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Chang'an City was abuzz with people, especially where Situ Kong's stall was yesterday. People were crowded inside and outside, vying to buy the mung bean cake that the emperor's husband was rumored to have "handmade".

"Excuse me, where is the Emperor's wife?"

This is the most common question among customers who come to buy mung bean cake.

They buy mung bean cake not just because it tastes good, but more because they want to take a closer look at their husband's nostalgic and astonishing face.

As long as Situ Kong sells it to them with his own hands, even if it is a small piece of one tael of silver, many people will pay for it.

"I'm sorry. Difu worked hard last night to make pastries, and now he's too tired to get up."

Xiaoyan rolled her eyes and answered everyone's doubts with a smile.

After hearing that Difu "hand-made" it specially for them, the citizens started buying even more crazily.

It was so lively outside the palace, but inside the palace, Qianqing Palace, it was as quiet as if there was no one there.

It was almost lunch time, but Situ Kong did not actively get up to eat. Instead, he lay on the wide bed like an unconscious walking zombie.

Those clear eyes that could speak were looking at the ceiling motionlessly. The young man's smart luster in his eyes had disappeared and lost its highlight.

Some people are still alive, but at a certain time, they are dead!

"Oh, it's so cool, Wuhu~"

Compared with the inflexible Situ*Walking Dead* Kong, Wu Linyue, who had been busy all night, seemed to be resurrected with full blood at this time. She jumped out of the bed, opened her hands, and stretched out, feeling satisfied. It can be seen from her expression that her heart is as happy as her expression.

"Kong'er, get up and help me change my clothes!"

Wu Linyue stretched her body from side to side, showing that she still had some energy left.


Turning his head, he didn't see any reaction from Situ Kong. He was as motionless as a dead man.

His hands and feet were spread wide, and his ragged clothes were covered with horrific injuries. For those who didn't know, they thought they had been bitten by a fierce tiger.


When Wu Linyue saw Situ Kong like this, she stretched out her hand to touch Situ Kong's breath with a strange expression, "Fortunately, he's not dead."

After hearing what Wu Linyue said, Situ Kong's eyes moved, and he glared at Wu Linyue sideways. The color of his eyes that had lost their highlights returned to the color of anger.

"Asshole, I'll fight you!"

Situ Kong gathered his last bit of strength, suddenly stood up and jumped towards Wu Linyue, like a bullied little cat, about to fight back~

"Who are you fighting for?"

However, in Wu Linyue's opinion, Situ Kong's counterattack was so cute and without any aggression.

Wu Linyue just stretched out her hand and pressed Situ Kong's cheek casually. Situ Kong's hands and feet couldn't hit Wu Linyue at all, and all his attacks failed. He looked aggrieved and cute.

He could only grin like crazy, but his typhoid fever was not as bad as Wu Linyue's.


Wu Linyue pushed, and Situ Kong lay back on the bed like a deflated ball.

"Damn it!" The last trace of strength was used up, and he could only output it to the air, which could not hurt the smelly woman at all.

This is really hurting the enemy, hurting yourself by a thousand, making you angry... and losing money.

"Kong'er, I have nothing to do today. Do you want to go have some fun with me..."

"Don't go!"

Before Wu Linyue finished speaking, she received an airy reply from Situ.

Seeing Situ Kong gritting his teeth, Wu Linyue laughed instead, "Okay, okay, if you don't want to accompany me, forget it. I just want to deal with political affairs... By the way, go to the imperial dining room to eat by yourself. Take good care of yourself."

As Wu Linyue said that, she changed her clothes under Situ Kong's fierce gaze, put her hands behind her back, and left leisurely, leaving Situ Kong alone in the room and staring.


Wu Linyue left, and a frustrated roar appeared in the main hall.

"You bastard, if I help you again, I'll be a big fool!"

Situ Kong was very angry.

First, he was angry with Wu Linyue, and secondly, he was angry with himself.

If he hadn't helped Wu Linyue solve a lot of problems by meddling in other people's business, Wu Linyue wouldn't have had time to bully him.

Situ Kong never expected that his kind intention would turn into a bullet.

Hit him right between the eyebrows.


"Xiaoyan, Xiaozhao, how much money did you make today?"

Situ Kong had already eaten in the imperial kitchen, but his face was still a little pale, as if he had just recovered from a serious illness, and he didn't speak with the spirit and agility of the past.

"Lord Situ Kong, His Majesty asked the Ministry of Revenue to take over, so we don't know how much money was made, but when we left, we estimated that there should be more than a thousand taels of silver..."

"This again..."

Situ Kong gritted his teeth, and just as he was about to curse, he glanced at the dog slave beside him, and the word "stinky" stopped in his throat.

His eyes rolled, Situ Kong smiled at the dog slave, waved his hand, "Dog slave, come."

"Emperor's husband, what's the matter?"

A question mark appeared on the dog slave's forehead.

"Dog slave, can you read?"

Situ Kong pursed his lips, as if smiling.

"Of course I can read."


Situ Kong raised his eyebrows, looking surprised, which aroused the dog slave.

"Emperor, I am not illiterate, don't look down on me."

"Then let me test you...Xiao Zhao, go get some paper and pen."

Soon, paper and pen were arranged in the pavilion, and Situ Kong took the pen, dipped it in ink, and wrote a word.

"What is this?"

"Hehe, Emperor, this is just a dog. My name is Dog Slave, how could I not recognize it?"

The Dog Slave smiled complacently, thinking that Situ Kong was going to test her on something, but it turned out to be this...

"Okay, then what about these two words?"

"Stupid dog, this isn't that difficult, is it?"

"What about these three words?"

"Yue Stupid Dog, Emperor, please don't tease me, I thought it was so difficult~"

"This, Lin Yue Stupid Dog...eh?!"

The proud Dog Slave suddenly widened her eyes and looked at Situ Kong in horror.

And Situ Kong had changed his face at this time, looking at the Dog Slave complacently, "You are very smart, Dog Slave~"

"No, this... Emperor, this is not what I want to say..."

The Dog Slave wanted to cry but had no tears, she had never thought that Situ Kong would actually set a trap for her!

"Hey, Xiaoyan, Xiaozhao, did you hear that? What did this guy say?"

"She said something disrespectful!"

The two little followers were grinning, especially Xiaoyan, who was laughing happily.

"Hehe, dog slave, you scolded His Majesty. When she comes back tonight, I will tell her that you are disrespectful!"

Situ Kong picked up a sour fruit from the fruit plate and put it in his mouth with a proud attitude, "Dog slave, dog slave, you are finished~"

"Emperor...Emperor, you are inducing me..."

"Hehe, tell His Majesty about this, and see if she will chop you because of her resentment in her heart!"

"Emperor, why are you doing this? I am loyal to you..."

"Hehe, you are still loyal. The last time you informed on me, I lost half my life. My miserable condition at that time was just like last night!"

Situ Kong pointed to the clear scar on his neck and said with gritted teeth.

"Hmph, dog slave, I won't tell on you like you do, but I need you to be honest. If I say something about His Majesty in the future, just pretend you didn't hear it. I won't tell her about your disrespect today, okay?"


The dog slave twisted his dark face, looking very embarrassed.



Seeing the dog slave's submission, Situ Kong felt much better.

The frustration of being bullied by Wu Linyue last night was released by the adjective "stinky" that Wu Linyue was constantly labeled with today...



In the evening, Situ Kong, with his hands behind his back, strolled back to the main hall, looking at the bright moon in the sky and feeling the cool night breeze. His relaxed mood made his steps a little light.

But this euphoric mood disappeared after he stepped into the main hall...

"Situ Kong, what did you do today?"

Wu Linyue leaned lazily on the recliner, her cold and magnetic voice was very pleasant.

"Nothing, just taking a walk in the manor."

"But, I heard that you scolded me for an entire afternoon~"

? ? ?

! ! !

This pleasant voice instantly made

Situ Kong became alert, his eyes widened, and he looked unbelievable.

"I also heard that you induced the dog slave to scold me, is that true?"

Wu Linyue turned her face slightly, slanting her phoenix eyes, the smile on her face was still a little evil, but her eyes gradually became colder.

"No... No, this has nothing to do with me..."

"Hmph! You still don't admit it at this time, it seems that the education last night was not enough!"

After saying that, Wu Linyue stood up suddenly, and her tall and powerful figure turned into a cheetah. Situ Kong didn't have time to escape, and she had already appeared in front of Situ Kong, grabbing Situ Kong's arm, like a clamp, unable to struggle free,

"Elbow, enter the house!"

Without waiting for Situ Kong to react, she carried him up and ran quickly to the main room.

"No, you don't have to go to court tomorrow?"

"I have to take time to make you understand that the dignity of the emperor is inviolable when I go to court!"


Dog slave, you fucking blew yourself up in front of me! !

Situ Kong never thought that the dog slave would dare to self-destruct, even at the cost of his life~

And he will pay the price tonight for his contempt for the emperor's dignity..........


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