Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 848: Spending Points

Xiao Xiaosan could read some characters, but he was also shocked by the densely packed names of medicines on Manbao's paper, he didn't know many of them, so he asked with a little scalp numbness: "Doctor Zhou, do you want all these medicines? "

Man Bao nodded, "That's right, as long as it's born."

Xiao Xiaosan folded the list and decided to take it home to show his father.

Man Bao took back the broken silver from the shopkeeper, calculated the price and gave the money to Xiao Xiaosan, personally sent the person to the door, and then stood by the door and waved goodbye to him.

Xiao Xiaosan ran away without looking back, he felt that the way Man Bao looked at him was particularly terrifying.

Shopkeeper Lao Zheng held his tea and stood behind the counter to watch, shook his head and said, "You girl, when will you get rid of your impatience."

He shook his head and said, "Doing things is just like being a human being. You have to take your time so that you can be stable. You are so impatient, but you can't eat hot tofu."

"Who says you can't eat it? The tofu made by my sister-in-law is very delicious. If you don't pick up a few more chopsticks quickly, there will be no more in the future."

Shopkeeper Lao Zheng: ...

That being said, Man Bao also followed Lao Zheng's shopkeeper's advice, mainly because she found that it was useless for her to be impatient, and it mainly depended on whether the drug farmers could find the raw medicinal materials she wanted.

Anyway, she made money.

Man Bao put all the raw medicinal materials just now into his back basket, carried them on his back and said: "The shopkeeper, Doctor Ji, I'm going home first."

Shopkeeper Lao Zheng looked at the time and estimated that there would not be many patients in the future, so he waved his hand and said, "Go, go."

Man Bao left with the basket on his back.

Bai Erlang went out to play, Bai Shan was studying in the study, Mr. Zhuang was giving him advice, Zhou Zhoulang and Zhou Lijun were going home tomorrow, so they went shopping today.

Man Bao quietly slipped back into his room, took out the medicinal materials and identified them one by one, and handed them over to Ke Ke for collection.

Keke was so happy to collect things for the first time, it suggested: "The host can fix this method."

Man Bao also thinks that this method saves effort and time, but it does not save money.

But, who cares, she is not short of money now anyway.

Man Bao gave Keke a copy of all the medicinal materials, and asked with his chin in anticipation, "Keke, how are you? Have you upgraded yet?"

Keke: "...Host, I think what old shopkeeper Zheng said is good. I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. I just included it, and the entry didn't come out in time. However, Eucommia is a known entry, but it has never been included. According to its Importance, its points are 1300 points."

As soon as the voice finished speaking, Manbao heard the sound of jingling points arriving in the account, and at the same time jingling again, Keke announced an additional sentence, "Sixty-five points are drawn."

Man Bao hurriedly said: "You can draw more, 650 points is fine, I don't mind at all."

Koko ignored her.

Man Bao was very disappointed to see it obeying the rules so much.

Keke: "The remaining points are down, I will notify the host."

Man Bao sighed and wandered around the forum, seeing that there were all kinds of problems in the posts hanging on it, so he couldn't help but post a post asking, "I want to upgrade my system, but my system What should I do if I am always unwilling to draw more points to upgrade?"

Man Bao will quit after sending it out, and I plan to go up to take a look at it at night, because based on her experience, it usually takes a long time to get a reply from her posts, and most of the people who will reply to her still have contacts with her. Forum users who have done business.

But unexpectedly, before she had time to quit this time, she heard the news of Ding Dong Ding Dong. She was a little curious, and hurriedly clicked to check, only to find that in a short period of time, there were already many replies under the post , and they were all strangers who hadn't seen much.

First floor: "Everyone, come and see, there is a fool here!"

Second floor: "I've only heard of people who hate the system for taking too much money. I've never seen someone who hates the system for taking too little money. Come on, this friend named Man Bao came out to get to know you. If you have too many points, we won't let you down." I would like to help you digest some."

The third floor: "It's not easy for us to earn points, but it's quite easy to divide points into the system, such as buying things in the encyclopedia, buying a bunch of practical and impractical things."

"For another example, if you buy some things through the system that are far beyond the technology of this time and space, then the system will take a lot of money. No matter how bad it is, you can still bribe your own system with points and buy some programs for it. I don't believe it. No need."

The fourth floor: "This is a fishing post, I don't believe that someone would think of giving points to the system for free, how difficult it is to earn a little points, last time I dug underground for three months just to get a piece of ore, Don’t dare to let people know.”

Man Bao asked Ke Ke, "Can I still buy programs for you?"

Ke Ke said: "It is not recommended for the host to do this, because once the main system determines that I have accepted bribes, I will be in danger of being taken back, and the host will no longer be able to be assigned to the system."

In other words, I will lose myself, and you will lose the system.

Man Bao got rid of this point in his heart, ignored the doubts, shouts and speculations between the floors, and only stared at the useful suggestions, and soon Man Bao figured it out.

"I forgot if they didn't tell you, you also get a commission when I buy things from the encyclopedia."

Keke: "Congratulations to the host, I actually remembered it."

Does anyone have it pathetic?

The host I recognize, apart from buying a particularly expensive electric shock rod from it in the early years, the most I bought from him were books, and I specially chose to buy it when it was on sale in the encyclopedia.

The books in the encyclopedia are not expensive, especially what she likes to read are the cheap ones, the kind of very expensive science and technology books. .

So for so many years, the points it has drawn from the host's purchase are so small that it makes it forget that there is still this channel to earn points.

But Man Bao became excited. Earning points is a bit difficult now, but spending points should be easy, right?

Man Bao excitedly ran to look at her total points, and then entered the encyclopedia to read books. She first bought all the books she had been collecting but was reluctant to buy at one go, and then paid for the encyclopedia to follow. She burned the text of this world into books, and then plunged into the encyclopedia to continue picking books.

Keke couldn't help but stop, "Host, although I really want to upgrade, have you ever thought about how to get out of the books you bought? If someone asks..."

"What's the matter, I'll put it with you first. I will take out a copy every once in a while and say that I bought it outside. There are so many books in the world, who can read them all?"

Keke was relieved to hear that she wasn't going to take out more than two hundred books in one go.

Because Manbao bought a large number of books, Keke got a lot of money from the encyclopedia. After the jingling, Keke said: "I upgraded, and now the scanning range is within one thousand meters."

With a wow, Man Bao couldn't help but rolled up his sleeves and said, "Keke, let's continue."

"Host, don't you really want to check your points?" Keke said: "Although you still have a lot of points, I don't recommend you spend them like this. If you need points in case of an emergency... ..."

"That's right," Man Bao suppressed his mood. Although he was a little disappointed, he said happily: "It's not bad to be able to advance to the next level. We will strive to advance to another level before Shangsi. When we go back, the chances of finding things in the mountains increased."

Next update around 6pm

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