Farming Tree Spirit

Chapter 271 Death Resurrection, the Beginning of Mutation

the next period of time.

Rhodes was basically busy in the forest.

As more and more mountain giants enter the forest and twin vines are planted on a large scale, the entire giant forest gradually becomes lively.

Especially the batch that was first planted has now grown to a height of hundreds of meters, with small house-like fruits hanging on it, attracting many residents and souls to live here.

It seems to be a city in the sky built on intertwined vines.

It is precisely because of the large amount of food produced in the City of Dreams that it has begun to drive the development and reproduction of various surrounding places.

Teams were going back and forth in the forest, rebuilding the dilapidated forest, and there was a thriving scene everywhere.

"Dream Woodland is finally slowly returning to its previous appearance..."

"Come back, everything is back..."

Looking at the gradually rejuvenated Dreamland Woodland and the vast and vibrant scene of souls gathering in the center of the woodland, many surviving residents couldn't help but sigh.

In three hundred years, they seemed to have experienced a catastrophe. Countless elders died in front of their eyes, and they lived a life of full meals and several hungry meals every day.

Looking back now.

It's like a dream.

Many people who survived the disaster three hundred years ago couldn't help but burst into tears.

No one knows how much suffering they have experienced, let alone how many times they have experienced life and death.


Watching the community become lively again.

Seeing the people talking and laughing around them, and the red and plump faces of the tribesmen, they finally let out a sigh of relief, and their faces were filled with long-lost smiles.

"Today should be the day to plant the next batch of food in Dreamland City, right? You have to line up quickly to get more seeds back."

In the goblin community around a certain black earth plain, the elders rarely left their residences, prepared their things early, and prepared to rush to the dream city with their clansmen.

There are many others like them. Every once in a while, they go to Dreamland City to purchase seeds and some daily necessities.

For example, the various magic tools that have recently emerged in the city, with the blessing of magical power, have given birth to many very convenient tools.

Flying magic carpets, automatic watering equipment, portable space tents, communication stones, night-light lamps, etc.

These were all launched by Dream City. As soon as they appeared, they swept the entire city and surrounding areas. They spread at an extremely exaggerated speed and were almost reaching Liberty City.

The novel gadgets that have never been seen before and the wide variety of magic applications have opened the eyes of those foreign souls, who flocked into the forest crazily to learn various magics.

With their spread, more and more people have begun to come into contact with magic, and the belief in the Moon God has also increased rapidly, with a tendency to restore the prosperous age of magic.

"If we continue at this rate, we should be able to return to our previous level soon."

Rhodes was very satisfied with the information reported by Augula and the others during this period.

The City of Dreams has been built for almost half a year, and it has already reached this point, and has led to the development of the entire Dreamland, and it finally looks like a kingdom of God.


It is a kingdom of God without gods.

But Rhodes didn't pay too much attention to this, because he had been troubled by one thing during this time.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion.

As his level gets closer and closer to level 70 and level 7, there seems to be some strange connection between him and the Dream Woodland.

Various sounds began to appear in his ears. He didn't need the Moon Well to hear the voices of believers, and he could even sense the situation far away around the forest.

This is nothing, the most critical problem is that there seems to be a problem with his information interface, and there are often cases where item information cannot be seen.

The only thing he can view stably now is his own information.

[Demonized Tree Spirit lv67]

[Occupation: Gardener (Level 6)]

【Experience: 1045/3840】

[Normal: Light of Life (Forbidden Spell), Lunar Eclipse, Fire Giant, Frost Giant, Thunder...]

[Occupation: cultivation, harvest, ripening, grafting]

"Is there something wrong?"

Rhodes frowned.

This ability was left to him by the Moon God. As the function gradually disappeared, there were only two possibilities.

Either he has become stronger and no longer needs this kind of thing.

Or the power left by the Moon God is weakening!

"Will there be any changes after reaching the seventh level?"

Rhodes always feels that his seventh level will be different from others. I am afraid that it is not just as simple as breaking through professional boundaries, but maybe even something big will happen.

"You're not going to wait for me to reach level seven and then come out to seize me, right?" Rhodes thought maliciously.

He had seen this kind of routine too much when reading novels before.

But when I think about a god like Moon God, who looks eager to give up his throne, I think it's impossible.

Perhaps we can only know the answer when he actually reaches the seventh level. Anyway, it's only three small levels away.

Calculating the time, the elemental wheat should be almost mature.

Thinking of this, Rhodes stood up and left the altar, finding Augula and the others.

Just as he was about to ask about the planting situation on the Elemental Sacred Mountain, he suddenly discovered something strange.

"Have you ever felt that there have been more souls entering the woodland recently?"

"Is there any?"

Ogula and the others who were turning the soil for the elves looked up outside. As Rhode said, the number of souls pouring into the forest increased, almost several times more than before.

"Huh? It's true."

"How come so many souls suddenly appeared?"

"Isn't it a good thing that there are more souls?"

Ogula and the others were puzzled. After all, the more souls there are, the faster the dream forest will recover. Of course, the more the better.

"Not really."

Rhode shook his head: "Didn't you find that many of these souls were formed not long ago? It stands to reason that they should be the souls of natural life after death, and the soul strength should be stronger."

"Hiss~ It seems to be true!"

Ogula and the others finally reacted after hearing this, and all of them looked solemn.

There are a large number of immature new souls in the forest, so there is only one possibility, that natural life is dying in large numbers!

Is something happening outside?

Just thinking.

There was a flapping sound.

Alpha flew quickly from a distance and landed on the open space.

"Lord Rhodes, something happened!"

His voice was urgent, and even his steps quickened.

"What happened?"

Rhodes was shocked. It was the first time he saw Alpha with such an expression. It was obviously not a trivial matter.

Ogula and the others also came over, and they had a bad feeling in their hearts.

He glanced at the souls that were still emerging from the forest.

Could it be such a coincidence?

"It's the Undead! A large number of Undead suddenly poured into several planes and invaded many places! Many countries have fallen!"

Alpha said the matter concisely.

As soon as these words came out, Rhodes and others' faces changed, and even the elves who were cultivating plants in the distance surrounded them.

"Undead invasion?"

"Didn't we just beat them back last time?"

"Are all these souls caused by them?"

A few months ago, those damn guys wanted to achieve their invasion purpose by enslaving the Giant Kingdom.

If Rhodes hadn't arrived, they would have succeeded long ago.

It's only been a short time, and they are coming back again?

"No, this time is different from before!"

Alpha said solemnly: "I just contacted the elves, and they said that a similar situation has occurred in the Spider Demon Kingdom!"

"Even in the Spider Demon Kingdom? Are those undead spirits crazy?!"

For a moment, there were exclamations in the woods, and they finally realized the seriousness of the matter.

I am afraid that it is not just a simple fight for faith, but the Death Abyss is behind it, otherwise it would not be possible to make such a big move.

Thinking of this, Rhodes made a prompt decision.

"You go and gather the tribesmen immediately, I will go over there to see the situation!"

After saying that, he hurried back to the altar and checked the situation of each plane through the consciousness projection.


At this time.

In several planes that have not been polluted.

Space cracks suddenly appeared, and a large number of undead spirits poured in, spreading rapidly in all directions like a plague, and corpses were everywhere.

This sudden change made countless countries startled, and they immediately summoned their troops to start a large-scale cleanup of the undead.

The most serious of these is the Undead Kingdom opposite the Spider Kingdom.

The Undead, who were originally suppressed by the Temple and several empires, suddenly went crazy and launched a fierce attack on the trade city they built.

"What's going on? Are these damn skeletons crazy?"

"Quick! Go and inform them that the Undead Army is attacking in a big way!"

"Holy Light, the despicable Undead should be purified!"

After this period of development, this trade city located at the junction of two planes has become very large, comparable to the capital of the kingdom.

It is full of Chamber of Commerce mercenaries, religious sects, national representatives, and upper nobles from all over the world, and the defense force is terrifying.

But even so, the Undead still launched an attack on them without hesitation. Looking at the entire gray border, there was a vast expanse of white, and they were fighting with the defensive army here.

"Something is wrong, even the Undead Kingdom should not have so many Undead!"

A priest in the Temple team who had just arrived said solemnly.

Saint Licia stood aside, looking at the endless white, frowning slightly.

In just half a day, many people died at the hands of the undead.

But strangely, those corpses were not transformed into undead. Instead, they seemed to be pulled by some force, and countless souls gathered in the same direction.

"They... seem to be collecting souls."

Licia said her guess.

Her soul had been washed in the dream forest and the holy heaven, and she could see the existence of souls with her naked eyes. She saw the vast scene of countless souls gathering at a glance, and her brows frowned.


"They are collecting souls?"

The priests and knights on the side all changed their faces when they heard it.

Although they didn't know why the undead wanted to collect so many souls, it was definitely not a good thing, and they must be stopped!

Without hesitation.

The temple teams set out one after another.

Countless priests rushed from the headquarters and joined the ranks of purifying the undead, and large holy light magics lit up on the battlefield.

Just when everyone was wondering where so many undead came from.

Rod had entered the Death Abyss through spiritual connection.

Because in his opinion, such a big move, the Death Abyss could not have no reaction at all, and coming here to inquire about the news was the most direct way.

"What's going on?"


When he left the house and came outside, he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

The undead dog he left in the yard had disappeared, and the sun and the moon in the sky had completed the intersection and were falling to both sides at a very fast speed.

Where the sun and the moon intersected, countless souls gathered, and a huge crack appeared in the whole sky.

This strange scene instantly made him think of a possibility.

The God of Death.

Will wake up soon!

"How can it be so fast?"

Rod's brows were pulled together.

According to the news he had received before, it should take at least two or three months for the sun and the moon to complete the alternation, but now it has reached the final moment of the alternation.

Once the sun and the moon have all fallen, the power to suppress the God of Death will no longer exist, and he will definitely wake up at the first time!

He didn't know what would happen when the God of Death woke up.

But the thought that in order to suppress the power of the God of Death, the Sun and Moon Gods did not hesitate to join forces to seal it, which was enough to show that the matter was not simple.

Could it be.

All this was caused by the God of Death?

With strong doubts, Rhodes left the yard and came outside.

At this moment, the Shadow Town was no longer as prosperous and lively as before. There was not even a single figure, and there were dried bloodstains everywhere on the street.

He came to the father and daughter's house next door and knocked on the door. After waiting for a while, there was no response, so he could only turn around and go to the street outside.


Suddenly, a residual image flashed by, attacking him with a cold breath.

Rhodes raised his arm, and countless black tentacles rushed out of the ground and entangled the residual image.

Until then.

He finally saw the other party's appearance clearly, and he couldn't help but stand there in a daze.


The undead, who was covered with death, held a sharp blade, roared at him with scarlet eyes, and struggled hard under the entanglement of the tentacles.

Rhodes recognized this skeleton.

It was the contracted undead he summoned for the little girl next door.

But now, it looked like it was out of control, and even the traces of the contract on its body disappeared.

Something happened!

Rhodes was shocked.

He thought that the undead riots outside were caused by the Death Abyss, but now it seems that even the Death Abyss was not spared, and the undead creatures here also went berserk.

You know, this is the kingdom of God!

Even if the God of the Dead fell into a deep sleep, there was still divine power to support it. How could it fall so quickly?


Rhodes suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky in the distance.

The crack was like an eye, suddenly opened, and burst out a strange energy that made his heart palpitate.

He didn't even react, his consciousness was forced out, and he was directly disconnected from the Death Abyss.

"Just now... what was that?"

Rhodes was shocked, and the scene he just saw kept echoing in his mind.

Just a glance at him made his whole soul tremble, and he felt that he was extremely small in front of that eye.


That is definitely the power of God!

Only beings of that level can reach this level.

However, before he could come back to his senses, Augla and the others rushed over and brought him another unexpected news.

The plane pollution that had stagnated for three hundred years.

It started to spread again!

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