"One, two, three grain stations?"

Lan Ling turned around, her expression slightly hesitant.

She seemed to have some impression of this grain store. The store was not big, and the purchase price was also very ordinary. It was an inconspicuous store in Guchenfang City.

I didn't expect that there were high-quality seeds there?

"That's right!"

Chen Mo nodded, but he had already started to calculate how much kickback he should take.

"Thank you!"

This time, Lan Ling didn't get too entangled, but was thinking about what price to sell this information to He Zhiping.

She walked and thought, and when she was about to get in front of the other party, she secretly counted in her heart.

"How is it?"

"Tell me." Lan Ling seemed very calm.


Miao Chen looked at her excitedly, and wanted to pounce on her.

"Of course, but I spent 3 taels of spiritual sand to buy the information from him."

As soon as this was said, He Zhiping frowned instantly.

What does this mean? It couldn't be more obvious!

"You still want spiritual sand?" Miao Chen was immediately deflated. For these spiritual plant husbands, they didn't want to give a penny!

"Give me 2 taels each, and I'll tell you about the grain shop."


Chen Mo didn't know the deal between the three people, nor would he care about their conspiracy.

These days, he still lived the life of an ascetic monk, except for farming and practicing.

During this period, Mei Hua from the 123rd grain station also came to him, of course, he also came with the instructions of the shopkeeper Song.

He said that he invited Chen Mo to go to the market, and if possible, arrange for him to have a good chat at Song Yunxi's house.

Seeing that the autumn harvest was approaching, Mei Hua's purpose of coming was very clear, just to remind him not to forget the agreement.

Chen Mo refused.

There are plenty of opportunities to drink wine, but not now.

He was very sure that before the autumn harvest, as long as he left the spiritual field, the spiritual rice in the field would definitely be snatched by other spiritual plant husbands in less than an hour!

At that time, it would be more than worth the loss.

In the last few days, Chen Mo was even more energetic.

Although the rules of Guchenfangshi were in place, other spiritual plant farmers did not dare to blatantly snatch the spiritual rice from his field, but there was no guarantee that something would happen.

He finally breathed a sigh of relief after putting 800 kilograms of spiritual rice into the wooden house.

Chen Mo used grain bags to pack the spiritual rice into 500 kilograms and 300 kilograms. The next day was to wait for the grain collector to come!

One day, two days, three days... it has been more than half a month.

Seeing the experience of Yangqi Jue increase little by little, there are still three or four days left to break through the 200 mark, but the grain collector has not come yet!

Until the Guchenfangshi came to the owner of the shop, the problem that troubled the spiritual plant farmers was solved.

This person did not come to collect grain, but brought a message!

[This year's insect plague, Ziyun Peak will no longer send grain collectors to come, this year's rent will be reduced, and next year's tax grain will be doubled. 】

This news was like a sweet rain after a long drought, giving those spiritual plant husbands who were like fish trapped in a rut hope and the warmth of Ziyun Peak.

Everyone praised the peak master for his wisdom and kindness.

Some spiritual plant husbands even thought about whether to build a shrine for the peak master.

However, considering that no one was willing to pay, the matter was left unresolved.

The news brought by the market was exciting, but in the year of the disaster, most of the spiritual plant husbands had no harvest, the prosperity of the official road in the past was gone, and even the robbery repair had no business.

Of course, this news was also a good thing for Chen Mo.

Even if the grain tax doubled next year, he could still get about 1,000 kilograms, not to mention that the 800 kilograms of grain were not taxed, and the cultivation resources for the second year were also settled.

Seeing that the breakthrough of the third level of Qi Refining was imminent, Chen Mo did not rush to the market, but continued to practice in the field as usual.

He Zhiping, Miao Chen, Lan Ling and other spiritual plant husbands set off for the market, preparing to exchange the remaining spiritual sand for some fasting pills. They would not be able to practice next year, but they still had to fast.

Xiao Changhua also came to the market.

However, he did not go there on his own initiative, but someone called him to the Niu family shop.

The courtyard of the Niu family shop is very large. There is a long corridor in the north, which leads directly to the main room in the backyard.

At this moment, Xiao Changhua was standing outside the door respectfully, quietly waiting for the call of the shopkeeper Niu.

After a while, Niu Youde came out while putting on his clothes. Next to him was a beautiful female cultivator, who was much more beautiful than Lan Ling, who was also a spiritual plant husband.

"Greetings to the head of the Niu family!"

In the past, Xiao Changhua only dared to call the shopkeeper Niu.

Since last year, he was considered to have been "amnestied", so he changed his name to the head of the family, and when he saw that the other party did not object, he called him that.

"How much loss is this year?" Niu Youde asked with a playful smile on his face.

Talking about business, the female cultivator beside him retreated back to the house.

"No harvest."

Xiao Changhua gritted his teeth, and the first thing that came to his mind was Chen Mo's figure!

That lowly spiritual plant husband who was only at the second level of Qi Refining, but relied on the Gengjin Finger, actually successfully protected two acres of spiritual fields!

"There are unexpected changes in the world, no one can predict that there will be insect disasters this year, let's work harder next year!"

Niu Youde spoke to comfort him.

Xiao Changhua is not stupid, he knows that the head of the family specially called him here, it is impossible that he is just to comfort him.

So, he asked:

"What instructions does the head of the family have?"

"Instructions? What instructions can there be? There are no instructions." Niu Youde's fake smile made Xiao Changhua's heart beat fast.

"Master... you..."

"No instructions, don't you understand?"

Xiao Changhua thought quickly!

Soon, he finally understood.

"I will remember the master's instructions and will never rob anyone this year..."

"What did I say?!" Niu Youde immediately frowned, "I didn't say anything!"

He waved his hand and continued, "Go back!"


Xiao Changhua didn't dare to be negligent or disobedient. He bent over and retreated quickly.

Seeing him leave, the beautiful female cultivator who had just returned to the house came up again, and her jade hands kept rubbing Niu Youde's body.

"Did he really understand?"

"He dared not disobey me!"

Niu Youde smiled and pinched the other's buttocks, and the female cultivator glared at him in pain.

The entire Ziyun Peak has suffered a disaster this year. If there are more robbers at this time, not only will they not get any benefits, but they may also cause unnecessary troubles!

Of course, this is from the perspective of the market. If it is from Xiao Changhua's perspective, he will definitely take action since he has not harvested any grain this year!

And what Niu Youde did was to warn him not to act recklessly.

He believed that even if Xiao Changhua had a few guts, he would not dare to go against his request!


On the other side.

Xiao Changhua listened.

But he didn't listen completely.

He really didn't dare to disobey Niu Youde's orders, so he didn't plan to rob other spiritual plant husbands.

But there was one person, he would definitely kill him this winter!

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