Chapter 71 Successfully promoted to the second-order world! Draw new containment cards!!

Quiet room!

Ye Qing’s heart quickly sank into the containment world!

At the same time, all kinds of card props and resources in his hand were also spilled by him.

Some of the world’s edible biological species are once again plentiful.

In the river, fish and shrimp are everywhere.

And the chickens, ducks, pigs, cows, horses, donkeys…

At the same time, Ye Qing added two more rivers, which have special effects, which can effectively divide and reproduce, accelerate evolution, and enhance biological potential.

When he finished all this, Ye Qing flipped his hand and took out the fragment of the world law

The fragment of the laws of the world, but the size of a badge, can increase by three hundred kilometers

Inside the world area!

Today, his world area is 782 kilometers! Add another three hundred kilometers, and that is 1082 kilometers!

Even, he can use this to leapfrog and become a second-order world master!

Although he has not yet been certified by the alliance and become an official world master, his strength is here, as long as the college entrance examination is over, he will be the second-order world master of the Eight Classics!

At this thought, Ye Qing smiled slightly, and in the next second, he directly used that world law fragment!


At this moment, the containment world began to be turbulent, the void began to ripple, the laws became more and more perfect, and the earth rumbled!

Eight hundred kilometers… Nine hundred kilometers!

Ye Qing watched his world area getting bigger and bigger, and his face was full of satisfied smiles!

Very good!

The larger the world, the stronger his strength!

However, seeing that the world area had reached nine hundred and ninety-nine kilometers, and when it was about to break through a thousand kilometers, the expansion of the world suddenly stopped!

The world is rumbling and shaking, no matter how much it expands, it can’t expand much!

It abruptly stopped at the 990-kilometer world area, and could not advance further.


Ye Qing was stunned, what is the situation?

He arrived at the World Barrier to see…

Beyond the world barrier, there is indeed an area, a large area, visually speaking, about 83 kilometers!

But these eighty-three kilometers are outside the world barrier, and although they are connected to the containment world, there is no way to transform 05 into resources in their own world!

Ye Qing frowned, for a while, it was a little difficult to understand.

What’s going on?

Nine hundred and ninety-nine kilometers still stuck?

“Is it possible, what conditions are needed to promote the first order to the second order?”

Ye Qing didn’t know what to do, and he didn’t understand something.

The point is, no one has ever told him that…

His mind moved, and then consciousness returned to reality.

Pushing open the door of the quiet room, sure enough, Li Jianyi hadn’t left yet…

“Coming out so soon?”

Li Jianyi looked at Ye Qing with some curiosity.

Although the time flow rate of the small world and the big world is not the same, this is too fast, right?

According to his estimates, Ye Qing would also need at least half an hour, or even an hour.

But so fast, it was really unexpected!


Ye Qing thought for a while, and asked bluntly: “Senior Li, my world is suddenly stuck at nine hundred and ninety-nine kilometers, and I can’t cross the limit of one thousand kilometers!” To promote from the first order to the second order world master, do you still need to meet any conditions? ”


Li Jian was stunned and said stunned, “Haven’t you already exchanged the high-dimensional fragments?” How? You are useless? ”

Ye Qing:???

He exchanged high-dimensional fragments, which were used to create immortal breaks…

But now, listening to Li Jianyi’s meaning, this high-dimensional fragment seems to have other uses?

He knew that high-dimensional fragments could be integrated into the world and enhance the world’s personality.

But he said it didn’t matter, these things can be done or not… He just wants not to destroy the lizard!

At this time, when Li Jian saw Ye Qing like this, he became more and more strange, and then, he spoke: “First-order world, if you want to advance to a second-order world, you can either use a large number of world law fragments to perfect the laws of the small world!” Or, just use high-dimensional fragments, directly improve the world, improve the world personality, and you can successfully become a second-order world master! ”

Saying that, his gaze towards Ye Qing became more and more strange: “Haven’t you already bought high-dimensional fragments?” How? Could it be that what other use do you have for this high-dimensional fragment? ”

Ye Qing grinned: “It’s okay, you’re busy!” ”

With that, he returned to the quiet room.

“This kid… It’s weird…”

When Li Jian saw this, he shook his head and smiled, and then glanced at the quiet room next to him…

In this quiet room, it was Jiang Yuqing’s little girl.

Jiang Yulight also exchanged the corresponding treasures, moreover, most of the exchanged were low-level treasures, he could see that Jiang Yulight was still laying the foundation!

However, with these resources, presumably, Jiang Yulight can also improve a wave!

“This year’s college entrance examination is even more intense than in previous years!”

Li Jianyi sighed with some emotion.

Not to mention Ye Qing, Jiang Yu is light like this, and it is rare in the past.

I just don’t know what the situation of the world masters in other provinces is… He shook his head and didn’t pay attention anymore…

And at this time, in the containment world!

Ye Qing came back after figuring out the situation.

Looking at the area of the world of 999 kilometers, and then looking at a small piece in his hand that resembles a mirror and is incompatible with the small world… This is a high-dimensional fragment!

It’s just that at this time, Ye Qing is very entangled.

How could he not have expected that the key to advancing to the second-order world was a high-dimensional fragment?

No wonder the college entrance examination rewarded these things.

The point is that he also wants to use this thing to create an immortal lizard! Why do you need these things everywhere?

He also thought that this high-dimensional fragment was useless, but as a result, now he looks at this high-dimensional fragment is simply not enough!

Immortal lizards need to be created, and high-dimensional fragments are just needed!

The world also needs to be promoted to the second order, and high-dimensional fragments are also just needed!

He was really entangled, and for a while, he was very uncomfortable…

You don’t need to think about it to know that the second-order world will definitely bring about a qualitative improvement, and he will definitely become stronger with it.

The foundation of his small world is too good, not only epic creatures, but also legendary creatures.

With such a bonus, once he becomes a second-order world master, at that time, maybe he himself will become an epic level.

At that time, his strength will be earth-shaking.

Moreover, once he was promoted to a second-order world master, he could also find trouble with that Zhang Wenchuan.

It’s just that if you don’t destroy the lizard, I don’t know how long it will take to create it… He was entangled, and for a while, he didn’t know what to do.

“That’s it, let’s promote the world!”

Ye Qing’s eyes flickered, and the immortal lizard could be put back…

His own improvement is the most important thing!

He will go to find that Wen Chuan next, and today, Gao Low is going to find that guy’s trouble…

Therefore, becoming stronger is really getting stronger.

At the moment when Ye Qing made up his mind, he did not hesitate to fuse the high-dimensional fragment in his hand with the containment world!


At this moment, in the void, one after another buzzed, one after another spatial fluctuations spread, and above the void, one after another strange laws appeared, which began to spread throughout the containment world!

Under the spread of that ripple, the creatures of the whole world seemed to feel something at this moment, as if they felt something, and seemed to have not noticed anything!

But Ye Qing felt it the most!

For example, if his small world was once just a 2D flat cartoon animation, then at the moment of integrating into the high-dimensional fragments, the world has transitioned from 2D to 2.5D, with a certain depth and height, and a sense of spatial distance!

The most intuitive manifestation is that on the firmament, the gatekeeper who exudes golden light is clearer and more pleasing to the eye.

He is really like a sun, spreading light to the world! A sense of satisfaction is born from the bottom of the heart.

That’s the feeling that the consciousness of the world conveys.

At the same time…


With the fusion of high-dimensional fragments, the containment world seemed to break through some kind of shackles, and the world barrier expanded again, and the 83 kilometers that were not previously shrouded by the world barrier were completely integrated into the containment world!

Even, because of the high-dimensional fragments, a terrifying devouring force came from the world, devouring the energy in the void, and began to grow!

In the end, his small world was a full 1,100 kilometers! Not much, but it was a whole piece

And at the same time, within the containment community.

Countless creatures also seemed to feel a shock in their hearts, and there seemed to be some kind of shackle in their bodies that was broken at this moment, and they had a feeling that they seemed to be able to go to a higher level and go further!

Countless creatures are ecstatic!

With such a change, what they could think of was naturally Ye Qing, the creation god and creator!

One by one, they began to worship Ye Qing’s statue, praying sincerely and blessing heartily.

The Lord of the world is their everything, their god!

Today, the Lord of the world has made the world stronger, and they pray and praise from the bottom of their hearts.

Praise be to my Lord! Praise the Lord God!

Countless beliefs began to converge, and countless powers of faith surrounded Ye Qing’s body! Not everyone can contribute to the power of faith.

But even if only one-third of the living beings can contribute the power of faith, even if these one-third of the living beings can only contribute a little bit of the power of faith each, they can still allow Ye Qing to harvest the power of faith of 1670,000!

The power of faith of 1670,000 is transformed into a containment point, which is 1,670 containment points!

Coupled with the more than six hundred containment points he originally had, this adds up to more than two thousand containment points!

Two consecutive draws! Twenty consecutive draws!


Ye Qing smiled, sure enough, there was still a benefit to improving himself first

Isn’t that what it shows?

Twenty consecutive draws? Of course, this is not in a hurry…

Soon, Ye Qing took out the corresponding props… That miniature wormhole, that particle recombination device, that demigod bloodline! These are all materials specially exchanged for the creation of Ayama.

Ye Qing concocted as a method, along with the consumption of divine sources, Ye Qing’s eyes not only appeared a human figure, but also a coffin appeared at the same time, and even the black cube outside the coffin!

That miniature wormhole fuses with the human form.

That demigod bloodline also fused with the human form!

That rational reorganization device fuses with the coffin!

Finally, one person and one coffin appeared in front of Ye Qing’s eyes.

However, at this time, he was not yet called Abel.

Similarly, he and the coffin are not a whole…

With Ye Qing taking out Abel’s card, the card was pasted by Ye Qing on the man’s forehead!


Surrounded by golden light, at the same time, a stream of information, a pulling force, appeared on that person, and a real mark was imprinted in that coffin!

Ye Qing could see clearly, according to Xiu Xian’s words, that coffin was imprinted with Abel’s true spirit!

According to the containment universe, the coffin recorded the source of Abel’s message! In short, from now on, even if Abel dies, he will continue to be born again because of this coffin.

The Holy Horcrux belongs to Yes! Finally……

With the golden light flashing, Abel was finally created.


When Abel opened his eyes, a cold light flickered, and his eyes were full of fierceness and rage!

However, after looking at Ye Qing again, a little clarity flashed in his eyes, knowing that the existence in front of him was his Creator God and the Creator of this world.

“Let’s go!”

Ye Qing didn’t say much, and threw the coffin into the top of the newly born regional mountain range.

And Abel, so he went with him…

It doesn’t matter if Abel was slaughtered in various ways, or taught by others to be humanized, or whatever.

Abel, a supernatural divine creature.

With such strength, he can even fight with epic creatures, and even, as he gradually recovers his strength and recovers his thinking, his strength will become stronger.

It’s finally done!

Now, there is only one unbroken sin left that has not yet been created! Ye Qing thought so.

Now, he has also become a second-order world master, although he has not yet been officially certified by the alliance, but his strength is there…

His mind moved, and his consciousness returned to reality and returned to his essence! It was also the moment when his consciousness reappeared…


On his body, a ray of light suddenly lit up, Ye Qing only felt that his ears were clear, and a sublimation force surrounded his heart and stirred on his body!

The world has advanced, and he has also become stronger!


Ye Qing clenched his fists and felt his strength, his eyes full of novelty.

Now, he can also be regarded as an epic world master.

The strength is stronger than before, the speed is faster than before, and even the vision and hearing are also strengthened in all directions!

This is still the most intuitive change in physical fitness.

Ye Qing felt the power of his world… Sure enough, the power of the world has also become stronger!

If the power of the world before was a bottle of water, then now his world power is a bucket of water!

Previously, he could summon an epic creature to fight a transcendent creature.

Then, now, he can summon two epic creatures and three transcendent creatures to fight!

He can even barely summon the gatekeeper to fight, of course, then he can use very little world power himself!


If you encounter that fifth demon king again…

Well, let’s not talk about killing the fifth demon king, but the gatekeeper can also open up with the fifth demon king!

However, now is not about the fifth demon king!

Ye Qing’s eyes flickered, now, it should be time to find that Wenchuan trouble!

Zhang Wenchuan, a world area of 2,100 kilometers! The area of the world alone is a thousand kilometers larger than him! This gap is still obvious!

If you want to destroy Zhang Wenchuan, just to be on the safe side…

“System, I want to draw cards!”

Ye Qing suddenly spoke.

To be on the safe side, use cards, use containment, and pile up that guy!

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