Of course it's not difficult, Luojiang County is a lower county, there are not many scholars, and there are not many people who can read and write. On this day, many shops will hang up lanterns for people to guess riddles, so as to celebrate.

Originally, there were too many people and few lanterns, and the difficulty of lantern riddles was increased, so there was no need to play tonight.

Therefore, the lantern riddles at Dengshan Mountain are all progressive, and the lantern riddles at the foot of the mountain are not difficult, and some of them are colloquial sayings, even if they are illiterate, they can be read out, and smart people can always guess them.

Naturally, Bai Erlang didn't like this kind of lanterns, and the lanterns he chose were all above three or four floors, and they were more beautiful.

The three of them guessed all the way, and there were too many lanterns in their hands, so they couldn't hold them down. The three of them stuffed them to Daji who was walking behind, and they jumped in front happily.

Daji: ...

After visiting the Dengshan Mountain behind, the three of them figured out the taste. There were many people watching around the Dengshan Mountain, but there were not many people guessing the riddles.

There are only a few of them who are dressed as scholars at first glance.

After a careful look, Man Bao understood, rolled his eyes, and simply stood in front of the lantern mountain, pointing to a lantern at the bottom of the lantern hill and asked loudly, "Who wants to guess the lantern riddle, I will read the lantern riddle to him." listen."

Immediately, the echo of "I, I, I" came from the crowd around the lantern, and there were quite a few people listening.

Man Bao smiled slightly, and said, "Fluffy and fluffy, flying in the air in March, looks like snowflakes from a distance, but looks like a ball of velvet up close."

As soon as she finished speaking, a person in the crowd raised his hand and shouted: "Liu Xu, Liu Xu—"

Man Bao smiled slightly, and took down the lantern and handed it to him. The little brother squeezed forward, narrowing his eyes with a smile. He took the lantern and went to the person guarding the lantern mountain to get the answer. You can take the lantern and go.

If not, he has to hang up.

Everyone followed to join in the fun, and sure enough, seeing that the answer to the riddle was correct, the young man happily ran away with the lantern, not knowing who to give it to.

Man Bao was immediately surrounded by people, "Little lady, read this."

"Read this too..."

Bai Shan stepped forward to help, "I'll help you read..."

The three of them will read lantern riddles to everyone, let them guess if they can guess, and if they can’t guess, they will look at the face of the person who wants to guess the riddle. Skip those three people.

The people guarding the Lantern Mountain obviously didn’t expect that there would be people guarding the Lantern Hill to read lantern riddles to people. You must know that although there were literate people who helped read lantern riddles in the past, it was a request from someone who wanted it when I came to guess the lantern riddles. Only read one or two.

How can there be such a person who stands in front of the lantern mountain and reads lantern riddles to people?

But he couldn't stop them, because they didn't violate the rules.

However, he would get stuck occasionally. For example, if someone obviously didn't guess it, but they saw that the person was good-looking, or they were young, and they instructed someone to guess it, he would send it back as a violation of the rules.

Seeing that they had guessed all the first and second floors of Dengshan, and the third and fourth floors were also missing a lot of lanterns, the originally beautiful Dengshan became in disarray. Drenched in cold sweat, this night is still very long, the lanterns are really guessed, it would be too embarrassing, if the master knows...

The lampkeeper hurriedly stepped forward and said to Man Bao: "Little lady, there is a mountain of lamps down below, there is also down here, why don't you all go and have a look?"

Man Bao thought about it, and thought it was a good idea. Anyway, the county is so big. This night, it will take a long time, so everyone should do good deeds.

Man Bao pulled Bai Shan and Bai Erlang on, and headed for the last lamp mountain. Everyone immediately followed them and surrounded them to the last lamp mountain.

The originally quite spacious street suddenly became crowded, and the yamen guards who were patrolling the street noticed the change, and quickly grabbed a person who was pushing forward with the crowd and asked, "Why are you going?"

"Go to the next lamp mountain to guess the riddle."

"Isn't there a lamp mountain up there? Why are they all coming here?" People are crowded, what if something happens?

"The lamp mountain above has been guessed almost, let's guess this one."

The yamen servant looked at him suspiciously, "Are you literate?"

"I can't read, but there is a literate lady and two young men who read lantern riddles for everyone to guess. At the last lantern mountain, I guessed more than 20 lanterns. It's a pity that I was too slow to talk. But someone else."

Yamen servant: "...is your brain slow?"

He let go of the man, and also squeezed into the crowd. Relying on the power of his clothes and his own efforts, he finally squeezed to the front, and saw three very familiar people surrounded by the crowd.

For some reason, he knew that they were friends of the county magistrate, but he still had some bad premonitions in his heart.

He glanced at the three of them, turned around and squeezed out, found his colleague who was on duty with him, and said, "Hurry up, go and tell the county magistrate, his three little friends are making...something."

The busiest street in Luojiang County is just this one. The restaurant is in the middle of the street. It's not close, but it's not far. It can be reached in half a quarter of an hour.

County Magistrate Yang was silent when he received the news, and then asked, "Are there many people guessing the riddle?"

"There are quite a lot of them, and the street is directly blocked. People on this side can't get through, and people on that side can't get through either."

County Magistrate Yang nodded, approvingly said: "Not bad, these lanterns are finally in use, you go, bring a few more people, and block the passage for one person to pass through the section where they guess the riddle. , don’t allow people to be crowded, be careful of people falling and crowding out Dengshan, and others, let them go.”

However, there are only so many people in the county, and it is impossible to squeeze out Dengshan.

Most people are crowded.

The yamen servants responded and moved half of the security forces there. After they guessed the lantern, they moved back to the lantern above. The crowd followed and the yamen servants also moved.

Cheers and laughter came from the crowd from time to time, and the yamen servants who were trying their best to separate a passage for pedestrians felt that this year's Lantern Festival was noisier than previous years...

After Manbao and the others walked all the lantern mountains again, and read countless lantern riddles for others, they were sure that no one could guess the lantern riddles at the top, and they couldn't see them anymore, so they took their own lanterns and left. went.

Everyone took another look at Dengshan, which was missing arms and legs, and left with laughter.

Many people got the lanterns, but many more didn't.

After all, there are only so many lantern riddles, if you react slowly, you will be snatched away.

But it is undeniable that there are many more people carrying lanterns on the street. Some children saw that other children had lanterns, but they did not, so they clamored to buy them...

The adults can't resist it, so they can only spend money to buy it for them.

As a result, there are more and more people carrying lanterns on the street. Looking around, the whole street is full of flowing lights, which is too beautiful.

Next update around 6pm

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