Fighting Po: Yang Emperor

Chapter 169 Nalan Yanran

"This is the guardian of the royal family, Jia Xingtian." From the side, Chemir introduced Wei Yang in a low voice.

Wei Yang nodded lightly, looked at Jia Xingtian, smiled and nodded as a greeting: "Jia Lao."

Jia Xingtian had a smile on his face and didn't care at all about Wei Yang's dull attitude. He was too anxious to eat hot tofu.

He looked at Haibodong and Fama, laughed and said, "I didn't expect that the three of us would have the opportunity to get together. It's really fate."

"It is indeed a fate." Fama chuckled lightly and pointedly said: "Old monster, I didn't expect you to come to watch the conference today. I remember that you don't seem to like this kind of competition."

"I've been shrinking for decades, it's okay to come out and take a look once in a while." Jia Xingtian smiled, turned to look at Xiao Yan, and said hello, and his words were quite polite and friendly.

Xiao Yan quickly stood up and saluted in response.

Jia Xingtian chatted with Xiao Yan for a few words, and specifically pointed out in his words that the eldest princess Yaoye was the controller of the security and order of this conference, and single-handedly controlled an army of fifty thousand people.

As he spoke, he glanced at Wei Yang intentionally or unintentionally. The implication seemed to be telling someone that Yao Ye was not a vase.

Wei Yang lowered his head and looked at the lines on his palm.

After the two parties chatted for a while, they each found a seat and sat down.

In the huge square below, more and more alchemists have begun to enter as time goes by.

Above the auditorium, as far as the eye can see, there are all black heads connected together, and it is impossible to count how many there are.

Countless lively girls would even make laughable screams of admiration from time to time, cheering for the new alchemist who came in.

The number of people at the VIP table is also increasing, and most of these people are powerful people in the empire or their family members.

At this time, another group of people came towards the front row seats, causing a slight commotion in the back row.

Those who entered the VIP table this time were members of the three major families in the imperial capital.

The main reason for the commotion was Nalan Yanran and Ya Fei who were walking in the middle.

The two women have different temperaments, but they are equally beautiful. When the two women walk side by side, it is easy to attract attention. No wonder some nobles sitting in the back are so excited suddenly.

The group of people walked along the corridor until they reached the front row, smiling and saying hello to acquaintances.

Immediately, Nalan Jie from the Nalan family, Miter Tengshan from the Miter family, and Mu Chen from the Mu family all led the team to Wei Yang.

After greeting President Fama, Jia Xingtian, Hai Bodong and others, they came to Wei Yang.

They bowed slightly and said in a rather respectful tone: "Nalan Jie, Mittel Tengshan, Mu Chen, have met Mr. Wei."

"No need to be polite, please take a seat." Wei Yang nodded, his tone was very calm, and he didn't seem to care much.

The three heads of the family didn't care about this, but after handing over their hands, they each took the people to find a seat.

There are many real big guys gathered here today. The three fighting kings here are really not ranked. It would be good to come over to say hello and become familiar with each other.

Like ordinary Dou Wang, he is not qualified to come here to say hello.

Although the ten major families in the Jia Ma Empire all have Dou Wang, they are the only three major families in the imperial capital who are qualified to come and say hello.

The other seven major families were looking at the rear, but they didn't dare to come over.

If you rush over without instructions and people don't bother to pay attention to you, it will be embarrassing and even more annoying.

Fighting King is a rather embarrassing position.

Most of the time, they are indeed at the top, but on some occasions, they are at the bottom.

At this time, Yafei sneaked over again with Nalan Yanran.

She first blinked at Xiao Yan who was sitting next to her, then looked at Wei Yang and said with a sweet smile: "Mr. Wei, this is Miss Nalan Yanran. She admires you very much and has always wanted to meet you in person. meet you."

All around, the big guys sitting in the front row immediately pricked up their ears when they saw this. Although they were still chatting, they could see that they were paying close attention to this side from the corner of their eyes.

Wei Yang raised his eyes and glanced at the two women, his face expressionless, and finally his eyes fell on the rather reserved Nalan Yanran.

After three years of not seeing each other, the beautiful girl who was still a little green has grown into an even more charming person.

He inadvertently glanced at Xiao Yan, who was sitting beside him.

Xiao Yan was sitting quietly on the seat at this time, with his eyes slightly closed, as if he was resting his mind. In fact, the slowly clenched fists also showed that his heart was not at peace at this time.

Nalan Yanran also gave Xiao Yan a complicated look.

The big guys around him were too lazy to pretend, and all looked over with interest.

Some people's eyes also turned to Nalan Jie, with a hint of ridicule or teasing.

Nalan Jie sighed softly, closed his eyes, and pretended not to see. At this moment, all kinds of feelings were flooding into his heart.

In fact, three years ago, Nalan Yanran took people to Wutan City to break off the engagement. If Nalan Jie had no prior knowledge, it would definitely be a lie.

He just pretended not to know.

In fact, is this not a kind of tacit consent?

But not long ago, it was this boy whose granddaughter came to break off the engagement, who cured himself of the poison.

Yan Xiao is Xiao Yan. It is not difficult to guess after seeing that Xiao Yan no longer wears a mask but reveals his true appearance.

Only three years later, he not only recovered his talent for cultivation, but also became a genius alchemist with considerable talent for refining medicine.

Do you regret it?


Nalan Yanran quickly withdrew her gaze, no longer paying attention to Xiao Yan, but looked at Wei Yang again.

She smiled softly and said in a respectful tone: "Mr. Wei, we met three years ago. Do you still remember the little girl?"

She also did not expect that the handsome young man she had met in the Xiao family three years ago would now transform into a famous sixth-grade alchemy master in the imperial capital.

"I didn't expect that Mr. Wei could become a master of alchemy at his age. When Yanran heard about it for the first time, she couldn't believe it... I really admire him." Nalan Yanran praised, her eyes full of admiration.

The eyes of the big guys became a little ambiguous. Some of them looked at Nalan Jie and narrowed their eyes slightly.

Good guy, you have a lot of thoughts...

"You're flattered." Wei Yang's brows twitched, feeling a little dumbfounded. He really didn't want to talk to Nalan Yanran.

Your ex-fiancé is right next to you, so you just turn a blind eye, but now he comes to me in front of everyone to talk about something frivolous?

Do you really think Xiao Yan is a dead person?

Buddhas are all on fire!

Don't mess with me, you idiot.

Also, what is the occasion today?

Do you want to reminisce about old times and don’t know how to change the time and place?

Besides, I was just a guest at the Xiao family, just an audience and witness, and I had no friendship with you at all, right?

And that Ya Fei.

Wei Yang frowned slightly and glanced at Ya Fei.

This woman is getting more and more presumptuous.

Moreover, he has become completely incapable of seeing. Where has his usual shrewdness gone?

At this time, Wei Yang felt slightly dissatisfied with Ya Fei, even disgusted.

I feel that the other party is a little unclear.

Beside, Xiao Yan's forehead had faintly bulging veins.

Seeing this, Yafei's heart suddenly skipped a beat. She knew that she had gone too far.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little awkward.

"Cough." At this time, Hai Bodong, who was sitting not far away, coughed lightly.

Mittel Tengshan also woke up with a start, and quickly scolded softly: "Ya Fei, aren't you coming back?"

A hint of bitterness and resentment flashed in Yafei's eyes, she glanced at Wei Yang, bit her red lips lightly, bowed slightly, and said in a trembling voice: "Mr. Wei, excuse me."

She knew that she had exerted a little too much force, which had the opposite effect.

On the side, Nalan Yanran also looked quite sad, bowed slightly and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Wei, Yanran was presumptuous."

Wei Yang smiled helplessly, having completely lost the desire to speak, and waved his hand lightly, signaling for them to leave quickly.

You just left as quickly as possible, why are you talking about such nonsense?

Originally, everyone just laughed it off and pretended that nothing happened.

But you two are fine, why do you have to apologize in public? It’s really unnecessary, I’m convinced.

Under the public gaze, where do you want to put Xiao Yan?

The bosses also frowned a little.

This slap in the face was too much, leaving no room at all.

"Uh." Ya Fei smiled bitterly after she reacted. She knew that she had taken the lead in being stupid again, and she really wanted to slap herself twice.

She tugged on Nalan Yanran's sleeve and pulled her away quickly.

It's too late to say anything at this time. The more you describe it, the darker it becomes. It's better to shut up. It's good not to say it, but the more you say it, the more wrong it is.

Nalan Yanran seemed to be stubborn and did not realize the situation at this time. Perhaps, in her heart, she never thought of taking into account or caring about Xiao Yan's feelings.

When she passed by Xiao Yan, she paused and said softly: "Should I call you Mr. Yan Xiao, or should I call you Xiao Yan?"

Wei Yang's face trembled.

The big guys also twitched their mouths.

And Nalan Jie over there, his face instantly turned as black as the bottom of a pot.

Thanks to the King of Hell, Azure Ghost, and Momtv31, what have the years covered up? , thank you for your support!

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