Favorite Academy: Start Summoning Godzilla

Chapter 145: : Suddenly craving for BBQ

I saw Ju Ming gritted his teeth and turned around.

"What are you kidding! Do you think it's easy for me to catch someone for you to eat? If it happens, I'll be finished!"

Seeing his expression, Moon Shadow Seal chuckled.

"Don't worry, your city will sooner or later become the territory of our sea beasts. At that time, I will recommend you to Her Majesty the Queen and make you the ruler of mankind. What are you worried about?"

Hearing that, Ju Ming was taken aback for a moment.

"What Her Majesty? What are you talking about?"

The Moon Shadow Seal raised its head and said solemnly: "Praise the Queen, she is the noble **** of our sea beasts!"

The more Ju Ming listened, the more confused he became, as if he had been brainwashed by a monster.

But I have to say, if it is what the other party said, it is also excellent.

So the chill on Ju Ming's face faded, and he said calmly.

"I don't care about that, I just hope you can keep your promise and avenge me."

"Of course, our sea beasts are the most trustworthy," Moon Shadow Seal smiled and showed his fangs.

A sly look flashed in his eyes, and then disappeared.

Ju Ming nodded and said nothing, turned around and continued to leave.

As he walked, he said, "Tomorrow, I will try my best to find a way to help you get some living people to serve as food."

Screen switching.

Now in the office of the God Pet Academy, Yun Chen has mastered the collection process and details proficiently.

"Teacher, is that what it is?"

Xue Xiaoying nodded: "Yes, the most precious thing of Baijuhua is the root, so after the root is pulled out, it must be put into clear water as soon as possible."


Yun Chen said softly, and then continued to do as he did.

After a few minutes in the blink of an eye, he stretched out: "Huh, it's finally done."

Seeing a white flower that was successfully collected by him and put into a clear water bottle, Xue Xiaoying smiled with satisfaction.

"Very well, this is the basic skill of collecting. Of course, there are many precious herbs collected in different ways, so if you want to understand this skill thoroughly, you have to read more books and check more information."

"Well, I haven't even played in the rankings recently. Whenever I have time, I will hold the book you gave me to read," Yun Chen said with a toothy smile.

Xue Xiaoying also smiled: "That's good, it's nine o'clock, I should go back too"

Wen Yan Yunchen was about to open his mouth to speak, when his stomach suddenly rang.


"What's wrong? Are you hungry?" Xue Xiaoying smiled.

Yun Chen nodded embarrassedly: "I'm a little hungry, I'm rushing back to learn basic skills, so I didn't eat much for dinner, how about teacher, let's go have some supper together?"

Xue Xiaoying thought for a while, then smiled and shook her head.

"Go eat, I won't go to lose weight at night"

Yun Chen didn't force it, he could see that the other party had been busy all day during the day, and worked overtime at night until now he was a little tired.

So he smiled and said, "Okay, then I'll ride a bike to have some supper, otherwise I won't be able to sleep at night when I'm hungry."

that's all.

The two walked out of the office side by side.

"By the way, there are still some ingredients in the cafeteria. You can go and eat a bowl of noodles yourself," Xue Xiaoying said as she walked.

Yun Chen walked beside him and said with a smile, "I don't really want to eat noodles anymore, but suddenly I really want to eat some barbecue with Coke. It's fun to think about it."

When I came back by bike in the evening, I encountered barbecue stalls all over the road, and I was hooked.

Soon the two walked out of the office building together, and the light rain that had been pattering has long stopped.

Standing beside the car, Xue Xiaoying smiled and said, "How about I give you a ride?"

"No need, I'll just ride the bike, I'll have to come back to rest later," Yun Chen said, shaking his head.

Xue Xiaoying nodded: "Okay"

After he opened the door of the car, he seemed to think of something.

"Oh, yes, if you want to eat barbecue, I recommend you to try it in the seafood barbecue city in the city. Recently, my circle of friends has been swiping the screen and saying that it is delicious there."

These words instantly attracted Yun Chen's interest, and his eyes lit up with a smile.

"Really? Then I have to try it"

"It's just a little far, in the city," Xue Xiaoying said standing in front of the car door.

And Yunchen shook his head without mind: "It doesn't matter, as long as it's delicious, it's fine to stay a little further away."

Typical foodie characteristics.

Xue Xiaoying also smiled, and without saying anything, she bent over and sat in the car.

Yun Chen sat on his motorcycle and twisted the accelerator.

"Teacher is leaving first"

"Ok, stay safe"


As soon as the voice fell, Yun Chen was driving a motorcycle and disappeared with a swoosh.

Xue Xiaoying, who was sitting in the car and was about to start, looked at the back of the car as she galloped away, with a smile on her charming face.

"Sometimes this kid is really cute"


An hour and a half later in the blink of an eye, Yun Chen rode his motorcycle through the alleys, taking shortcuts.

Finally came to the seafood barbecue city in the city.

Although it was already half past ten in the evening, it was quite lively inside.

"Hey, my dear, what the teacher said is right, the business here is really good, and the taste is definitely not to be said." Yun Chen smiled and parked the motorcycle and walked into the barbecue city.

"Come here, don't miss it when you pass by, beer is free"

"20 jin of crayfish, buy 5 jin get 1 jin"

"We have all kinds of grilled seafood in our restaurant, welcome to come and taste"

This barbecue city is quite spacious, except for a large stage in the middle, surrounded by various barbecue stalls.

Dense customers are sitting in the open air, eating barbecue and drinking beer.

It looks quite comfortable!

Yun Chen visited several shops and finally found an empty table.

So he sat down immediately, raised his hand and said, "The boss orders food"

"What do you want to eat, little brother?" A middle-aged man walked over with a smile, wiping the sweat from his face.

Yun Chen said without thinking: "Two catties of crayfish, fifty yuan for grilled skewers, and a bottle of iced cola!"

"Okay, wait a minute"

After the boss wrote it down, he turned back to the stall and started to work again.

Soon all the skewered drinks he ordered were brought to the table, Yun Chen opened it and poured himself a glass of Coke and drank it.


One and a half cups, quite pleasant.

Then he picked up a few meat skewers and ate them.

“Don’t say, it tastes really good here”

I feel that my one and a half hour journey is not in vain, eating barbecue lobster with cola, quite satisfied.

I'm having fun eating it.

At this time, two little girls dressed in fancy dress walked in front of them, one was wearing a light blue dress, the other was a white T-shirt with a denim skirt.

The long ones are quite beautiful, and the skin is very fair.

One of the girls in a dress asked weakly, "Handsome guy, can we make a table with you?"

Wen Yan Yunchen raised his head, first glanced at the two girls, and then turned around to see that there were no empty tables around.

So he smiled and nodded: "Well, yes."

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