Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 957 Buy it

Keke reported a number to her, and Man Bao turned over to look at it. After a while, he fell silent, "Just this sentence?"

Keke said: "It's two sentences."

Man Bao:  …

"There are only two sentences in this book about wine?"

"The host can read other books."

Man Bao looked at the book "As early as in ancient times, human beings have recorded the existence of various drinks. In a book "Langji Cong Tan Continued Talks", it was recorded that there is shochu everywhere today, and sorghum is the main source of liquor. The most correct. The Peijiu, Lujiu, and Fenjiu in the north are all made by Gaoliang.’…”

With only these two lines of records, Man Bao was stunned. She turned to the front to read the title of the book—Studies on Landscapes in Ancient Times.

Man Bao flapped the book, sighed, and began to touch other books to read.

The three books all have a short paragraph about wine, and the most detailed paragraph discusses whether there was distilled wine in a dynasty, because the practice of shochu recorded in history is "fill the urn with real wine, put the mud on it, and cook it by fire. , otherwise it will not be drunk"; but in fact, since ancient times, it is generally believed that shochu is distilled liquor.

Man Bao touched his chin and asked, "What is distilled alcohol?"

Keke said: "This is a definition, I can help you search without buying books."

After that, she retrieved the distilled spirit and showed it to her.

Man Bao saw the two long pages of entries, and said with joy: "Oh, isn't it clear from the above? This entry is more detailed than what is written in the book."

Man Bao turned to the end, and even saw the specific recipes of the two wines listed.

Man Bao was so happy that she wrote it down confidently, remembered, remembered that she felt something was wrong, first of all, this utensil, what is this still?

Also, what is corn?

She knew about sorghum and wheat, but why did so much sorghum and wheat and what kind of corn together make such a little wine?

Man Bao got tangled, stopped writing, and looked at the three books again.

Man Bao stayed up late to read a book, and brought the book to the pharmacy the next day. When there was no patient, she took it out to read. After reading the book that described the most alcohol, she finally knew something.

So after returning home in the afternoon, Man Bao sat opposite Mr. Zhuang and asked, "Sir, you love to drink, and many people in the world love to drink, so why don't restaurants and pubs sell more wine?"

Mr. Zhuang said: "The price of wine is high, who can afford it every day?"

"It's all made of grain, isn't it cheaper to brew more?"

Mr. Zhuang smiled and said, "There are still many people in the world who can't get enough to eat, and the border is unstable. How can we make more wine?"

Man Bao asked, "The poor are against wine?"

Mr. Zhuang nodded slightly, "Not only the poor, many ministers in the DPRK, and His Majesty will not encourage folk brewing, too much brewing, the price of food will also rise, but the court's requirements are also loose, and it will not prevent the folks from brewing. Brewing."

Man Bao thought about it and asked, "Sir, what do you think of my wine?"

Mr. Zhuang looked at her, "You can make wine?"

"Not now, let's learn."

Mr. Zhuang waved his hand and said, "Learn if you want to. There are many winemakers in this world. One less of you is not much, and one of you is not much."

"What if I figured out a particularly powerful way to make wine, and the wine produced is very strong, but it consumes a lot of food?"

Mr. Zhuang: "Then you have to hide the recipe and spread it out. The poor in the world will hate you to death."

Man Bao was disappointed, "That's fine, I'll find a way to brew a bar that doesn't cost anything."

Mr. Zhuang laughed and asked, "Is there such a wine in this world?"

"Yes, isn't that what wine is? Storekeeper Zheng told us today that he just got a bottle of wine," Man Bao's eyes lit up, "Yes, I can make wine."

Mr. Zhuang: ...

He felt that the disciple thought about it as soon as it came out, so he waved his hand and said, "You should first find out how to make this wine, and then think about where to find grapes."

Man Bao muttered: "Chang'an's land price must be high, so if you want to grow grapes, you have to go home and plant them, but when you grow grapes at home, you can only make wine at home, and then bring it to the capital after brewing, it's so far... "

Man Bao was caught in a tangle.

Mr. Zhuang shook his head, took the book in his hand, and said lightly, "If you don't go to take a nap, you will be sleepy in a while."

Man Bao ran to his room.

Man Bao was entangled, but Wu Wulang was not. Now that he had decided to buy this big shop, he aimed at it to the death.

For two days in a row, I asked the owner to come out to talk. With the efforts of him and Yaren, they finally cut the price to 2,800 taels. They found a middleman to go to the yamen to sign the contract and hand over. The furniture and kitchen utensils in the shop were all bought with twenty taels of silver.

The original owner has been shaking his head to express that he has lost a lot.

Wu Wulang smiled and said: "Master Yuan, the tables and stools in the restaurant are old, and they are not very good things. You can't sell them if you want to sell them, and it's not difficult for us to buy tables and stools. It's brand new. Yes, a set of desks and chairs doesn't cost a lot of money. After you do the math, how much does it cost to include the counter?"

The original owner said: "Master Friday, my table and stools are all good wood. If you buy some bad wood, it won't cost you much money."

"We didn't want to cook expensive meals. Naturally, this table and stool doesn't need to be very good. I thought that it would be inconvenient for Mr. Yuan to move these things up and down, so I did it all. If you feel that you are at a loss , you can move out."

Because his false price was too high for them, Wuwu Lang was always a little unhappy, but they just fell in love with this shop, otherwise he wouldn't do business with him.

How can anyone do this kind of business, bully them from out of town, and they charge 400 taels more than others, which is a lot more.

Four hundred taels was enough for him to buy four shops in his county seat.

The original owner fell silent. Of course, it was impossible for him to move the things away. He was really at a loss. His wood was really good wood, but as Wu Wulang said, he didn't necessarily take advantage of him. , because at twenty-two he can indeed buy brand new tables, chairs and counters, although the wood may not be good.

But if the people who come to the restaurant to eat are not very rich people, they will not pay attention to this.

The original owner sighed, and after handing over to Wu Wu Lang, in front of the person, Wu Wu Lang nodded to Zhou Lijun who was following him, Zhou Lijun went out and waved his hand, and Saturday Lang brought Zhou Li back in with a rattan box, and then went out again, Another one came in.

Then open it, there is silver of white flowers on it, and then open another one, there is some gold on it, and the rest is silver of white flowers.

Not only the original owner, but also the officials in the county government were stunned. Is this going to pay off on the spot?

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