Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 751 Scary (Updated in 10.04)

Of course not.

Man Bao didn't regret beating Bai Ning, and she wasn't even very scared, but seeing that the fourth brother was so worried that he was about to pull his hair off, she thought carefully about what medicine could make them look particularly miserable.

Man Bao searched and searched in his limited knowledge, checked and checked, and finally shook his head and said: "No."

Zhou Zhoulang asked with a bitter face: "Then what should we do?"

Bai Shan also came out with good medicine, thought for a while and said: "Since you can't pretend to be external, how about pretending to be internal?"

After finishing his sentence, he covered his stomach and said, "Oh, I got kicked out and got internal injuries, and my stomach is bleeding."

Man Bao looked aside for a while, then covered his head and said, "I have a headache, my head was bumped, I'm so dizzy."

Shirajiro: ...

He raised his paw and pressed his chest, and asked Man Bao: "Then my heart hurts?"

Man Bao: "My heart hurts ass, my heart is on the left side, you pressed it wrong."

Bai Erlang moved his hand to his left chest, "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, my heart hurts."

Bystanders in a yard: ...

Mr. Zhuang, who stood at the door of the study and watched the whole process, pressed his head with a headache, moved a chair out and put it in the yard, and asked them curiously, "Why are you fighting with Bai Ning? You can bully the less."

Although his three disciples are relatively smart, they are still very disciplined sometimes. For example, they will not bully the less with the more against ordinary enemies, and can basically maintain the rules of justice.

If he remembers correctly, the second son of the Bai family next door seems to be about the same age as the three children. Shouldn't this situation be one-on-one?

It's still three-on-one?

Zhou Lang was also curious.

Man Bao lowered his voice and said, "Sir, fourth brother, do you still remember the crying that came from our house when night fell a few days ago?"

Mr. Zhuang shook his head, "I don't remember."

Zhou Zhoulang said: "I remember!"

Mr. Zhuang couldn't help looking at him.

Zhou Zhou Lang said: "Sir, it's not our side, it's the Xiao's house where we live across the street. Did he do this? Let me just say, the Xiao family is just in jail, and no one is dead. How could there be any?" What about the ghost? It made me hide here to live here for the past two days."

Mr. Zhuang: " you moved back these few days because the opposite side is haunted."

Zhou Zhoulang smiled embarrassedly at Mr. Zhuang.

Since Zhou Zhoulang also rented the yard of Xiao's house opposite, Datou and Ertou would use their own ox carts to deliver medicines and vegetables to the family from time to time.

Liu Liulang also basically moved out of Zhiwei Restaurant, and now lives opposite.

Even Zhou Lijun lived there, and the old Zhou's family basically lived there, so they didn't have to pay the living expenses here.

As a result, I don't know why in the past two days, not only Zhou Zhoulang and Zhou Lijun came back to live again, but even Saturday Lang came back from work at night, and he went straight to Zhou Zhoulang's room to share a bed with him.

The big head and the second head were not there, and the Xiao's house across the street was vacant in no time.

Mr. Zhuang thought it was because their quilts were not cold enough, but now he heard...

Mr. Zhuang asked: "What's the matter with haunting?"

"It's not haunted!" Man Bao said with some disappointment: "We went to check, it was a little girl from the White Mansion who was crying..."

At the beginning, when I heard the fourth and sixth brothers say that the Xiao family was haunted again, Man Bao and the others were also excited.

But because of the lessons learned from the past, they all felt that it was not haunted, but someone deliberately pretended to be a ghost and cried.

But the crying sound was real, and it didn't seem like it was intentionally scary, and they searched carefully, and found that the person was crying not in the alley, but in the White Mansion on the opposite side of the wall. Son, even Man Bao was a little suspicious, thinking it was really haunted.

So, on a dark and windy night, it wasn't actually that dark, it was just when the geniuses got dark and they had just returned from a walk after having a full dinner...

Basically, the crying on the other side came from this moment.

Under Daji's gaze, Man Bao and the others stepped on the wall and jumped up to the top of the wall, then lit a red lantern and jumped off the top of the wall, frightening the little girl who was crying by the wall and fainted.

Fortunately, Man Bao was quick and good at first aid, so he didn't scare anyone to death.

But the little girl was quite frightened when she woke up. When she saw Man Bao, she immediately burst into tears, saying that she didn't mean to harm her...

Man Bao was at a loss, thinking that the little girl had admitted the wrong person, but in the end she kept holding Man Bao's hand firmly, knelt on the ground, kowtowed and cried, "Miss Zhou, I really didn't mean to , I was also punished, please let me go..."

Man Bao took a closer look at her, and then said "Huh" after a while, and said, "You are the little girl who led me but got lost at that time."

The little girl raised her head, looking at Man Bao with snot and tears all over her face.

Bai Shan frowned and asked, "What do you mean by that? Did she get lost on purpose to harm you?"

Only then did the little girl realize that there were other people around her, she looked up tremblingly, and saw Bai Shan and Bai Erlang standing beside her, and then she reacted belatedly.

That's right, Miss Zhou didn't die, she left alive and was not wronged, how could she turn into a ghost and come looking for her?

But under the gaze of the three pairs of eyes, the little girl still trembled, because she seemed to have said something extraordinary just now.

Bai Shan took a step forward, and together with Man Bao Bai Erlang surrounded the little girl who had fallen on the ground, the little girl couldn't bear it, so she burst into tears and shouted: "Miss Zhou, please forgive me, I too Listen to the second young master's order, I didn't intend to harm you."

Bai Shan frowned and asked, "Bai Ning? How does he want you to harm Man Bao?"

The little girl hiccupped from crying, and said: "Yeah, it's nothing, just let me lead Miss Zhou to the most remote place in the garden on the day of the Winter Solstice Banquet, where there are many trees and gloomy, and if you say something to scare her." Miss Zhou, just let her make a fool of myself."

Bai Erlang scratched his head: "You hide here and cry because you didn't harm Man Bao?"

The little girl shook her head in fright, "No, no."

How could she be so bad that she would cry because of such a thing?

She explained: "I didn't expect Miss Zhou to know the way, so I could find the lotus pond before I arrived." The little girl said: "The second young master was very angry when he came back from outside the next day, and then he smashed the cup and said yes I smashed it, and transferred me to the garden to be a rough envoy. I have to do a lot of things every day, and when I go back, the food is all eaten up. where we cry..."

How did she know that after finding such a hidden place, she was discovered by someone, by Zhou Man.

The little girl didn't dare to cry loudly, so she could only sob softly.

The next update will be around 9pm

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