Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 792 The nature is hard to change (Give the book friend

He took the basket and money and walked home, determined to live a good life in the future, but the distance between the two families was only a few hundred steps, and as he walked, the hands of the scorpion touching the money became hotter and hotter. The money handed over to her parents was subconsciously pulled into her arms.

He felt that today's luck was the best in recent years. After all, not to mention an extra basket of ginger, and an extra ten cents, maybe he could really turn around and win?

Scarlet went home quickly, handed the basket in his hand to his parents, then went back to the house to touch the last handful of money, then gathered his clothes and went outside.

Seeing it, the mangy father couldn't help asking, "Why are you here?"

"Go out for a walk, don't come back at night."

The scarlet father's face was a little ugly when he heard this, usually when he said that, he was going to gamble, he hurriedly chased him out, but only saw the back of the scarlet, he stomped his feet angrily, and didn't fall asleep for another night .

As soon as the boy left, the Zhou family gathered again to continue the meeting, unaware that the boy turned around and went to gamble after leaving them.

Old Zhou Tou carefully recalled the scene of his younger brother's return back then, frowning and said: "He was very happy when he came back. It is also possible to meet acquaintances on the road and say hello."

But Qian said: "He has been away for six or seven years, and he has changed. Even if he saw him, he couldn't recognize him. When our family held his funeral a few days ago, all the relatives and friends we knew basically came to the door. It's never been mentioned that anyone saw him that year."

"Moreover, what happened more than ten years ago, even if I encountered it, I would have forgotten it long ago, why would I bring it up now?" Qian said: "Magistrate Yang may be bluffing by saying that."

Zhou Zhoulang looked around and asked, "Where did Magistrate Yang know about Uncle?"

Qian sighed and said, "I'm afraid it happened in the funeral newspaper."

She doubted: "You said, did the family member named Zhou Yin who died in Shangzhou be found, so..."

Old Zhou Tou pressed his head angrily and said: "At that time, I just thought about giving him a proper burial."

"What are you afraid of?" Mrs. Qian glanced at him and said, "It's really because of this that we are not afraid anymore. The official came to the door, and we just didn't know what to say. The yamen said that it was our Zhou Yin, so we naturally recognized it. gone."

Zhou Dalang said: "The scarlet head is too flustered, Mr. Yang is so smart, will he see something?"

Qian Shi gritted her teeth and said, "As long as no one confesses, then they have no evidence, it's just guesswork, and there's nothing they can do against us."

Wu Wulang asked: "Mother, you just believe in Scarlet so much, what if he says so?"

"If he said it, can we still sit at home now?" Zhou Zhou Lang glanced at him and said: "Scarlet must not have said it, since he didn't confess after being beaten, he probably won't in the future, and this time County magistrate Yang is not in the county either."

Old Zhou asked, "Where did he go?"

"Man Bao said that County Magistrate Yang is getting married and has to go back to the capital, and he is probably on the way right now."

Old Zhou's family all breathed a sigh of relief. They are not in the county, so there is no need to worry for the time being. They can also take it easy and think about how they would answer if County Magistrate Yang came to ask them.

The old Zhou family relaxed, and Qian said to Zhou Zhoulang: "You should go to Yizhou City to accompany Manbao tomorrow, and keep an eye on her, and don't tell her to be deceived by County Magistrate Yang."

Zhou Zhoulang: "Mother, Man Bao doesn't know anything, what can Mr. Yang lie to her?"

Mrs. Qian thought about it, but she still said: "You better look at Man Bao, and keep her away from Master Yang and that Master Tang."

Zhou Zhoulang responded with a bitter face, feeling that the task was very difficult.

After the discussion was settled, everyone went back to their respective houses to appease their daughter-in-laws. Zhou Zhoulang dealt with Fang's family very well, but Friday Lang was a little flustered.

He was still very young when his uncle left, and he didn't remember him very much at all. The reason why he knew that he had a uncle was because his parents and elder brothers often whispered in his and Lao Liu's ears.

It is said that the reason why they survived when they were young was that their uncle brought back a bag of wheat from outside.

So he always knew that he had a brother-in-law, and twelve years ago, the uncle returned home with his wife and children, and brought them back a lot of delicious, fun, and beautiful fabrics to make clothes, so he likes his brother-in-law very much , Only then did I really remember him.

And from then on, the family no longer mentioned my uncle. The things about my uncle in his memory were all told by his family when he was younger. When his wife asked him, he couldn’t tell about his uncle, and he couldn’t find other things. With an excuse, he could only remain silent.

Lu Zhi was so angry that she scratched him a few times, and finally vented her anger.

Qian didn't care about the affairs of her sons' house. She said it firmly in front of them, but she was also a little uneasy.

As soon as he got back to the house, Qian twirled three sticks of incense. After lighting them, he respectfully knelt down in front of the Tianzun's portrait and kowtowed to offer incense. He only hoped that the Tianzun master would bless him, and bless that this time there was no danger.

Old Zhou Tou sat aside and sighed, "It's been the past twelve years, Man Baoyan is about to grow up and get married, how can this matter be revealed?"

Qian looked up at the portrait of Tianzun, and asked after a while: "Do you believe what the Yamen says?"

"What?" Old Zhou Tou didn't turn the corner for a while.

"Do you believe what those officials said twelve years ago? The second child is a bandit."

"I don't believe it," said old Zhou Tou, "Bandits and thieves can still marry a daughter of a scholar's family?"

"..." Qian Shi said: "I believe in the character of the second child, he is not that kind of person."

"That's right, can I not know about my brother? He only helps people, but he doesn't do harm like this."

"So you said, if you tell me, can the government give the second brother justice?" Qian Shi said: "There are also those who killed the second brother and his younger siblings back then. Let them close their eyes, right?"

Old Zhou was taken aback, and couldn't help shouting in a low voice: "You're crazy, it's been so many years, how can we investigate this? And the official who believed Zhou Yin was a thief back then had covered the paperwork. Definitely trust the official more."

"But County Magistrate Yang looks okay, and he and our family Manbao are still friends."

Old Zhou was silent and did not speak.

He didn't speak, but Qian himself sighed, shook his head and said: "Forget it, the family and the family are behind us, and there are people from the whole Qili Village behind us, so it's fine if the county magistrate Yang can really help the second child clear his grievances." , if not..."

Then the whole Qili Village will be dragged into the water by her, no matter how unwilling Qian is, she can't be so confident.

The whole village has been keeping secrets for their family for so many years, so it doesn't make sense to be implicated by her in the end.

Qian suppressed this delusion, looked at Master Tianzun again, kowtowed his head and muttered, "Please also protect Master Tianzun, this time County Magistrate Yang can't find anything."

Good night, tomorrow we will continue to add more

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