Faye’s League of Legends

Vol 2 Chapter 809: Attribution of secondary runes

Although the scene was very embarrassing, fortunately, neither Enivia nor Rhode were people with no idea-since they are not malicious, and now that everything is open, the problem is always to be solved.

First of all, these secondary runes Rhodes will not want.

For ordinary people, these secondary runes are power-but for Rhode, they are cumbersome.

As a Master of Law, Rhode has always been clear: the power you have is not how much resources you have received and how much equipment you have collected. Only the power you really master is your power.

Rod, who has been baptized several times by the God of the Ancients, knows better than anyone, what is the price behind the power that can be easily obtained. If you really find such a thing as a pie in the sky, Rod’s first reaction can only be to explore How did this cake come from?

Secondly, these secondary runes Anivia will not want.

The more secondary runes will make Enivia bear more responsibility, this responsibility is given by the rules of rune, which cannot be evaded by any means. Enivia does not want to become Qian Jue and lose his personality. Deity.

Then, these secondary runes cannot be given to Ritz.

If Rod finds Ritz, and hands these things to Ritz, Ritz will never refuse-but the problem is that Ritz’s current state is hard to bear any more runes, Rod Don't want Ritz to die by this time.

Finally, these secondary runes cannot be handed to Protoss.

Compared with the simple and direct way of Enivia, Protoss is the real deep-minded guy.

According to Enivia’s speculation, the giants’ ability to accept rune rules far exceeds their own, and even exceeds Qianjue—but unlike Qianjue’s self-disappearing existence, giants use a little trick To avoid the shackles of rune rules, this method is the Protoss.

The giant **** has always been trying to maintain the rules of runes, following the will of Valoran-but on the other hand, they accepted the body of their believers and poured their own will in this way to create Protoss.

The Protoss can obtain power from the giant gods, and the Protoss also follows the will of the giant gods. In the eyes of ordinary people, the Protoss walks as a messenger of God in Valloran, but in fact, these Protoss are essentially The "free" giant.

Because of this special nature, the relationship between the giant **** and the mortal, and the deity of Freyrad is very delicate. When facing things such as the void, everyone is in the same camp-but otherwise, They don't treat each other very much.

With the help of the Protoss, giant gods can influence mortals unscrupulously; deity Freudold is unwilling to intervene in this situation, but he is not willing to intervene; some mortals accept the power of giant gods, and some are unwilling to Ruled by a giant god...

Anivia does not like giant gods, and Rhodes, as a mage, naturally loathes this high presence, so giant gods are also ruled out.

Thinking about it, these secondary runes and rune fragments can only be given to mortals.

So, who is the problem?

These people need to be able to use rune fragments, and are not unhealthy minds-according to the meaning of Enivia, it is better to be the Freldjods.

Rhodes and Enivia discussed for a long time, and then found that almost no one met the requirements.

The Frostblood can use these secondary runes and rune fragments—but the Frostblood is originally a product of the void, and neither Rod nor Envia can believe these people with Frostblood.

Well, there are still some people in the blood of the ice who are reliable, such as Ish-but the problem is that she doesn't need these things.

What about Nunu?

Although Rhode did not experience the scene of the Snowman awakening, he also heard about Nunu. This little guy inherited the power of Willamp and the Snowman family and was able to activate the blood of the Snowman. In a sense, he was Is the greatest hero of Freydrod.

So, what if these secondary runes are handed over to Nunu?

A child with the purest mind, not the blood of the ice, who gave me the history of Frey Zhuod in the station.


So, Rod and Enivia told their thoughts.

Enivia was surprised that she could have such a child-"Unbelievable, the seal of the Yeti family still has time to unravel."

After learning that Nunu activated the snowman's bloodline, Enivia finally nodded and agreed to Rod's proposal.

"Basically I agree with you." After thinking for a while, Enivia nodded softly. "But before that, I think he still needs to undergo a small trial-even if it is My last insurance."

Regarding Enivia's cautiousness, Rod shrugged his shoulders, undecided.

Then, when Rod invited Enivia to go to Frostguard with himself, Enivia finally shook his head.

"Actually, I can't leave the Great Glacier." Seeing Rod finally showed a surprised expression~www.wuxiaspot.com~ A smile on the ice block in Enivia rarely appeared, "You don't think Is the erosion of the void one piece?"


"In the vast desert, the endless deep sea, the big glaciers, and the wild jungle, the emptiness once stretched out its tentacles, and we are called gods, we must cut off and freeze these tentacles."

"I like the Great Glacier, partly because it is cool and pleasant here, and partly because it is my workplace-do you understand?"

With that said, Anivia opened her wings again.

"Frellzhud people say that the cold wind in winter is the "test of Enivia", but in fact, it is just a little punishment for those tentacles when the void is about to move-if I really want Test, I am afraid that Freildord will not have a spring."

"I know, you just thought in your heart that I am an **** who evades responsibility, but only if you really stand in this position and assume this responsibility can you understand my feelings now-I am not escaping, but There is self-knowledge."

"Go, take the kid to see me, I will leave these secondary runes and rune fragments, and the power of the void above needs to be dealt with thoroughly."

"Last time I looked away, I told my sister the news of my brother-I hope this time, my choices and judgments are correct."

In the cold wind, Enivia flew higher and higher, and finally disappeared into the sky and snow-and this time, Rhode rarely confessed her "cool and pleasant judgment", but deeply To give a mage ceremony.

Like the wild gods on Mount Hyjal, Enivia, who guards Valoran, deserves respect.


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