Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 690 Circulation of Commodities

Magistrate Tang smiled, ignored his criticism, and continued to ask, "How big is the difference between these two types of wheat?"

Zhou Zhoulang thought for a while and said: "I haven't planted it before, but after my family harvested new wheat in the first year, I sifted the new wheat and changed the wheat seeds with the villagers. Only my family planted selected wheat. The wheat seeds that come out will be harvested in the second year, and my family generally has two more baskets of wheat than others, which is only one mu of land."

Man Bao also frowned and helped to think for a while before saying: "But these years, the seeds planted in the village are all selected seeds from the previous year, and the yield per mu is getting higher and higher, but now even the wheat seeds are only selected. Going through it twice is better than changing our family to someone from the village the first time.”

Magistrate Tang nodded before asking the price.

Zhou Zhoulang thought for a while and said: "The wheat seeds I sell now are all 140 yuan a bucket. If Mr. Tang wants it, then I will pay five yuan a bucket cheaper, how about it?"

Now the seeds in grain stores in Yizhou City cost 150 yuan a bucket of old wheat, and 200 yuan for new wheat. Basically, ordinary people can’t afford new wheat seeds at home.

Magistrate Tang raised his eyebrows slightly, and asked Zhou Zhou curiously, "Why are you selling it so cheap?"

Zhou Zhoulang didn't think it was cheap, because it wasn't that expensive when he went back to his hometown to buy these wheat seeds. Even if some folks fooled him with the wheat that had only been screened once, it would not be a loss if their brothers screened it again after returning home. .

A bucket can make a lot of money.

And, "Master Tang, I don't have a storefront, so I sell it directly in the countryside. If I don't make it cheaper, who will buy it from me?"

Master Tang laughed and asked, "Then do you know that things like grain seeds cannot be sold without a storefront, and after they are sold, they have to pay a tax to the county government."

Zhou Zhoulang was stunned, and said: "Master Tang, I paid the tax for entering the city."

"There is more than a city tax for doing business. If you don't believe me, ask your sister to read the "Law of the Jin Dynasty."

Zhou Zhoulang immediately turned to look at Man Bao.

Bai Shan did not know when he stood behind Man Bao, and upon seeing this, he said, "Brother Zhou, what you are selling is obviously surplus wheat at home, why did it turn into wheat seeds?"

Zhou Zhou Lang came back to his senses in a jerk, nodded immediately and said: "Yes, yes, yes, what I sell is wheat, not wheat seeds. As for whether they buy wheat to eat or plant, then I don't know. "

Man Bao nodded again and again, looking innocently at Magistrate Tang, "Master Tang, I heard that there are still many refugees in Yizhou City, and the price of food here is high. Our family is a farmer. They bought some wheat from us." Is it normal to go back and eat?"

County Magistrate Tang knocked Bai Shan on the forehead, and laughed with the three of them: "Slippery, isn't your 140 cents a bucket of wheat not expensive? It's even more expensive than the grain store. where to buy wheat to eat?"

Bai Shan rubbed his forehead, seeing that he didn't look like he was going to ask a teacher for a crime, so he asked, "Then what do you want to say."

"I don't want to do anything," County Magistrate Tang said with a smile, "I heard that the price of good wheat seeds in Yizhou area fluctuated between 110 and 120 before the flood."

Man Bao said: "Then how about we sell you for 120 yuan?"

Magistrate Tang looked at her and said nothing.

Man Bao couldn't help shouting: "Master Tang, all the folks know that our wheat is going to be planted as wheat, so the price we collect is much higher than that of grain merchants going to us, and my fourth brother has to transport it from home." Come here, one hundred and twenty Wen is not expensive at all, do you think about the price of the new wheat seeds in the grain shop?"

Magistrate Tang thought about it, and nodded his head in response, "All right, one hundred and twenty is one hundred and twenty."

"Let's sign the contract," Man Bao said, "Master Tang, we have to agree in advance that you can't resell the wheat seeds that I sold to you, you can only use them yourself, otherwise you will take the wheat seeds from us, turn around and go back Add some money and sell it, then we will have no business, thank you."

Magistrate Tang thought for a while and then smiled, "That's fine, but it's the first time I've signed such a contract with someone, so I'll also explain to you that these wheat seeds are not for me."

The brothers and sisters of the Zhou family stared at him together, and County Magistrate Tang laughed loudly and said, "But don't worry, I won't resell it either. The county government bought it from you."

Man Bao was surprised, "Hey, your county government is also going to distribute grain seeds to the people under its rule?"

Magistrate Tang paused and asked, "Does Magistrate Yang often distribute grain to you?"

Zhou Zhou Lang nodded and said: "Almost every year, some will be distributed, whether it is wheat seeds, grain seeds, or various bean seeds, and sometimes some weird vegetables. Anyway, we will grow whatever the county magistrate distributes. Anyway, vegetables Planting does not take up land, and there are not many other seeds. Basically, a piece of land can be planted. If the planting is good, it will continue to be planted in the next year. If the planting is not good, it will not be planted in the next year.”

County magistrate Tang sighed, "You magistrate Yang is really rich."

Thursday Lang nodded approvingly.

But Bai Shan and Man Bao, who had a lot of contacts with County Magistrate Yang, didn't take it seriously, saying: "County Yang only spent money in the first year, and he earned it back."

Man Bao had seen the head of the county yamen's bookkeeping, and said with his fingers: "When the new wheat was planted back then, County Magistrate Yang bought a lot of new wheat seeds with money, and it was agreed when we distributed the wheat seeds to everyone. Yes, the new wheat seeds harvested next year will be sold back to him at the price he set, and he will set a price no lower than the market price."

"Then the next year, County Magistrate Yang harvested a lot of new wheat, sold half of it to merchants, and distributed the remaining half to others for planting. It was still the same rule. Nowadays, villages of all sizes in Luojiang County are basically They planted new wheat, and every year except for the wheat seeds they kept at home, the best batch of wheat seeds were taken away by County Magistrate Yang, no matter how many grain merchants they went to, they couldn’t grab the county magistrate Yang.”

Zhou Zhou Lang nodded again and again, "And the price offered by Yang County Magistrate is slightly lower than those of those grain merchants. Master Bai can't compete with Yang County Magistrate. It means that Yang County Magistrate doesn't like these sifted wheat now, otherwise, except for our village , other villages will not sell us.”

But he didn't react, what does this have to do with what they said before?

He turned his mind for a moment and asked, "Man Bao, you mean, County Magistrate Yang is just like our family, buying and selling to make money?"

Man Bao emphasized: "It's not the county magistrate Yang, it's the county government!"

"However, if the county government has made money, it will naturally pay back the money owed to Mr. Yang." So Mr. Yang did not lose money at all.

Magistrate Tang counted the back and forth, and sighed: "This is a profiteer."

Man Bao and Bai Shan looked at him silently.

County magistrate Tang coughed lightly, and asked, "Can't it be a little cheaper? My wheat seeds are distributed to the refugees under my rule. Our Huayang County is not as poor as your Luojiang County, and is very poor."

The next update will be around 8pm

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