Farming Tree Spirit

Chapter 263 The unexpected discovery of the crystal tree

Five days passed in a flash.

Rhodes, who had reached the sixth level, cultivated seeds while learning magic, and finally learned all the more useful magic.

Among them, the most satisfying one was the elemental summoning magic. Each system could summon an elemental giant, which was a high-level magic for summoning professions.

The second was various defensive auxiliary magics, such as the earth system's earth protection and the natural system's sweet rain, as well as the ice system's freezing.

Finally, there was the attack magic, but he only learned a few, and the key was to assist in paddling and playing soy sauce.

Why should I do it myself when I can summon the creature?

"Well, these magics should be enough for the time being."

After finishing a day's routine practice, Rhodes began to get busy in the forest.

After a few days of construction, more than half of the area in the Giant Forest has been developed, and the demand for seeds is very high.

Especially twin vines and various grain seeds.

When they learned that they didn't need to build houses and the grain output was higher than other places, many residents spontaneously ran to the Giant Forest to collect their own house seeds.

As long as they wait for the twin vines to grow and mature, and then ask the dwarfs to help transform and stabilize them, they will have their own house, saving a lot of effort in collecting materials to build houses.

When the dwarfs heard that they could exchange food for transforming their houses, they immediately moved into the Giant Forest with their families. Every time they went there, they could see a busy scene.

Because of them, the construction progress of the Giant Forest was much faster than expected, and it was almost pushed to the center.

"Lord Rhodes!"

At this time, a shout came from a distance.

Augura, who was in charge of supervising the construction work, hurried back from the forest.

"What happened?"

Rhodes stopped casting and asked.

"No, we have now advanced to the center of the forest. I want to ask how to deal with the sky tree. Should we cut it down directly?"

The sky tree in the center of the Giant Forest can almost be regarded as the largest plant in the entire dream forest. It's a pity that it has been contaminated by black soil, leaving only the remains standing there.

If it is cut down rashly, the huge plant will collapse, which may cause a lot of trouble.

Augla and the others didn't dare to make a decision easily, so they could only come to ask.

"Sky Tree..."

Rod looked up in the direction of the Giant Forest, and could vaguely see a shadow towering above the earth.

To be honest, it would be a pity to cut down such a large plant directly. It would be great if it could be revived.

"Let's go and take a look first."

Shaking off the dirt on his body, Rod called Kaba who was playing and rushed to the direction of the Giant Forest.

When they passed through the newly reclaimed planting area and came to the center of the forest, they saw the Mountain Clan and the War Giant Tree thinking hard around the Sky Tree, including Little Stone and the Giant King Odaman.

After all, it was the sacred tree for the Mountain Clan to worship, and the ancestors poured their efforts into it, so naturally they didn't want it to be destroyed.

Seeing Rod's arrival, he immediately came to greet him.

"Lord Rod, do you have a way to save it?"

"Let me try first."

Rod jumped off Kaba's back, came to the bottom of the Sky Tree, and looked at it carefully.

Although this giant vine has been polluted for three hundred years, the roots underneath have not decayed and are still well preserved.

In addition, when he climbed to the top before, there was still a part that was not polluted, maybe it can really be saved.

Let's think about it.

Rhodes flipped through the space ring, took out a bottle of Moon Spring, and tried to drip a few drops on the roots.


The moment the Moon Spring touched the roots, it was directly absorbed into it, like dripping into a sponge.

"It's a chance!"

Ogula and Odaman's eyes lit up, and their tall bodies all came over, staring at the root.

Rhodes stood in front of them, as if he was a tiny thing, and you wouldn't notice his existence if you didn't look carefully.

But after waiting for a long time, there was no reaction from the roots, as if a stone had sunk into the sea.

"How could this be?"

Everyone frowned.

You know, that is the sacred water of life, one drop is enough to make them recover instantly, and even the black soil can be completely dispelled, but there is no way to dispel the pollution on the sky tree?

"Is he really dead?" Augula said rudely.

As soon as he finished speaking, he was greeted with a roll of the eyes from the giants, and Little Stone even kicked his bark hard.

During this period, he and other friends had come to compete in climbing the Sky Tree, and they also dug a hole underneath as a secret base. If he really died, he would probably cry for several days.

The little things following him also put their hands in their pockets, with worried faces, and some even ran up and touched the roots of the Sky Tree with their hands, as if to say get well soon.


The little thing ran to Rhodes, took out his treasured black fruit, and a small bottle of Moon Spring that Rhodes had hidden for him to save his life before, and wanted Rhodes to feed this to the Sky Tree as well.

"Put it away first, I still have it here."

Rhodes naturally knew that the little guys were reluctant to leave, and continued to search in the space ring, intending to try other things.

Just as he was taking something, a piece of yellow crystal fell from the ring to the ground and fell next to the roots of the Sky Tree.

"This is..."

"A branch of the mother tree!"

Odaman and other giants were shocked and recognized at a glance that it was a branch of the crystal tree, which was the mother tree that gave birth to their mountain giants.

What they didn't expect was that when the branch of the mother tree touched the ground, a miracle happened!

The gray color of the land began to fade rapidly, and the roots of the sky tree rooted on it were polluted and dissipated, and the emerald green color spread upwards little by little.

The only drawback is that the transformation speed is a bit slow.

But even so, everyone was still excited.

"It's really alive!"

"This thing works!"

Even Rhodes didn't expect that something that the Moon Spring couldn't save would react to the branches of the crystal tree.

Doesn't that mean that as long as a crystal tree is planted here, the sky tree can slowly recover?

Thinking of this, Rhodes turned around near the roots and soon noticed the underground base dug by Xiao Shitou and others, and walked in directly.

When he passed through the cave entrance and came inside, he saw that the spacious cave was full of various toys, and some of them were small magic objects he made for them when he was bored before.

No wonder the little guys haven't been seen in the past few days. It turns out that they came here to play.

However, this place is just below the sky tree and is spacious enough to plant crystal trees.

After a circle and coming to the center, Rhodes took out the crystal tree branch he had cut off before, buried it in the soil, dripped a few drops of Moon Spring, and began to cast cultivation magic on the ground.

Seeing this, the little guys who followed in immediately surrounded him, looking nervously and worriedly, while Augla and the others waited outside.

Half an hour later.

With a puff, a cluster of yellow crystals broke out of the ground, and the little guys cheered excitedly from the cave.

"What's wrong?"

"What happened?"

Augla and the others asked hurriedly, because they were too big and could only worry outside.

Fortunately, they didn't have to wait too long, and the roots of the sky tree gave them the answer.

The roots that were originally eroded and decayed by the black soil began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye. The green full of vitality spread rapidly upward with the cave as the center.

In the cave, a half-human-high crystal flower bouquet grew slowly, constantly changing the surrounding soil and attracting earth elements from all directions.

"It works."

Seeing the changes in the sky tree, Rhodes stopped casting.

The little things cheered happily and circled around the new crystal tree.

I don’t know if it’s because the sky tree has recovered or because there is a new toy in the secret base.

When the giants such as Odaman outside learned about the situation inside, they couldn’t sit still.

When they thought that there was a giant mother tree planted here, they wanted to gather all the tribesmen immediately to surround and protect this place.

At the same time.

There was also a commotion outside the forest.

Many people clearly felt that the growth rate of plants in the giant forest had become much faster, and waves of energy fluctuations spread from the center of the forest.

"What happened over there?"

Outside the Holy Mountain of Elements.

A group of foreign souls who were on pilgrimage raised their heads and looked at the Giant Forest not far away.

The two areas were originally adjacent to each other, and any movement could be discovered at the first time. These foreign souls could naturally see the residents who were gathering quickly over there, and there were even many giants.

It was a pity that the Giant Forest was connected to the swamp area, which was filled with thick miasma all year round.

Even if these foreign souls wanted to go over to find out, they couldn't hold on, and could only stay on the black soil plain scratching their heads, wondering what happened in the Dream Forest.

"Do you feel that the spiritual level of the Dream Forest has been getting higher and higher recently?"

A human mage whispered in the crowd.

"It has indeed become higher. I feel that the speed of spiritual improvement is much faster." Another person followed up.

For a while, the souls opened their chatterboxes and were discussing the recent changes in the Dream Forest.

For example, who stayed in the depths of the Dream Forest for a day and successfully advanced to a fifth-level mage.

For example, a genius in an empire, because he meditated in the woods, finally succeeded in casting a forbidden spell and was recruited by the imperial army.

With the revival of the dream forest, a wave of magic has emerged in various places, and a large number of magic geniuses and high-level magicians have gradually emerged.

Especially those adventure groups and caravans.

When I took the magician on a mission for the first time, I found that the magician could not only give them a shield to resist attacks, but also use various long-range magic to contain the enemy, enhance teammates and heal injuries. It is simply an all-round helper.

Feeling the huge improvement of the magician for the team, they finally changed their views on this group quickly and began to recruit magician members.

The employment status of magicians soared, and more people flocked to this emerging profession.

And just at this time.

A news that shocked the magic world suddenly spread among magicians.

Someone successfully entered the Holy Mountain area!

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