Feng Xing

Chapter 91:

The person who spoke was the king of Wei.

He was dressed in regular clothes, with his left hand behind his back, his eyes were dark, and he didn't want to stand here for a while.

Feng Sheng sighed in his heart, and said: "It's nothing, the two girls are playing with me, okay, you guys go down."

Zhiqiu glanced at her worriedly, and followed Zhichun down.

King Wei came to the seat opposite Feng Sheng and sat down. Dongmei served tea, and the room was silent, only the slight sound of King Wei flicking the tea foam with the lid of the bowl. Feng Sheng also brought tea to drink. The tea that tastes sweet, but today it is a bit bitter.

"Is there anything you want to tell me?" In fact, what King Wei wanted to say was not this sentence, but the tone of the words changed.

"Yes." She lowered her head, narrowed her eyes and smiled. The plan has not changed quickly. These days, she has been thinking about how to speak, and now she doesn't need to think of a way.

"Let's make up."

A moment or two of silence.

"Fang Fengsheng, do you know what you're talking about?!"

Feng Sheng didn't look at him, but just stared straight ahead: "I know, I'm serious."

With a crisp sound, the tea soup splashed all over the floor.

Wei Wang sneered, but this sneer was not successful, and turned into a bitter smile halfway through.

"I'll give you a chance, you say it again."

Feng Sheng looked down at the palm of his hand, then raised his head again: "Let's make up."

There was a loud bang, but the kang was overturned by King Wei, fell to the ground and rolled twice before stopping. The crystal bead curtain rattled, and the man's figure disappeared out of the corner of his vision. From the beginning to the end, Feng Sheng didn't look up at him.

"Princess." Someone called softly from outside the door.

"Stand back, let me be quiet."

Feng Sheng got up and went to the inner room, closed the door, went to the bed and sat down.

Outside the door, Zhiqiu looked at Zhichun with a sneer: "Are you satisfied? Satisfied?"

Zhichun's face was full of tears, she stubbornly lowered her head: "I also think about the princess."

Zhiqiu's face twisted, and Dongmei at the side wanted to persuade her but didn't know what happened, Zhiqiu stepped forward to grab Zhichun's hand, and dragged her into the room.

"What are you doing! You hurt me!"

Don't look at Zhiqiu's small stature, but she is quite strong. She dragged Zhichun to their room, closed the door, and then she slammed the other's hand away.

"The girl is not happy at all, and you want to make things worse. What do you have in mind? Tell me what do you have in mind?"

"What do I have in mind? You don't know what I have in mind? I just don't want the girl to be unhappy. Don't you know what life my wife lived in the past? My wife and girl, it's hard to be like that. Don't forget that the girl is a princess, She is the daughter-in-law of the royal family. Can the daughter-in-law of the royal family not have children? It will be useless even if the prince protects the girl. Besides, the prince can protect the girl for the rest of his life? Just look at it, how long can the prince who has children with others be reliable?"

It won't be long, and with Fang Fengsheng's self-esteem, he won't just watch.

So she chooses to leave.

There is still light, Feng Sheng got up and put down the curtains on the outer layer of Ba Bu's bed, this narrow world finally became dark.

King Wei has not set foot in the main courtyard for several days.

No one knew exactly what he was doing, Feng Sheng didn't ask, and he didn't let others ask.

She is still living her life as before, it seems to be the same as before, but there is a faint rumor in the mansion that the princess has fallen out of favor.

Hearing this rumor was purely accidental, Feng Sheng bumped into it by accident in the yard, and the gossips were two rude little girls, their tone was not gloating, but faintly worried, and whispered a few words to hear someone talking outside Unexpectedly, Feng Sheng bumped into this matter.

In fact, both Zhiqiu and Dongmei knew about this, but everyone kept it a secret and didn't want Feng Sheng to know. In this situation, even if the two girls were punished for gossiping, it would not help the matter after all, although Feng Sheng didn't say anything, but the time of ecstasy became more and more frequent.

Zhi Qiuguang was in a hurry and there was nothing she could do. This matter was caused by Zhi Chun, and she didn't even have a chance to discuss it with someone.

A few days later, King Wei brought back a woman from outside, which confirmed Feng Sheng's fall out of favor.

This time Zhiqiu wanted to repeat the old tricks, but unfortunately they didn't succeed. Feng Sheng is such a sensitive person, and even if she was in a bad mood, she couldn't hide the abnormalities of the girls, but she knew it after a few words. the whole thing.

No one knew this woman's name, but the servants called her Miss Qing, and she was arranged to live in Qixia Pavilion. It is said that King Wei doted on her very much, stayed there for many days and nights, and rewarded her with many things.

"Girl, don't be sad, maybe there is some misunderstanding in it, how could the prince..." Zhiqiu stumbled, she also knew that her consolation was very weak, there could be no misunderstanding, it was just a misunderstanding of love between men and women. How many men in the world do not have three wives and four concubines, either because their families are too poor to afford them, or because of their own problems, even those small landlords have to keep two concubines at home, let alone a dignified prince.

"Okay, I'm fine, isn't this a good result, I don't have to worry about having a baby anymore." Feng Sheng said with a smile.


"By the way, when will Uncle Yu come?"

Zhiqiu was taken aback, she hadn't told the girl about this, how did she know that Uncle Yu was coming. In a flash, I thought it would not be surprising for the girl to guess that Uncle Yu was coming, after all, this is not a trivial matter.

"I don't know about the servants, and I didn't say anything over there. I guess they will arrive in a few days."

Feng Sheng nodded and said nothing more.

Feng Sheng went to the palace again, as before, to visit Imperial Concubine Li and the Sixteenth Prince.

The sixteenth prince was really different every day, and he gained a lot of weight. After talking with Concubine Li for a while, she left.

After she left, Imperial Concubine Li showed a pensive look, and said to Qianru: "Why do I see that Princess Wei seems to have something on her mind, what happened to Wei Palace recently?"

Qianru's eyes flickered: "Your Majesty, don't think about it too much. What can happen to Wei Wang's Mansion? Your Highness and Wang Hao are fine."

Concubine Lihuang glanced at her, and said: "Okay, just tell me if you have anything to say, don't cover it up, you can't hide it from me if you want to."

"Actually, it's nothing. It's just that His Highness brought a woman back to the palace. It is said that she has been doting on her recently. Maybe the princess is worried because of this?"

"Bringing a woman?" Li Huang Guifei asked in surprise, "Where did the woman come from?"

"It seems to be a gift from the third son of the Qiao family."

"Qiao's family? Which Qiao's family?" Imperial Concubine Li quickly understood which Qiao's family it was, which Qiao's family it could be, the Qiao's family that King Wei first married.

Qianru persuaded: "It seems that she is not a woman who is coming from the right way. Don't take it to your heart, Niang Niang, it is just a plaything."

"It's impossible for Yue'er to accept a woman given by someone else for no reason, something must have happened in the middle." Imperial Concubine Li thought for a while, then suddenly sighed and said: "If this is the case, things will probably happen."

Qianru looked at her in puzzlement, and asked, "Your Majesty, what do you mean?"

"Feng'er's child is different from ordinary women. You can see that she usually smiles and gets close to others, but she is actually proud in her bones. She was raised as a boy since she was a child. Without the idea of ​​being a husband like us, how could she endure being with others?" Serve a husband together."

Qianru really doesn't understand, if she is such a woman, why did the empress agree to the matter between His Highness and her, and even helped her out.

"At that time, I only thought that Yue'er was used to being indifferent and alienated. If he had someone he liked, I, a mother, would not disobey him. I thought he would be single-minded, but I didn't expect..."

"Didn't expect what?" It was Emperor Jianping who stepped in.

Imperial Concubine Li hurriedly stood up, "Your Majesty, the maids outside didn't report it." She said while saluting. When she was squatting down, Emperor Jianping grabbed her and led her to the kang to sit down, "I didn't let them report, what are you talking about? I heard you say that a husband is greater than the sky before I came in, what are you talking about?" Single minded."

This made Concubine Li unable to hide the truth even if she wanted to, so she told the truth and complained a few words about what kind of woman the third son of the Qiao family gave the King of Wei.

"What's the matter with sending a woman? I always felt that there were too few people around King Wei. What kind of words do you have for a dignified prince! But before when I rewarded him with women, he always didn't want them. I didn't expect this time to be enlightened."

Concubine Li glanced at Emperor Jianping, there were not many men in the clan who were ugly, they were all first-class good-looking. Although Emperor Jianping was old, he was still tall and straight, well maintained, except for his temples, which had been a little white due to years of handling the government, he looked only in his early forties from the outside.

"The concubine is afraid that he will regret it in the future." Concubine Li still smiled, but the smile was a little smaller.

"What do you regret? I heard what you said just now. She, Fang Fengsheng, is not a princess. Why can't she bear to serve her husband with others? Could it be that my son can just guard her alone?"

"The concubine doesn't mean that."

Maybe she was too obvious in perfunctory, but Emperor Jianping took her seriously and asked, "What does that mean?"

"Your Majesty is so curious about this kind of thing, this concubine is just talking nonsense."

"But I don't think you're talking nonsense, but rather sighing." Emperor Jianping glanced at her and said.

The smile on Li Fei's face finally couldn't hold back. She lowered her eyelids halfway, her demeanor was as gentle as before, but with a bit of alienation: "Actually, it's nothing. The concubine thinks that since she likes each other, it's okay to be alone with each other. Why bother to get a few others to block her heart there. Woman." Different men, there is only such a husband, who would like to share it with others."

At this time, the sixteenth prince started to cry, and Concubine Li stood up to look at it, and this matter was put aside. Emperor Jianping looked at her back with a thoughtful look on his face.

After getting out of the carriage, Zhiqiu asked someone to prepare a soft sedan chair, but Feng Sheng didn't sit in it, but said to take a few steps to relax.

It's a good autumn season, the flowers and trees in the garden are still so lush and lush, the garden is taken care of every day, day after day, year after year, but there are only a few people who enjoy the scenery.

Looking at the osmanthus trees in full bloom over there from a distance, Feng Sheng took Zhiqiu over there.

The pale yellow petals are clustered in clusters, layered on top of each other, and the fragrance is overflowing. Feng Sheng picked off a branch, put it under his nose and sniffed it, and said: "Someone will pick some back later, and make some sweet-scented osmanthus cake and osmanthus honey. If you thank me, it will be a waste."

Immediately she thought of something again, and said: "Forget it, don't do it, until then."

"Girl." Zhiqiu couldn't help but said.

At this time, two people came from diagonally, they looked like master and servant.

Dressed as a girl, she has a beautiful face and a slender figure, which has the charm of a woman from a water village in the south of the Yangtze River. One was a girl, she quickly lowered her head when she saw Feng Sheng, and pulled the girl in front from behind.

Looking at this appearance, it is not difficult for Feng Sheng to guess the identity of the other party, but he did not expect to meet so soon.

"The concubine has seen the princess."

Feng Sheng was taken aback by this concubine's claim, and Zhi Qiu naturally heard it, and raised her eyebrows: "Concubine, what kind of concubine are you? You didn't kneel down to offer tea to the concubine, who would recognize you as a concubine?"

"If you don't admit it, the prince will do it." The little girl muttered unhappily.

The girl named Qing hurriedly explained: "Don't blame the princess, this girl doesn't understand the rules. What this girl said is that the concubine did not serve tea to the princess, and it is also His Highness who said that the princess is weak and does not want to be disturbed. If the princess is willing , the maid and concubine will serve tea to the princess tomorrow, and I hope that the princess will not blame her."

Zhiqiu was angry and wanted to say something, but Feng Sheng dragged her down.

"No need, since His Highness said not to disturb you, you'd better listen. Let's go Zhiqiu, I'm tired after being out for so long."

After finishing speaking, Feng Sheng led Zhiqiu away calmly, without even looking at Miss Qing, naturally missing the ugly expression on her face after she left.

"What are you arguing with these individuals?"

"The maidservant is also very angry, you can see what she means in her words." Zhiqiu said angrily.

"You didn't realize that you fell into someone else's trap, she just waited for your words."

Zhiqiu was stunned, and said: "Why are these people so thoughtful!" After a pause, she saw that Feng Sheng didn't speak, so she glanced at her cautiously and said, "Girl, are you really leaving? If the prince knows..."

"The winter in the capital is too cold, it is more comfortable to find a warm place to spend the winter. As for the future, we will talk about it later."

The next day, King Wei left Wei Wang's mansion on his front foot, and Feng Sheng went out on his back foot.

She made an excuse to go to Prince Liang's mansion to see Concubine Liang, but the carriage walked halfway, but accidentally bumped into someone. After the guards finished solving the accident, Feng Sheng was no longer in the car, leaving only a letter behind.

As for when she left, no one knows.

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