Fighting Po: Yang Emperor

Chapter 181 Race against time and essence

The three of them were completely unaware of the various looks from the outside world. At this time, they were all staring at the medicine cauldron in front of them.

Concentrate on controlling the flames and refining the essence of medicinal materials.

The gray-robed boy no longer hid, and with a wave of his hand, a distorted medicinal plant flew out of the medicine cauldron and was thrown aside casually.

In his medicine cauldron, there were also eight medicinal plants left.

Everyone in the field looked at the medicinal plant that had been burnt beyond recognition, but they could still barely identify it, it was: Thick Tu Zhi.

That was the last medicinal ingredient in the prescription, but now, it was eliminated from the refining process by three people.

After previous experiments, Xian'er and the others had figured out that the reason why they could not successfully condense the elixir into a pill was entirely because the medicinal plant called Houtuzhi was simply redundant.

It was precisely because of this redundant medicinal material that the pill condensation failed in the end.

Some people in the field, such as Liu Ling, the little princess and others, suddenly realized and vaguely understood the problem.

But most of them frowned and thought.

Questioning a complete prescription, and also finding and solving problems in a short period of time requires not only courage, but also strength.

Not everyone can do this.

Just like now, Xian'er and the other three have clearly pointed out the problem. Everyone knows that the problem of being unable to condense elixirs is most likely caused by this thick soil mushroom.

But, so what if you know, even if you find the root of the problem, you still can't solve it without the strength.

Moreover, some traditional alchemists believe too much in the orthodoxy of the elixir, so no matter how they fail, it is difficult to attribute the cause of the problem to the elixir. They will only think that they must have made a mistake in a certain step of heating or refining.

And precisely because of this kind of thinking, even if they failed once before, they still couldn't really figure out the essence of the problem, and they couldn't even figure out why, let alone find a solution.

In this kind of assessment, there will undoubtedly be a complete failure.

Therefore, at this time, they, including the little princess and Liu Ling, could only become spectators.

It was eerily quiet in the huge square.

Only three fires were still burning.

All the eyes in the field were scanning back and forth at these three places.

In the three medicine cauldrons, flames rose, and the essences of the eight medicinal materials gradually approached each other in the flames, slowly merging, waiting for the final moment of elixir formation.

This is a race against time like a fight between dragons and tigers.

Under the premise that the same elixir is refined and the quality of the final elixir is the same, if one wants to distinguish between a winner and a loser, it is naturally to see who can complete the elixir faster and in a shorter time.

In this case, the difference between victory and defeat may be just one second.

The seals in the hands of the young man in gray robes were changing, controlling the condensation. He still had extra concentration in his mind. He raised his head, glanced at Xiao Yan, and revealed a sarcastic sneer at the corner of his mouth.

With his keen eye, he could see the general difference between them at a glance through the slight difference between the condensed pills.

This is too slow.

The difference is at least five minutes and is nothing to worry about.

He looked at Xian'er again, and the sarcastic sneer at the corner of his mouth slowly subsided.

Well, this is not bad, the gap with myself is very small, within a minute, maybe less.

However, he taunted: "Hey, you are all too slow. If you have good fire control skills, what's the use?"

"My flames are not as good as yours, and my fire control skills are not as good as yours, but my speed of condensation is faster than yours! Hahaha." The gray-robed boy laughed proudly.

Xian'er stared at the inside of the medicine cauldron, her face expressionless, and she didn't even bother to raise her eyelids.

Xiao Yan frowned slightly and glanced at the proud and arrogant young man in gray robe. After taking a breath, he also looked away and ignored him.

"Hehe~" The gray-robed boy sneered when he saw this, and also looked away.

There was some regret in my heart that I could not stimulate them. The young man was good at cultivating Qi and could hold his Qi very calmly.

However, young people are always young people. They are not yet proficient in techniques, experience, etc., let alone seasoned and proficient.

Not enough classes!

Many contestants in the field couldn't help but clenched their fists after hearing this.

At the VIP table.

"Pharaoh, Miss Xian'er and Xiao Yan seem to be a little behind?" Haibodong stood up and asked with a frown as he looked at the fierce competition in the field.

"It is true that we are lagging behind a little now, but the gap between Miss Xian'er and the other party is very small."

Fama nodded and said slowly: "They all have huge advantages in flames and fire control techniques. But after all, because of their age, in terms of skills and experience, they are far behind that weird guy. deficit."

"As for that guy, he is extremely experienced and has not lost even one second in any place or step. Therefore, the advantages of both sides cancel each other out, but because the guy made the first move, he has the upper hand. …Now, it’s really hard to predict who will win and who will lose.” Fama shook her head and sighed.

Haibodong frowned and looked at Wei Yang.

Wei Yang smiled and said with an indifferent expression: "It doesn't matter even if we lose one round temporarily, it's not the last round anyway."

Everyone nodded slightly.

However, as long as you think about if you really lose to the opponent in terms of time in this round, just think about the arrogant and proud look of the opponent at that time, the bosses will feel a little unhappy.

"Alchemists have never relied on a few minutes or even a few seconds to make the elixir faster to distinguish the winner from the loser."

Wei Yang glanced at them and said, "Does the faster the alchemy is made, the higher the skill? You are obsessed with it."

"My teacher told me that when making alchemy, the most taboo thing is to rush the time, because there is no rush. For example, when carving a work of art or making a beautiful soup, you need to be patient, and the heat is the most important! On the contrary, I hope that Xian'er and the others will not Because of the temporary conflict of spirits, he forgot the true essence of refining medicine." Wei Yang said lightly.

"Yes, the victory or defeat of the elixir, in addition to its grade, depends on the heat and quality, not the speed or slowness of the elixir's completion time. Even if it is a few minutes late, it will be fine. It really shouldn't be forgotten for the sake of a battle of spirits. The true essence of alchemy!" President Fama smiled and nodded in agreement.

"Yes, that's right."

"There is really no point in fighting for those few minutes or even seconds."

Chemir, as well as some elders of the Alchemy Guild, all stroked their beards and nodded in agreement.

For alchemists, what they compete for has always been the grade and quality of the elixir, not the time it takes to make the elixir. This makes no sense.

Seeing this, Jia Xingtian and Hai Bodong could only shrug their shoulders and remain silent.

This is a concept that a group of alchemists believe in. Unless they are stupid, they will express doubts.

If you want to die, there are more comfortable and pleasant ways. There is no need to choose the most painful way to die.

on the square.

Xian'er, Xiao Yan, and the gray-robed boy all stared at the flames churning in the cauldron in front of them.

The flames of different colors illuminated the faces of the three people into deep red, purple, and deep yellow.

"Hurry up, hurry up, come on, come on, don't lose!" Her jade hands kept rubbing back and forth, and the little princess kept scanning the three-person medicine cauldron. With her good eyesight, she could spot , the prototype of the elixir in the three-person medicine cauldron is slowly becoming rounder.

"The elixir is about to take shape!"

Smelling the faint medicinal fragrance that diffused from the three medicine cauldrons, Liu Ling and others, who knew very well what it meant, became tense.

Countless people's hearts were hanging in their throats at this moment.

These young people do not have that kind of consciousness. At this time, they still have a trace of the spirit of the young people that controls their inner emotions, so they do not want to lose time to the people of the Izumo Empire.

"Miss Xian'er's is almost done, and Xiao Yan's is almost done!"

"However, the other party followed closely, and the gap between the three of them didn't seem to be big."

In the three medicine cauldrons, flames were billowing, and three round pills were spinning.

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