Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 1004: Raid

YX-133 galaxy.

At the center of the galaxy is a star in its old age.

Stellar evolution is just like a person's life, from birth to youth, youth, middle age, and eventually into old age.

Now it is already a white dwarf star. Looking at it with naked eyes, it emits a white light, which is not dazzling. Compared with the red star, it seems too late.

It will continue to collapse, eventually collapse into a black hole, or explode, eject all the material, become a nebula, and in the long years, become a new star and get a new life.

Now, its light is already very weak, and the planet revolving around it will not get too much light, even if it is facing the star, there is only a bleak sky, and white stars hang there. It looks like a bright moonlight.

On the ground, the sound of wind cannons continually sounded, huge pneumatic tools were being cut, and each vehicle had perfect sealing measures. The small cab and the huge cantilever were almost all The shape of the excavator that men loved most in the past is very similar, except that it is many times larger.

There is an atmosphere on this planet, but the gas in the atmosphere is not breathable. The oxygen content is thin, but there is a lot of sulfur dioxide. It smells like the smell of rotten eggs. Time will swell his face and die.

Working here is always full of danger, but here has huge reserves of minerals, so there are still many people working here, these people look empty, these people have all their hands and feet Very mechanical, like a robot.

Their faces are expressionless, without any emotions, joys and sorrows, it seems that this has been the case since birth, as long as a little analysis, you can know that these are clones!

According to the basic rules of the human civilization, human cloning is forbidden. After all, this is a serious violation of human basic moral principles. However, for the Fibre Empire, there are no guidelines that can be followed. This is originally the most human. The place ruled by darkness, every ruler here is the most fierce and cruel egoist.

They need a carrier-based pilot, they will clone a batch, they need a miner, they will clone a batch, and the cloned defective products can also be eliminated without mercy. Now, these miners, if If you can't operate the machine well, you will face the danger of elimination at any time.

"Hurry, hurry, work harder!" The voice of a commander came from the intercom. The commander sat on a flying car and supervised the huge mine pit, watching the miners under his control Work.

The ore is huge, it needs to be cut and turned into small pieces before the spaceship can be transported away. In fact, on-site crushing and smelting seem to be a better choice, but the Empire now only has a dedicated smelting blast furnace device. Mobile, so it can only be transported in the past.

The commander's eyes are cold. He is not a clone. In the Fibre Empire, there are now a lot of clones. These natural persons have transformed into rulers. In the past, the commander was also the most common. Miner, but now, he has become a supervisor and can supervise a group of people to work. If the air here can breathe normally, he does not mind holding a leather whip in his hands. Severely whip.

"Alarm, alarm, unknown spacecraft entered orbit!" At this moment, a strange scene appeared on the screen in front of him. It should have been transported in an orderly manner, and two spaceships were waiting on synchronized orbits. As a result, Suddenly an unidentified spacecraft appeared.

what happened?

"Hey, which one, please follow the order!" The commander shouted loudly: "Please line up behind!"

As soon as the words fell, I saw the light spots on the display, more and more, more and more, and soon, he exceeded his imagination, even if all the transport ships came over and gathered together, it was not like this. More, who is coming?

Is it the spaceship of other princes?

"Hey, here is His Majesty the Empire, the mine of the Seventh Prince, if you want to come to plunder, first see if your Majesty agrees or not!" He was anxious.

At this moment, a bright spot suddenly appeared in space. His eyes widened. That was one of their starships responsible for maintaining order. The starship was actually exploded!

It is relatively stable here, and because wars are erupting everywhere, only one starship is responsible for maintaining order. Now, I did not expect to be exploded.

It must be the enemy!

How to do?


The commander is not stupid. Is it necessary to wait for death in such a place? Hurry up and run into an abandoned pothole and hide first! He controlled the flying car, lowered his altitude, swept the ground low, and advanced at high speed.

Overhead, a spaceship is constantly passing through the atmosphere. Because it is an emergency landing, the speed is very fast. The heat-resistant material on the outside of the spacecraft has started to rub against the outside atmosphere and burned up, just like a meteor, Sliding fast.

Time is running out, and there is no delay. You must leave here before the other party reacts and dispatches troops!

At this time, just outside the planet, a large number of starships appeared in synchronous orbit. One of the disc-shaped starships was quite noticeable. This is the flagship of the Alliance starship. At this time, On this flagship, Admiral Hughes had greedy eyes in his eyes.

President Elter was really powerful, so it was so easy to find these much-needed ore stars, and in a short time, they assembled the largest fleet to come here to transport ore. As long as they succeeded, they built a batch of star ships. Have all the resources!

In particular, it is still the kind of superstar ship that is planned. After the completion, the entire galaxy is theirs!

"General, all the nearby stars have been cleared, and no other starship power has been found," a deputy reported.

"Pursue those spaceships that ran away, and those spaceships are also ours!" Said General Hughes.

When they came over, they met some along the way. After arriving here, there were more spaceships waiting for loading. After they found them, these spaceships began to flee because they knew it was not good. , Should all serve the alliance.

Arrest them!



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