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