Favorite Academy: Start Summoning Godzilla

Chapter 139: : Vicious thoughts!

The next morning came in the blink of an eye.

Yun Chen successfully received 20,000 soul coins and 100 contribution points.

Riding a motorcycle and humming a little tune, he rushed back to the God Pet Academy.

At this time, three school buses just arrived one after another. The buses parked in the open space outside the teaching building, and a group of students got off one after another.

"Hey Principal"

"Good morning Principal"

"Good morning to you too" Yun Chen greeted the students with a smile.

Since all school uniforms were distributed yesterday, students are all dressed in uniform today.

The girls are all white tops with pleated skirts that go to the knees.

The boys are all in Chinese tunic suits, looking simple but not simple.

In particular, the LOGO of the young Godzilla is printed on the chest of each school uniform, which is quite interesting to look at.

"Morning, Principal, last night it was on the news again by accident." Yue Boen walked over with a smile.

Wen Yan Yunchen also followed with a smile: "Huh? You already know this?"

"That's not it, it was spread all over the circle of friends last night. There were huge monsters in the city, and you found them," Yue Boen said with a smile.

Yun Chen nodded: "Yeah, I just encountered it by mistake, but I still let a monster that can transform away."

"If it can slip away from your hands, then this monster shouldn't be easy," Yue Boen said slightly in surprise.

Yun Chen shook his head: "Jane doesn't simply say otherwise, but this monster is really cunning."

The words are being spoken.

Xue Xiaoying and Ma Jie also came over.

"Headmaster, morning"

Seeing that all the teachers had arrived, Yun Chen smiled and said, "Morning, go to the office and have a simple morning meeting, and everyone should report the work they are responsible for."



Just when Yun Chen brought the teachers back to the office for the morning meeting.

In a villa somewhere in the south of the city.

Ju Ming walked out of his bedroom with a sigh of relief. He hadn't slept all night last night, and he was both hesitant and nervous.

I am afraid that people will find out about saving the monster by myself.

After all, this is a felony, a felony punishable by the death penalty!

"Hey, why are you here, Grandpa?" Zhu Ming breathed, forcing himself to relax a little.

Hearing about Zhu Ming's grandfather, Zhu Gui took a sip of soy milk and said, "Your parents and your uncle have all gone to work."

"Oh, that's how it is"

Ju Ming nodded and took the soy milk from the servant.

After taking a sip, he asked casually, "Grandpa, I proposed that two days ago. How are you thinking?"

"By the way, I just want to tell you something. I have discussed with your father about your proposal, and I don't think it's feasible." Zhu Gui said with a calm expression on his face.

But these words made Ju Ming stunned for a moment, then raised his head and asked.

"Huh? Why do you think it's not feasible?"

"That kid Yunchen has too much influence. Even yesterday he was on the news again. We wronged him for no reason, and the common people are not stupid. We will just get into trouble."

After speaking, Zhu Gui took another sip of soy milk, and then said, "I was also confused the first two days. Your father is right, we can't fight that kid named Yun."

Hearing that, Ju Ming's hand holding the chopsticks, violently!

This is his unwilling performance!

He was cut into a disability by Yun Chen, and his cousin was also killed by him.

Now that he doesn't even have the qualifications for revenge, he is not reconciled, he is really not reconciled!

And if it was someone else, it would be fine. The most important thing was that the other party was still a classmate who had been fighting with him for a year.

Now it has reached a height that makes their family jealous, which makes Ju Ming both unwilling and quite jealous!

So Ju Ming gritted his teeth: "Grandpa"

"What's the matter? What else do you want to say?" Zhu Gui looked at him with old eyes.

Suddenly seeing his grandfather staring at him, Ju Ming suddenly did not dare to tell the truth.

After all, the fact that he saved the monster is too serious!

He was really afraid to say it, his grandfather couldn't stand the stimulation, and suddenly rolled his eyes and walked away in anger.

"No...nothing, just if I said if, on the day of the basic skills competition, if Godzilla would kill and destroy recklessly in our Hushan City, do you think we can make a fuss about it?" Ju Ming changed way to say.

Hearing this, Zhu Gui was slightly taken aback.

But soon the old face showed a chuckle: "It's needless to say, when your father's newspaper office and my network will work together, the image of the kid surnamed Yun will be completely destroyed, and he will change from a national hero to a cross-street in minutes. mouse!"

After finishing speaking, he smiled and shook his head: "But if you are meaningless, because Yun Chen's kid can't do this unless he has a funny head."

This made Ju Ming lower his head and sneer secretly.

A very vicious plan came to mind!

"Grandpa, I'm full to go to school." Ju Ming put down his chopsticks and turned around impatiently to leave.

Looking at his back, Zhu Gui also sighed, his old eyes showing a look of unwillingness.

In fact, if he can't get revenge, he is also very uncomfortable!

But there is no way, because he knows that Yun Chen is not something they can provoke at present!

Blink of an eye.

Ju Ming did not drive to the Royal Academy, but once again came to the uninhabited place outside the suburbs in the north of the city.

through a thick bush.

Ju Ming was very cautious as he slowed down and looked around.

After confirming that no one was nearby, he continued to step on the accelerator.

He quickly parked the car outside a long-abandoned factory building, and Ju Ming got out of the car and walked in directly.

"let me out!"

"Damn human, let me out!"

There was a large iron cage five meters long and five meters wide in the factory building. Now the Moon Shadow Seal's injuries are slightly better, and it is roaring angrily in the iron cage.

However, Ju Ming was also careful and connected the iron cage with high-voltage electricity.

Therefore, the Moon Shadow Seal cannot leave the iron cage until the injury has completely recovered.

"You curse again, believe it or not, I will kill you now!" Ju Ming approached with a cold face.

The blood-red eyes of the Moon Shadow Seal showed a touch of disdain.

Because it shows that Ju Ming's strength is scum.

If he hadn't been hurt, this kind of stuff would be delicious food in its eyes.

But unfortunately, he was seriously injured now, so the Moon Shadow Seal showed a very cunning expression of fear, and even his body took two steps back.

"It's not too bad. If you know you're afraid, you can live a little longer." Ju Ming crouched outside the iron cage and sneered.

"Why did you arrest me here?" The Moon Shadow Seal pretended to be afraid and asked.

Ju Ming's expression sank: "You are not qualified to ask me questions. On the contrary, if I ask you anything, you must answer me honestly, or I will kill you now!"

"Okay, just ask, just don't kill me"

"I went back and checked some information last night. Do you have the ability to transform?" Ju Ming asked.

The Moon Shadow Seal nodded cooperatively.

Seeing it like this, Ju Ming was overjoyed.

So he sneered again: "Then if I make you look like Godzilla, can you do it?"

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