At this time, Luffy appeared on the deck of Bharati’s restaurant with a large package. Hai Chao couldn’t help but ask: “Luffy, you still can’t go, it’s been four days, if you really want to spend a year here, then we can go to the Great Voyage first!” ”

“Don’t! Please wait for me, I will definitely explain it to the boss! Luffy said a little anxiously. And at this time, Luffy suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction of the stern. They didn’t notice anything because of the fog, but since Luffy did, it meant that something must be approaching!

So, Haichao and others also stared in that direction, and after a while, they found that there was indeed something, it should be a ship, a big ship! Despite the thick fog, they could still see the huge hull. Luffy’s Golden Melly compares to it as if a child meets an adult!

At this time, some of the more knowledgeable guests in the restaurant have already seen that the skeleton is hung with an hourglass demonstrating to the enemy, and it is the pirate flag of the Klick Pirates! They have heard of this most powerful pirate group in the East China Sea, and they have heard that they have fifty ships and 5,000 subordinates!

“I, I think it’s better for us to run away quickly!” Usopp shouted at several others. Even Nami exclaimed when she saw such a big ship for the first time.

Only Hai Chao said: “This ship looks a little strange!” Yamaji, who had just come out of the cabin, said, “That’s right, this ship seems to be very dilapidated.” “There was still a cigarette in his mouth.

At this time, the wind suddenly picked up on the sea. A strong wind blew through, and everyone saw the true face of this huge pirate ship. It can no longer be described as shabby, it should be described as ragged! The bow of the ship seemed to have been cut by a sharp weapon, only half of it remained, and the sails and everything was tattered, as if it could not be used at all. Even the pirate flag was torn in half.

“Why is this ship so broken!” Luffy muttered.

“It should not be attacked by shells, and it is not like sabotage.” Sanji also said.

“Maybe it’s a long cyclone.” Luffy said with a big grin.

Hai Chao did not speak, he knew how the ship became like this, although the plot behind One Piece did not watch, but such a famous plot is known. It was here that they suffered their first defeat, as if Solon had almost died. That guy is the hawk-eyed man known as the world’s number one swordsman. This ship should have been cut like this by him with his sword!

Hai Chao looked at it with excitement and estimated what kind of strength this Hawkeye would have. If it was the Golden Melly, he also asked himself that he should be able to do this, of course, he also needed to give his all. But this ship is ten times the size of the Meili, and even if he gives his full strength, it is impossible for him to destroy it like this, not to mention that there are people guarding the ship!

At this time, a figure appeared on the ship, and from the ship came to the deck of the restaurant. When he entered the door, everyone saw that there was another person supporting him, it was Akin who had been driven away by them a few days ago.

All the customers looked at the two of them in horror, even the usually bold chefs were a little scared. No way, they are facing Governor Klick, the leader of the strongest pirate group in the East China Sea, Klick!

“Please give me water… Water and food, I can pay for as much as I want. I don’t know how long I haven’t eaten, please give me water and … Food. Klick said weakly.

“He, what’s wrong with him, there is no majesty at all. Is this the leader of that sea pirate fleet, Governor Klick? A chef said softly. As if afraid that Klick would hear it.

“Hahahaha, this is great, he looks like this, just arrest him. Quickly go and inform the Navy, don’t give him anything, not even a glass of water! Paddy said.

“That’s right, such a person can’t save him!”

“After saving him, who knows what will happen!”

“Call the navy to arrest him!” The guests in the restaurant said this because they knew what kind of person Klick was.

At this time, Klick knelt down, kowtowed to everyone, and promised that he would never do anything, as long as he was given food, even leftovers. Akin next to him hurriedly stopped it, he didn’t want his respected captain to do such a lowly thing.

At this time, Sanji came down from upstairs, and he still had a large bowl of fried rice in his hand, and he put it in front of Klick. Akin was dumbfounded, but Klick didn’t care about this, and directly grabbed the fried rice with his hand and ate it in a big mouthful.

At this time, a chef rushed down from upstairs and said to Yamaji: “Yamaji, quickly take the food away!” Don’t you know what kind of person he is? The overlord of the East China Sea, the treacherous and cunning Klick, said this guy! He once pretended to be the navy, killed his boss and set up a pirate group, and once hung the navy flag to rob villages and towns, and also hung the white flag and attacked enemy ships, this guy is a man who will stop at nothing to win! ”

“Ah, what, it turned out to be a villain.” After Luffy heard these words, he directly gave Klick such an evaluation.

And this time, Klick suddenly stood up and knocked Sanji to the ground with a bang, and this sudden scene made everyone unresponsive. And Akin, who brought him over, was even more surprised: “Captain Klick, this is different from what I said before!” The premise of bringing you here is that you can’t make a move on this ship, and he is our lifesaver! Akin said loudly, pointing to Yamaji who had fallen to the ground.

Klick glanced at Akin, then grabbed his arm, and actually made a creaking sound, as if it had broken his arm! And he said, “Well, it’s delicious, it feels like a new life!” Saying that, he threw the Akin he was carrying to the ground. At this time, the guests could no longer bear it, and all rushed to the outside of the ship like crazy.

On the Meili, they looked at the crowd running out of the restaurant, and they were all a little curious. “What’s going on inside?” Usopp asked with some curiosity.

“If you want to know, wouldn’t it be nice to go in and take a look?” However, I am afraid that nothing good happened inside, and the people who did not see it running out seemed to be very scared! Hai Chao whispered to Usopp.

“You, what you said is true?” Usopp’s legs trembled a little again, and his voice trembled and said to the tide.

“Oh, Usopp, you won’t be scared, will you!” Hai Chao said as if mocking.

“How, how is it possible!” Usopp still did not forget to brag at this time, “Because of my bravery, people call me the brave Captain Usopp, how can I be afraid?” But trembling legs still exposed his heart.

Besides, inside the restaurant, the well-fed Klick knocked Yamaji down with one move, and everyone else was shocked. At this time, Klick spoke: “There are probably a hundred of my subordinates on my ship alive, and all of them are seriously injured. Now prepare me food and water for a hundred people, and now someone is starving to death. ”

“We know that only those who save them will attack us, how can we do such a stupid thing! So I refuse! A chef said loudly to Klick.

“I’m not ordering, it’s my order!” Klick said loudly.

“Inform the kitchen, go and prepare food and water for a hundred people, don’t be lazy!” Sanji said to the other chefs.

“Sanji, are you Klick’s undercover agent?!” The other chefs pointed their swords at Yamaji and glared at him.

Sanji was calm, as if he hadn’t seen these swords at all: “We are sea cooks, since we are cooks, then when someone is hungry, giving them food is what we should do, isn’t it?” ”

Bang, at this time, Paddy rushed over and knocked Sanji to the ground: “You bastard, those guys are our enemies!” Fortunately, there is only one enemy now, and since you have eaten, then I will treat you to dessert after dinner! ”

Then I saw him rush to the corner of the restaurant, open a cabinet, and directly take out a huge weapon, as if it was a cannon, holding the cannon in his hand, aiming at Klick, and then blasted out!

With a loud bang, the restaurant was almost covered in smoke. Paddy didn’t believe that anyone could be alive under such an attack, so he laughed loudly and said: “Hahahaha, accidentally broke the door, and now I will be scolded by Boss Tetsuo!” ”

“It’s nothing, you’re also protecting the ship, this little damage counts as something.” The other chefs said to Paddy.

“What are you going to do with those who remained on Klick’s ship?” Sanji asked to Paddy.

“Who knows, might as well sprinkle some butter and fry!” Paddy laughed and said.

But at this moment, a voice came from the thick fog: “That must be delicious!” The thick fog cleared, and Klick, dressed in golden armor, stood there unscathed!

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