“This, what the hell is going on here?!” At this time, Haichao was also a little panicked, after all, suddenly he couldn’t control his two legs, which was an unimaginable blow to anyone!

“Qioba, hurry up and check the sea tide!” Nami was also very anxious, looking at Haishio’s legs that could only move slowly but were not obedient at all, she almost shed tears.

“Don’t worry, I’ll take a look!” Qioba put Hai Chao’s leg on the bed, then examined it carefully, and then frowned and said, “The situation is not very optimistic, and I didn’t expect that there would be a problem in such a place before.” ”

“What the hell is going on?” Haichao asked with a frown. He believes in himself and has only survived any difficulty, even if he loses his legs, can’t he become a strong man?! What’s more, now two legs are still growing on his body.

“This…” Choiba hesitated, looked at Nami and then at the sea tide, not knowing if he should say it or not.

As soon as Nami wanted to say something, Haicho said directly: “Qioba, if you have anything to say, just say it, I’m not that fragile.” Nami’s words were held back. She actually didn’t want Hai Chao to know, at least until they came up with a countermeasure, they were telling Hai Chao, otherwise she was really afraid that Hai Chao couldn’t stand it. But Haichao has said this now, and if he doesn’t tell him, he will definitely be more uncomfortable.

“It’s a problem of nerves.” Choiba said, “The pill we developed before added the scorpion tail poison of the desert giant scorpion, which is a violent neurotoxin. Even a little contamination can kill people. However, we have also added other drugs to neutralize, thinking that the toxicity should be alleviated, it will not cause much damage to people, and it will also paralyze people’s nervous system, and the perception of pain will be greatly reduced, which is very needed during combat. But now looking at the situation, the toxins of the desert giant scorpion seem to have some uncontrollable reactions with the psychedelic effect of the psychedelic cactus, causing part of the nervous system in the body of the sea tide to be paralyzed, so they can’t control their legs. ”

“If this is the case, is there still a way to recover?!” Nami hurriedly asked. Her face has changed greatly since Qioba said that the situation is not optimistic, although she did not understand what Qioba meant by those words in the end, but it is not difficult to understand that the situation is very serious!

“There is also a way to recover, but there is no way to solve it now, and I don’t have suitable medicinal herbs on hand. This situation of Haichao is actually just similar to being injected with anesthetics, but the effect of this anesthetic is too strong, and the result cannot subside, as long as there are suitable medicinal materials, there is still no problem. Choiba said.

But Haichao looked at Qiao Ba’s frown and knew that although he said it simply, he just wanted to comfort himself. It seems that that kind of medicine is very difficult to get!

“What medicine is needed, I’ll ask my father to see if there is one in the treasury!” Vivi also said at this time. After all, Haichao became like this for her, and Kobura, so she also wanted to do her part at this time.

“Good.” Choiba promised, and then reported a big name, anyway, Nami Solon, Sanji they were confused, if the place name Nami is very long, say that Kendo Solon knows very well, Ji Siyama can also say a day and a night, but when it comes to medicinal herbs, they don’t understand it at all. After the names of some medicinal herbs, Qioba continued, “These are basically the medicinal herbs needed, these are relatively common, but there is another medicine that is not easy to obtain. ”

“What is it?” Haichao is also strange, he is a botanist himself, but he does not know much about the medicinal value of various plants, so he also wants to learn from Qioba now, so as not to know when there is a treasure in front of him.

“It’s the juice of a man-eating flower!” Qioba said solemnly, “Piranha flowers only exist on islands with tropical rainforest climates like small gardens, but even in such islands, it is difficult to find. ”

“By the way, isn’t the kind of flower we encountered in the desert? It seems to be a man-eating flower! At this time, Luffy came in with his mouth full of food and said, just when he heard Joba say that the tide was not good, he came over, but he ate but still did not stop.

“No, that’s just a variant of the man-eating flower, the real man-eating flower is not like that. It should be purple petals, only two leaves like arms, and then there is a circle of ingrown barbs on the edge of the petals, similar to human teeth, and the stamen in the middle is like a tongue, and the long one will move, which can roll the prey to prevent the prey from escaping. Choiba said.

“Juice from man-eating flowers?” Wei Wei frowned and thought for a while and said, “It seems that there really is no such thing!” “Vivi is very distressed, how can such a big kingdom of Alabastan not even have a tropical rainforest?! But she didn’t think about whether this war would have happened if there were a rainforest in Alabastan? The cause of this war is because of water!

At this time, Hai Chao opened his mouth and said: “I don’t have the juice of the man-eating flower, but I have a seed of the man-eating flower, I don’t know if it can be replaced?” ”

“Seeds of man-eating flowers?” Qioba was stunned for a moment, he didn’t expect that the sea tide would have such a thing, and then immediately said in surprise, “Are you sure that is the seed of the man-eating flower?!” Hurry up and show me, if it’s true, it can also be used instead of the juice of cannibal flowers, although the effect is definitely a little worse, but it can definitely make you recover within two days! ”

“Really?! That’s great! When Nami heard Choiba say this, she immediately cried out with excitement, looking happier than Haiba herself.

“Miss Nami’s happy look is so beautiful!” Yamaji this guy is starting to make fools again.

“This idiot.” Solon said in disgust, then moved away from Yamaji, pretending not to know him.

“What do you nasty green algae head say?!” Yamaji was immediately furious.

“Curl your eyebrows, do you want to find death?!” Hearing Sanji call himself Green Algae Head, Solon was immediately angry, and the two actually fought like this.

“Damn, don’t hit me, you two bastards!” And these two guys were careless, Solon punched Usopp’s nose, directly crooked his nose. Then just when Usopp wanted to stay away from these two guys, Sanji kicked him in the ass again, and Usopp immediately became angry and rushed directly to fight with these two people. The guards in charge of guarding on the side were dumbfounded, are these guys really partners?

And the sea tide showed a hint of a smile, although these guys are messing around, but he can also detect that when Qioba said that the sea tide can recover, they are also obviously relieved, this is the partner, the mouth may not say something, but when there is difficulty, the first thing that comes to mind is help! _

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