For women, some truths are too cruel, and Li Haitang hopes that he has made a mistake in diagnosing the pulse.

She put down her hand and asked the female waiter, "I heard that my boss has taken the decoction before. Can I see the recipe for the decoction?"

It’s called giving the right medicine, but if it’s the right medicine, how come it keeps getting worse? She hasn't had a thorough examination yet, so she's not sure if it's as serious as she thought.

"Okay. I'll get it right away."

The female waiter was worried and hurriedly opened the door and went out, taking Ginkgo to help. Only Mother Xiao and Li Haitang's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were left in the room.

"I heard from Yuemei that your name is Haitang, which is really a good name."

Xiao's mother broke the silence first, with a gentle tone, "Looking at your belly, you are several months pregnant, right? Do you feel any discomfort?"

"The first three months were dangerous. I was bedridden for two months. Now that the fetus is stable, I feel fine."

For some reason, Li Haitang felt very kind to the woman on the bed. He couldn't explain the reason. In a strange environment, he could let people put down their guard.

Because of her special status, she was always cautious. Originally, she was cautious when she went out for medical treatment. She carried a water bottle with her and only dared to drink the water she brought.

At this moment, she felt that everything she did was superfluous and unnecessary.

"That's it. When I was pregnant, I would immediately vomit if I smelled the scent of powder, flowers, or anything related to spices. I continued to vomit until I was five months pregnant."

Xiao's mother told Li Haitang again that at that time, the maids in the house were forbidden by her husband and were not allowed to wear makeup or powder, otherwise they would be thrown into the Zhuangzi.

During that time, the maids and wives in the mansion not only looked plain, but also wore simple clothes.

"I'm not being pretentious. I feel dizzy when I see the bright red and green colors."

Xiao's mother smiled. She felt that she had a strange disease, so she went to the imperial doctor for consultation. After seeing several people, they all said that everything was normal, and they also told her that there was a baby in her belly.

Xiao's mother was desperate. Before her son was born, she was worried about his future wife.

"It's so troublesome!"

Xiao's mother was also surprised that the servants were loyal at that time, and people outside the house didn't know what was going on. They thought she was pregnant and became ugly, so they didn't let the maids and women dress up, and everyone had to use them to set off themselves.

"So there was a joke."

Xiao's mother has a brisk tone. There is a young boy in the house who is a child picked up by her husband. He looks a lot better. I don't know how much higher he is than those young men. As long as he walks on the street, he will be thrown into his pocket by the ladies. , sachet.

"One day, I met him at home, and I couldn't help it, so I turned around and vomited."

Mother Xiao smiled bitterly. It was easy to talk about it now, but at that time, he was tortured by the strange disease. The husband felt sorry for her and immediately scolded the boy.

The boy was also wronged because he had never been in the habit of applying powder.

To prove himself, he shook his sleeves and took out two sachets, but he had no idea when they were put in!

"Ha ha!"

Li Haitang laughed and asked, "Then you really gave birth to a boy? I'm afraid you don't understand the style?"

"Yeah, I cried all the time when I was a kid. I almost raised her like a girl. Who knew, but later on I really didn't understand the charm. Unlike his father, I'm really lucky that he got a wife."

Mother Xiao smiled from ear to ear, this was her true thoughts.

After recovering her memory, she was not asking about herself or how the Xiao family was doing. The first question was whether Xiao Lingchuan was still alive and had a wife!

Li Haitang nodded frequently, seeming to understand the sorrow of being a mother. No wonder Fang Shaoyao acted like I am shameless, I am reasonable, and she was very proud of it.

Well, being able to trick people is also a skill.

The two were chatting and laughing, and the female waiter came in with ginkgo. The two of them paused for fear of disturbing the good atmosphere.

Bai Guo didn't understand why Madam lowered the price, and the female waiter was even more frightened. She couldn't remember how long she hadn't heard her boss' laughter!

"Let me take a look at the prescription first."

Li Haitang did not forget the business and took the prescription. It was exactly as she expected.

It's just that the next inspection requires her to use her hands and feet, and she doesn't know if the other party is willing.

"Madam, do you have chest pain? Do you feel like there is something inside?"

Li Haitang said it tactfully enough, but it made Yuemei blush. Even though she is a woman and a doctor, she is still embarrassed to answer this question.

Xiao's mother nodded. There was no need to deceive her daughter-in-law.

Li Haitang touched his chin. Looking at the face of the female waiter, he knew how much the Daqi woman avoided medical treatment. She always felt that her illness was difficult to talk about, and then the minor illness turned into a serious illness.

"Can I check this?"

Li Haitang wanted to determine the size of the mass and see how far the disease had progressed, but based on the pulse, it was very pessimistic.


Xiao's mother took off her clothes without any hesitation. Before, the girl only diagnosed the pulse and had never done anything with it.

The other party responded shyly, which made Li Haitang not very embarrassed. She was embarrassed, and she always felt like a mountain king teasing a young lady.

She gritted her teeth, put her hand in and rubbed it, and then she knew what she was doing.

In fact, Chinese medicine has long recognized that some breast tumors are not serious and some are very dangerous. They even say that one in a hundred can be saved.

"It is as hard as a stone, and when it bursts in the future, it will look like a flowering pomegranate." Pu Ji Fang mentioned it inside, and said: "The milky rock, the poisonous cathode and the yang are weak... The inside of the twist is like a mountain rock."

"Ruyan,..., is as big as a bean at first, and gradually becomes like a chess piece. It becomes painful over time, and there is no solution to the pain. In the future, it will swell like a bowl. After the ulcer, it will be as deep as a rock and convex like a lotus. At that time, the internal organs are all If you lose, you can’t save even one out of a hundred.”

Ruyan is one of the most common causes of breast cancer in modern times. Li Haitang is not sure whether the owner on the first floor has reached the stage of cancer because the lump in her chest is so large that she cannot tell whether it is benign or malignant. .

If it's benign, it's easy to deal with, but if it's malignant, she's not sure it can be cured. At that time, she saved Lin Wanjiu's family who was almost burned to death. She got a medical book called "The Complete Collection of Lin Family Medical Records", which recorded that the woman had three lumps in her right breast that had not gone away for more than a she benefited from it. More than 100 doses of Qi Yangrong Decoction were used, and moxibustion was performed with wood-flavored cakes.

, disappeared after a few years.

In another case, a woman had lumps in her breasts. She was asked to take medicine to disperse the stagnation and nourish qi and blood. However, she refused and took medicine that hurt the qi. In the end, the lump became as big as a bowl, ruptured and died.

Among them, a prescription was given, including prunella vulgaris, dandelion, etc., a total of eighteen herbs. Some people were cured, and some relapsed after three years.

Li Haitang concluded at the time that the suspicion had something to do with whether the tumor was benign or malignant. At this time, judging from Xiao's mother's physical condition, the tumor was generally malignant. She had little experience in this area and was not very sure.

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