Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 719: Bone Setting II

Man Bao held his upper arm with both hands, in an unbiased position, which happened to be the one she held just now, but now she holds it with both hands and only pulls back, which will save a lot of effort and require more strength.

Zhou Zhoulang finally realized that the pulling was wrong, but before he could speak, Doctor Ji had already held his lower arm and said, "Okay, I'll say three two one, let's push hard together."

"Three, two, one—"

What resounded in the room was Zhou Zhoulang's screams...

Doctor Ji continued to exert force, and said in a repeated voice: "Go on, go on, okay, relax slowly... Yes, that's it, let's do it a few more times..."

Then he closed his voice and said Zhou Zhoulang's eyes widened, tears streaming down his face, "Doctor Ji, Doctor Ji..."

Doctor Ji calmed him down and said: "This is always the case for bone setting. The pain now is better than the pain day and night in the future. Come to Manbao, let me count three to two one and let's continue..."

When it was over, not only Man Bao and Doctor Ji, but even Daji were sweating, let alone Zhou Lang.

Zhou Zhoulang's voice was hoarse, and he sat on the chair and sobbed aggrievedly.

Doctor Ji was very tired, he waved to Man Bao and said, "Give your fourth brother some medicine."

Man Bao answered.

He took out a kind of ointment and applied it on Zhou Zhoulang. Doctor Ji smelled something wrong and asked, "Why doesn't this smell like the ointment we usually use in our pharmacy?"

Man Bao smiled and said, "I boiled this myself, and I used another prescription. It is said that the ointment is a better ointment?"

It is said that Teacher Mo said this, and this prescription was also mentioned in class a long time ago.

It took two days for Manbao to cook.

Doctor Ji thought about it, it seems that when Zhou Lijun went to the pharmacy to invite his son the day before yesterday, he bought a lot of medicinal materials by chance.

Doctor Ji nodded, and after smelling the ointment, he didn't continue to ask.

Ointments are not the same as prescriptions.

The latter can be widely disseminated among enlightened doctors to cure diseases and save lives, and even discuss it among doctors, but the former will definitely become their own secret recipe.

In some families, a piece of plaster secret can support a family for a hundred years. Doctor Ji still knows this taboo, so he won't ask.

For example, Ji Shitang, their ointment is unique, and even his son is not qualified to know the formula.

The ointment was a bit cool, and Zhou Zhoulang didn't feel much pain now, and the ointment was quite comfortable once it was applied.

The blood on Zhou Zhoulang's face recovered a bit. Seeing that Man Bao had wrapped it up for him, and then went to get the wooden plank, he hummed, "You still need to wear this after setting your bones?"

Man Bao nodded, "If you have to wear it, you must not only wear it, but also tie it tightly. You can't even move your hand, so be more honest."

Zhou Zhoulang could only sit and watch her bandage, and Doctor Ji also sat aside and watched.

But one is for laymen to watch the excitement, and the other is for professionals to watch the excitement.

Doctor Ji looked at it for a while, nodded in satisfaction and said, "Yes, how often do you change this ointment?"

Man Bao said: "Three days, slow down later, five days, then ten days."

Doctor Ji nodded, stood up and said, "Okay, I don't worry if you have an idea in your mind, and you can ask me later if you have any questions."

Man Bao nodded.

Zhou Zhoulang quickly asked: "Doctor Ji, is my bone straight?"

"I've touched it, it should be straight, but you have to be careful when you're recuperating, don't mess around with your elbows, don't use this hand before the bones grow..."

Although Man Bao is a doctor, Doctor Ji still gave Zhou Zhou Lang some careful instructions.

Zhou Zhoulang doesn't quite trust his sister's medical skills now, so although he has a headache, he still writes it down carefully.

Man Bao saw that he remembered so painfully, so he said: "Fourth brother, lie down, I will remember it for you."

Thursday Lang looked at her suspiciously.

Man Bao said: "Fourth brother, do you think I am suffering from the pain alone, or is Doctor Ji and I suffering from the pain?"

So the pain is not because of her poor technique, but because of the pain in bone setting, okay?

Man Bao took Zhou Zhou Lang's right hand, patted the back of his hand and said, "Fourth brother, don't worry, even if my bone-setting skills are not very good, the follow-up cooking is still very good, if you feel uncomfortable, just tell me." I."

No matter how bad she is, she still has Keke. When the time comes, she will spend points for Keke to scan, so she can see what's inside.

Zhou Zhoulang was persuaded by her, and asked, "Do you still want to pull and pull like this in the future?"

Man Bao shook his head, "If the bone is straight, you will not pull it again as long as it is not crooked, but if you grow crooked, it is not pulling, but you have to break it again and straighten it again."

When Zhou Zhoulang heard it, he trembled and said, "Isn't this too cruel?"

"So just stay there and don't move around."

Thursday Lang nodded stiffly.

Doctor Ji listened to her threats, oh no, it was a doctor's order.

After listening with a smile, he said goodbye and left.

Man Bao sent Dr. Ji out, and Zhou Zhoulang complained about Daji, "You know that it hurts more when Dr. Ji holds hands, why didn't you remind me? I think you are a good brother in vain."

Daji: "I thought you would like Dr. Ji's bone setting very much."

Zhou Zhoulang choked, and said: "How did I know that Dr. Ji's bone setting is more painful than Man Bao's bone setting?"

"Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain," Daji said, "With Miss Man's strength, she might not be able to pull well for a whole day."

Zhou Zhoulang said with a bitter face: "Then you should also remind me."

Although Zhou Zhoulang was very afraid of the bone shifting, he couldn't stay in the house honestly the next day after the bone was connected, so he got up and moved to the yard to sit and bask in the sun.

Man Bao didn't stop him, and told him to go to the pharmacy after a while, but Chen Erlang found her before she went out, and he even brought them a load of firewood.

He had come to tell them that the others had agreed to the shipment, eight in all.

When Zhou Zhoulang heard it, he couldn't sit still, and said to Man Bao: "The family should have received the letter by now, and we will start from here when they deliver the letter. I have a few friends here who can also use it, and there are probably five or six people here. , that's about it."

Zhou Zhoulang was afraid that she would really go to the street to hire twenty or thirty people for him, so he took over the matter almost immediately, "Don't worry about this matter, go to the pharmacy to learn medical skills, and I will let Lijun run errands, Is she more familiar with these things than you?"

Man Bao was very curious and asked, "Fourth brother, what does your friend do?"

"To take on such a job, of course it is a coolie, that's all right, don't ask me."

After sending Man Bao and Chen Erlang away, Zhou Zhoulang immediately asked Zhou Lijun to find someone.

As soon as Zhou Lijun heard that he wanted to find San'er, he asked, "Fourth Uncle, didn't you say that your friend was a coolie? How did you find San'er?"

The third son is a beggar. Zhou Lijun has met him several times. He is very young, only eight or nine years old. Zhou Lijun knows him because Zhou Zhoulang took her to find him and asked him to take her in the streets and alleys. turn around.

Next update around 6pm

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