Farming Tree Spirit

Chapter 11 Are you a masochist?

As early as the first time he encountered the black beast attack, Rhodes had already had the idea of ​​building a protective fence.

However, wood resources are limited.

This idea can only be shelved for the time being.

Now that I saw the dragon blood vines, I was naturally overjoyed and immediately called on the little ones to make guide stakes for those vines.

How could the little thing who had just regained his weapon dare to approach the cane?

It was babbling at the rattan from a distance, looking defensive, and the short spear weapon was well hidden behind its back.

Seeing Rattan didn't respond.

Finally, he seemed to have regained his composure, and his momentum suddenly became much stronger.

After scolding "arrogantly" for a while, he came to Rhodes and started digging soil and inserting wood according to his instructions.

It's like making a climbing frame for melon vines.

They first built a circle around the altar, and then made a simple fence for the plantation.

After all, the altar is the basis of their survival and must be protected as a priority.

After doing this, the remaining wood remains in the altar were finally consumed.

Want more.

I'm afraid I have to go outside to collect the black wood.

Otherwise one would have to wait until the plantation's oak plants grow up.

"This is too poor..."

Looking at the almost empty altar, Rhodes felt a twinge of liver pain.

When I used to play survival and construction games, I would enjoy chopping down any tree, and it would take me a whole day to do it.

Now it was his turn to really do it. He just wished he didn't open the creative mode and copied the materials directly.

It seems that I have to find an opportunity to go out again.

Let's see if we can get some more wood back.

"Let's go and eat something to recover first."

After finishing the fence, Rhodes went to the plantation, picked some ripe black fruits and handed them to the little thing, allowing it to absorb nutrients and restore its magic power.

And he turned around and carefully inspected the growth of other plants.



Rhodes was confused.

He found that in addition to the first small tree, the other two trees also began to bear fruit, and the fruits they bore were somewhat different from the first tree.

Not only is it not that dark.

Even the appearance has changed.

If the first one is a bit like a black sugar apple.

Then the fruits of the remaining two plants are kiwi fruits.

This is not the same breed at all!

But the problem is.

The seeds of the three small trees are obviously the same, and even the branches and leaves are exactly the same. How come one of the children born is black?


Rhodes looked thoughtful.

Suddenly I recalled that when I first got the first seed, it was still hot and humid, but the other two seeds were not like this.

Could it be that the first one was blessed by the moon god?

Is that why different fruits grow?

The more I think about it, the more reasonable it becomes.

I am afraid that it is for this reason that the seeds mutated. It seems that this first small tree needs to be protected.


Rhodes had an idea.

Take a look at the dense plantations and transplant the common crops planted around the small trees to other places to make more space.

These crops are unable to withstand the erosion of black soil, so they are planted next to small trees to seek shelter.

Now that the black soil within ten meters of the altar has been dispersed, there is no need to worry about erosion.

And as far as he knew.

If plants are planted too densely, they will only compete with each other for nutrients, which will ultimately affect their growth.

Therefore, if you want to increase the harvest, you must remove excess competition and give enough room for growth, just like pinching off the small ramets when planting corn.

"When it comes to farming, I have never lost."

After transplanting all the ordinary plants, Rhodes put his hands on his hips and his eyes were full of pride.

Although the plants in this world are strange and strange, many of which are beyond his imagination, he can still cope with it with his knowledge of farming.

Just like the small tree in front of me with its leaves turning yellow.



"Wait a moment!"

"Why did you suddenly turn yellow?!"

Rhodes was completely stunned.

I looked at the leaves of the small tree slowly turning yellow in amazement.

Why is this different from what he imagined? ?

What about nutrient competition?

Shouldn’t you thrive if you make space for it?

Rhodes can guarantee it.

He was definitely very careful when transplanting.

In order not to damage the plants, they even dig out the entire soil and fill the hole while injecting magic power.

But it's better now.

There is no such thing as transplanting.

On the contrary, the little tree that had been untouched became nervous and looked like it was dying.

Even the little thing who was digging soil for the fence noticed something unusual. He ran over and looked at the little tree with a worried face. He stretched out his hand and wanted to do something, but was afraid of hurting the little tree and quickly retracted it. He was so anxious that he almost burst into tears. He thought I ate too many fruits and killed the little tree.

"Eeeah! Eeeah!"

The little thing hurriedly ran to Rhodes, holding the fruit he had been reluctant to eat and hiding in his hand, pointing desperately at the small tree.

Rhodes looked at the fruit and found that there was still some soil left on it. Even the little guy was dirty. It was obvious that it had just been dug out of the soil.

"Don't worry, Xiaoshu will be fine."

After patting the dust on its head, Rhodes suddenly made a decision.

Doesn't it just turn yellow after transplanting other plants? In the worst case, it can be transplanted back to you.

The true art of countercurrent!

Less than half an hour.

Rod put all the plants back to their original positions.

The little creature helped dig the soil nearby, working as hard as he could.

He even carefully buried the fruit in his hand next to the small tree, and then watched worriedly with his hands in his pockets.

"It's green!"

"It's really green!"

With his almost hollowed-out body, Rod exclaimed in surprise.

As soon as the scattered plants were moved back, the withered yellow leaves of the small tree quickly turned green, and the stubble branches also straightened up, completely different from the dying look just now.

This strange phenomenon.

He couldn't help but marvel at it.

The little creature was so happy that it screamed and ran around the small tree, thinking that the fruit it buried was effective.

Rod smiled and didn't expose it.

Instead, he carefully observed the changes in the small tree.

Because it was the first time he had seen such a strange phenomenon, a plant would wither because of the distance of other plants, which was completely contrary to the common sense of nature.

Someone comes to steal nutrients, but it grows better.

What a top-level masochistic physique.

This little tree might be the reincarnation of a yandere.

After experiencing this, Rhodes learned his lesson.

He didn't touch the plants around the little tree again.

Since the growth of the little tree is affected by the surrounding plants, can it grow faster if more plants are planted?

As if to respond to his idea.

At this time, the statue of the Moon God in the center of the altar suddenly lit up, and the soft light instantly illuminated the already dark night.

Another reaction?

Rhodes' face was happy, and he didn't bother to study the changes in the plants, and hurried to the Moon Well.

He had already thought about it, and he must pray to the Moon God for more things this time.

In addition to the necessary seeds, another thing is needed, that is, offensive magic!

After all, relying on the little thing as a combat unit, the defense force is still too weak, and he must have some offensive means.

At worst.

Give a defensive magic.

Otherwise, what can I use to protect the dream forest?

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