Favorite Academy: Start Summoning Godzilla

Chapter 170: : Collection test

After taking out the bellflower, Mi Duowei immediately put the whole flower into a small bottle.

Then pour 50 ml of water, and finally shake the bottle gently and place it on the table sideways.

Seeing this scene, Chen Meng nodded with satisfaction.

"Yes, she did a very good job. Bellflower is a plant that needs water extremely. After collection, it needs to be placed in a sealed space, and then poured in some appropriate water, so that it can be better preserved."

At this time, Yun Chen also enjoyed watching it.

But the only thing that was unhappy was the fat fat man next to him, with a smug expression on his face.

So he turned his attention to the contestants in his academy, and Xiao Jin is now also collecting bellflowers.

The action is basically the same as that of Mi Duowei. It is also the first to use a small shovel to poke the soil, but at this moment!

Due to the tension, his shovel accidentally shoveled the root of the bellflower, resulting in the incomplete flower being taken out.

"It's over!" Xiao Jin also knew that he made a mistake, and patted his left hand in annoyance.

Seeing this scene, Chen Meng smiled and shook his head.

"The root of the bellflower is also a valuable material for refining medicine. Once the root is cut off, the overall value will be greatly reduced."

Xiao Jin's mentality was a little broken at this moment, and he turned his head to look at the judges' stage in aggrieved.

At this time, Yun Chen still showed a smile and said softly.

"Come on, just work hard!"

Seeing the beloved principal, who can still encourage himself at this moment, Xiao Jin nodded vigorously.

Then take a deep breath, and immediately put the root and stem of the bellflower separately into the bottle.

After properly pouring water into the two bottles, move on to the next potted plant.

Chen Meng stood aside and said with a smile.

"I have to say that this boy did a good job. Although one of his mistakes greatly reduced the value of the whole flower, he finally opened the stem and root part of the flower and put it into a bottle, which can be regarded as reducing the loss, which is worthy of praise. "

Blink of an eye.

All contestants have collected their final potted plants.

At this time, their potted plant was a plant that looked like a cactus.

It has dense thorns, but unlike the cactus, this plant is not green but red!

Since this plant is rare, each contestant does not know how to deal with it at this time.

It's like eating crabs for the first time, I just don't know how to put my mouth down when I look left and right.

"Excuse me, Miss Chen, can you tell us about this plant?" the commentator asked.

Chen Meng smiled and nodded: "Of course, this plant is called red thorn. It is a very rare medicinal material. It is mainly used to refine functional medicinal pills."

"And to collect this plant, you need to have considerable experience. In addition, a friendly reminder that the needles on this plant contain mild toxins, and if you touch it, it is easy to cause redness and swelling all over the body."

After she finished speaking, the players who didn't know how to collect them had no clue now.

I didn't even dare to touch it.

The competition fell into a short stalemate, and each contestant stared at their potted plants, but could not start.

Seeing that the scene was suddenly quiet, Yun Chen, who was sitting on the judge's platform, smiled at both sides.

"Two principals, how do you think this plant should be collected?"

These words seemed to stop Tian Dashan and Lu Chenglong from asking. After they frowned and pondered for a while, they shook their heads.

"To be honest, I'm really not familiar with this stuff."

"Yeah, but I guess it's better to use stronger gloves?"

Seeing that the two experienced principals had been questioned, Yun Chen smiled.

Then he doesn't understand!

But he is different from others in that he likes to think about things from the side, especially some details.

If collecting red thorns really requires some special equipment, then Chen Meng should not say that he needs experience.

Therefore, he considered that the difficulty of collecting red thorns should be based on experience, not equipment.


At this moment, the contestant of the Academy of Wind and Rain made the first move, but accidentally stabbed his left hand with a spike.

He immediately covered his hands and took two steps back, followed by red spots on his face and neck.

"Ah! It's so itchy, teacher, am I poisoned?"

Chen Meng approached and smiled: "Don't worry, the toxin of the red thorn is very light, you just need to drink more water, and it will be fine in half an hour."

"Huh, that's fine, but it's really itchy." After speaking, the player scratched his face unconsciously, looking very uncomfortable.

With his lessons learned, the other contestants dared not do anything.

Everyone looked at the cactus-like plant in front of them, and there was nothing they could do.

Even Mi Duowei, who was favored just now, frowned slightly at this moment.

"It's so annoying, what should I do with this thing?"

At this time, the competition of the fourth item is gradually coming to an end.

After Chen Meng glanced at the time, he smiled and said, "There are still ten seconds before the end, please take the last chance."



Listening to Chen Meng's countdown, Yun Chen's brows suddenly wrinkled.

He seemed to hear something from the other party's words.

Take the chance in the last ten seconds?

In other words, can the collection of this plant be completed within ten seconds?

With such an association, Yun Chen instantly understood, and then the corners of his mouth rose and he smiled lightly.

"So it is!"

Soon after the ten-second countdown ended, Chen Meng blew his whistle.


At the end of the fourth competition, all the contestants sighed helplessly. They also did not expect such a problem to arise in this competition.

"I announce the end of the competition for the collection project. All the contestants did not complete the tasks within the specified time, so no points will be awarded."

As the narrator finished speaking, the audience was stunned.

I go!

Busy for most of the day without scoring? Come on, is this a draw?

Especially Tian Dashan, the fat face twitched at this time, looking quite depressed.

You must know that their college has a rare chance to win the first place in a project, but they did not expect that they would not score at all in the end.

Depend on!

"Principal Lu, isn't this regulation too harsh? Even if it is not completed, it must be graded according to the previous collection results?" Tian Dashan said slightly dissatisfied.

Before Lu Chenglong could speak, Yun Chendai laughed first.

"I think this rule is pretty good, just like running a marathon, what's the point of achievement if you don't reach the finish line?"

Tian Dashan was still dissatisfied and said, "Is this a truth?"

"Isn't this a truth?" Yun Chen asked back with a smile.

Being so scolded, Tian Dashan was speechless again, feeling as if he had met a little rascal, and couldn't explain anything at all.

Lu Chenglong said with a smile: "The two principals don't argue, the rules of this competition were discussed by many teachers in our college. After all, collection is a very professional project and cannot be treated casually, so if no one can If the deadline is completed, it can only be regarded as a failure.”

Seeing that Lu Chenglong also said the same, Tian Dashan had nothing to say.

Depressed sighed, the first place that my academy finally won, just flew like this!

As for Mi Duowei, who was very confident at first, her eyes were a little wet at this time, and she was also very frustrated and disappointed that she didn't get the first place.

"Miss Chen, these red thorn plants are provided by your factory. To be honest, very few people know how to collect them. Can you explain to me?" The commentator said at this time.

Taking the microphone, Chen Meng smiled slightly: "Of course, but before I explain, I want to ask if no one in the audience really knows how to collect red thorns?"

Said that the perfect eye looked at the judges seat, and then showed a charming smile.

"Principal Yun, you are so smart, I think you should know?"

After she finished speaking, everyone in the audience immediately turned their attention to Yun Chen, even Mi Duowei, whose eyes were wet.

However, Tian Dashan pouted and muttered very unhappily.

"He's a hairy boy, he knows shit!"

The voice was not loud, and Yun Chen couldn't hear it clearly, so he didn't care.

He smiled and stood up and said, "I know I don't dare to say it, but I think I have already guessed how to do it."

When the voice fell, many people were stunned, and even Chen Meng's pretty face showed a surprised expression...

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