Bai Shandao: "Because there are no car dealerships in Luojiang County."

Thursday Lang was silent.

There are car dealers in Yizhou City. What is a car dealer? It has car hire and car rental services.

Luojiang County is very small, and everyone rides a car, basically waving on the official road or at the gate of the city, asking where to go, and paying some money in the same direction to climb in the car and sit for a while.

Of course, everyone also calls this a car dealership.

Zhou Zhoulang used to think that it was called a car dealership, and there were people who specialized in matchmaking.

But he didn't know until he arrived in Yizhou City that it didn't count at all.

A real car dealership occupies a street and slips past. There are ox carts, mule carts, donkey carts, and horse carts. You can rent a car or hire a car.

Those who are close can wander around in the city, and those who are far away, even if you want to go to the Western Regions, there will be a brave person who will take the order. As long as you can afford the money, he can even hire a guard for you.

Of course, there are also cheap ones. Some small businesses need cars. When they can’t afford cars and horses, they will rent or hire them there.

Bai Shan didn't know this before, but both Zhou Zhoulang and Zhou Lijun had gone to a car dealership to look for jobs, and he kept it in his mind when he went home and told them about it.

So at this moment he said: "The efficiency of a car going back and forth is too slow. Even if you add your family's ox cart, it is not cost-effective to use so many people to protect two cars back and forth. It is better to spend a little money to rent a car and make two trips. Let’s do this business and get the money.”

Man Bao nodded again and again, which meant the same thing.

Zhou Zhoulang became entangled, thinking that the cost was unnecessary, but also felt that what they said was right, what if he was robbed again?

It is obviously more costly for so many people to only guard two cars.

Before he got entangled, Man Bao had already stretched out his hand and pushed him down on the bed, saying: "Don't worry about these things, just let your mind rest at ease, and I'll help you fix it."

In fact, it wasn't just her, Zhou Lijun, Bai Shan and Bai Erlang also helped her calculate the cost.

Zhou Lijun is quite familiar with the wages in the city, after all, she has been looking for a job for several months.

As for the cost of renting a car, Zhou Lijun said: "Sister, I will go to the car dealership and ask about it later."

"Don't ask about the price of the carriage. It must be very expensive. Ask about the ox cart and the mule cart."

Zhou Lijun responded and asked: "Then do you want my father and the others to come and bring these cars and people back? Otherwise, what if they run away with the cars?"

Bai Shan: "...there is a mark of a car dealership on it, where can they go? Let's find some workers who have a small family in Yizhou City."

Man Bao said: "Let's write a letter to the eldest brother and let them harvest the wheat seeds, so that the wheat seeds can be pulled over as soon as the car passes by."

On this point, everyone has no opinion.

Man Bao began to write letters.

Zhou Zhoulang was injured, so of course he had to ask someone to take the letter back. Daji had a familiar business firm, so he took the letter directly to find someone, and guaranteed that it would be delivered to Qianji restaurant in Luojiang County tomorrow.

Before Xiaoqian received the letter, Zhou Zhoulang became worried first. With so much money, and he was the one who led the business from the beginning, how could he not worry about it?

So after taking three meals of medicine and thinking about it all night, he still went to Man Bao and said, "You can hire someone from the city to go back, but you can't hire someone blindly on the street. I just remembered that we do this. The business of wheat seeds has never been big, and they all came quietly. If we bring these strangers back to the village and let them know how our wheat seeds are obtained and what price they are, will our family still be able to do this business in the future? "

Man Bao was stunned, scratching his head and asked, "Then what should we do?"

"I have a few friends who can use them, and I'm sure they won't steal business from us, nor will they betray us." Thursday Lang paused and said, "And that Chen Erlang, he and his It can also be used to help brothers, by the way, didn’t you say that you are treating his daughter-in-law? What’s wrong with his daughter-in-law?”

Man Bao: "Yeah, yesterday I took the time to go to Jishitang to give her an injection, and I gave her a lot of pastries by the way, as a thank you for saving you, and the rest, I can go after you get better, I can't please They drink."

Zhou Zhoulang said: "Then Chen Erlang is a kind person who repays his kindness, and I think it can be used. You don't know, when we met, they also wanted to rob me."

Man Bao's eyes widened, but Bai Shan wasn't surprised at all. When he asked Chen Erlang and them earlier, they asked a few more words, and they were a little vague and guilty, and he had vaguely guessed something at that time.

"They were dressed in tatters, and many of them didn't even have shoes on their feet. At first glance, they looked like refugees. Such people robbed their horses, lost their books, and ran away without a trace. You can change your name and surname to live in the local area," Zhou Lang said: "I was scared to death at the time, but fortunately I was clever and said that as long as they are willing to save me, my family will thank you very much later, and then I said, I have a My younger brother is studying in a government school, I have a younger sister who is a doctor in Jishitang, and a brother-in-law who is a high-ranking official in the military camp..."

Bai Shan: ...

Man Bao: ...

At that time, Zhou Zhou Lang was tense. Although his head was injured, both his mind and eyes were extremely clear at that moment. He could feel that Chen Erlang obviously hesitated when he said that his sister was a doctor in Ji Shi Tang.

Although he didn't know why, it didn't prevent Zhou Zhoulang from immediately arresting his sister and boasting, directly describing his sister as a fairy figure that exists in the sky but not on the earth.

Then Chen Erlang asked him what his name was, and Zhou Zhoulang said: "My surname is Zhou, and I am the fourth in the family. You can call me Zhou Zhoulang."

He added another sentence: "My younger sister, she is the eighth in the family, and her name is Zhou Man. Not only Jishitang, but if you inquire in Yizhou City, someone must know her. Do you know the young master of Ji's family? The stomach was cut when the horse fell, and it was my sister who saved it."

Then Chen Erlang took him back to Yizhou City, and went straight to the small courtyard. Aunt Rong screamed when she saw him, and hurriedly welcomed him in. Shiro was particularly respectful.

Zhou Zhoulang didn't mind at all that he was almost robbed by Chen Erlang and the others, but he felt that Chen Erlang would repay Man Bao by saving him as soon as he heard about it, so he said: "Man Bao, treat his wife well, He has no money, so you pay his wife to buy medicine, and then deduct it from his wages later.”

Man Bao: ...

Bai Shan directly pulled Man Bao out, "Let's go, if you want to invite someone, you have to have a good talk with them, do you want to buy some gifts? After all, they saved Brother Zhou."

Man Bao said: "Send some rice noodles, these things are the most practical for them, and there are also medicinal materials."

Zhou Zhoulang watched the two leave, and they ignored him after calling several times. He was in pain again, hesitated for a while, but still didn't get out of bed.

Forget it, anyway, in terms of smartness, he is not smarter than them, so they shouldn't suffer.

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